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Discussing About Micro Marketing of Mobile E-commerce Age
MA Zhiping, TANG Ping, YANG Yingmei
Management Department, Beijing Youth Politics College, 100102
[email protected]
Abstract: This paper proposes that it is quite important to do some Micro marketing Strategy of Mobile
E-commerce. First introduced the definition of micro marketing and put forward with the rapid growth
of mobile computing, especially through WAP technology makes mobile E-commerce possible. After
the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Mobile electronic commerce, mobile electronic
commerce and the internet brand management, then put forward the Micro Message Marketing and
Micro Blog marketing. In conclusion, in order to win the competitive advantage, enterprises should pay
attention to the new marketing methods.
Keywords: Micro marketing, Micro message, Micro blog, Mobile E-commerce
1 Introduction
The rapid growth of mobile computing, especially through WAP technology makes mobile E-commerce
possible. Micro Marketing is a low cost and efficient marketing way, for example Micro marketing and
Micro blog marketing.
GSM and other wireless networks and especially Wireless Application Protocol technology designed for
GSM and subsequent mobile networks have now opened access to internet for hand-held mobile
terminals. Bluetooth technology will further enhance the sphere of mobility. And also both will facilitate
mobile E-commerce. Using these technologies, both customer and merchant can now be mobile,
although it is probable that a customer is more mobile than a merchant.
M-commerce offers users the possibility of accessing the internet via a rapidly expanding array of
mobile devices like smart mobile handsets. As new functions and applications (data, video) are added,
mobile communications are radically extending the scope of E-commerce beyond its current boundaries.
Mobiles are expected to provide the most common access to high speed Internet, thus enabling
transactions and specialized information services on the move for the mass-market.
2 The Advantages of Mobile Electronic Commerce
What is the difference between a mobile environment and a more traditional network environment?
Mobility can be understood in several ways. One can think that a person moves from one physical place
to another, but does not carry any mobile equipment with him or her. In this case he or she uses the
locally available (fixed) network infrastructure to take actions in the network, including issuing
E-commerce transactions. Assuming that the above mobile person does carry him or her with a piece of
personal equipment that facilitates the access to the network resources we come closer to the concept of
mobile E-commerce. The most general idea is that a customer can conduct E-commerce at any time, at
any place using the miniature devices. Overall, our view is that mobile hand-held devices and the
supporting net-works are a special access technology to Internet or another backbone network
facilitating many services, including E-commerce.
The Internet provides a flexible and dynamic marketplace to exchange goods, services, and information
with consumers and business partners. It is becoming increasingly important for businesses to use the
Internet to reach new markets. The greatest business advantage of being online is the ability to markets
products both locally and globally. With the smart mobile phones popularization, people attach
importance to the mobile Electronic commerce. The big promise of wireless networks is the mobility
that is offered to users. Apart from C-autonomy, mobility is the other main factor that determines the
network architecture. That is, user can drive through several cells and be able to continue a phone call or
data connection without interruption, even if the base station servicing the device is changed maybe
several times. This is facilitated by the so-called hand-over mechanism.
Mobile E-commerce has the following advantages:
MEC applications take advantage of mobile communications to offer to consumers and businesses;
Additional benefits as opposed to traditional E-commerce applications.
2.1 Personalization
The information, services and applications available in the Internet today are enormous. It is thus
important for users to receive relevant information. Furthermore, custom is a key issue in using mobile
devices because of the limitations of the user interface in terms of size and resolution.
2.2 Low entry and transaction cost
MEC (most economic control) applications take advantage of mobile communications to offer to
consumers and businesses. A company can establish itself on the Internet and open for business with a
relatively small investment. Thousands of companies operate simple inexpensive sites that are
successful in their markets. Dealing with customers over the Web, whether to process orders or to attend
to customer support is cheaper than traditional marketing methods. For example, if we want to buy some
books, the price in Amazon will cheaper than the traditional bookstore.
2.3 Efficient information communication
Internet is the information super highway, enterprises can use internet to collect the user’s information,
especially the individuation information, and react quickly. The same way transfer the product and
service information to the users. Mobile phones users can be reached at anytime, regardless of their
location. Make it possible that users are immediately notified about particular events. It also enables the
delivery of time-sensitive information whose value depends on its timely use.
Mobile phones users can be reached at anytime, regardless of their location. Make it possible that users
are immediately notified about particular events. It also enables the delivery of time-sensitive
information whose value depends on its timely use.
3 The Disadvantages of Mobile Electronic Commerce
In Mobile Electronic age, marketing than with traditional electricity providers, there are four obvious
birth defects; compared with similar software, there are homogeneity and an irreplaceable problem.
The first flaw is the narrow service side. Strong customer relationships will concern only accept
subscription push service number or numbers, but in fact we only focus on the basic necessities of life
which is rarely a sign of this strong relationship must be very limited, not conducive to the promotion of
small and medium-scale brand, is the big brands will not necessarily be widespread concern, do not
believe you look around with the Apple phone people, there are several concerns Apple’s subscription
number, service number.
The second flaw is a small price advantage through micro-channel marketing platform, not be able to
buy the most favorable commodity prices, when I do not do promotional activities, the majority of the
product is the official price, this time, the phone than from other platforms such as Taobao to buy
expensive tickets on where to buy from expensive than other platforms, price is no advantage.
The third flaw is limited by the amount of the spread. Friend if you push too much marketing
information through friends circle, the amount of the shield, then we will, because it is not strong
attention to content, so no different with the promotion, to disturb us normal life, it will lead to
The fourth flaw is applied inconvenience. Attention to a number of businesses would add a service or a
subscription number, which is similar to the formation of a mobile phone, can be understood as micro
letter install multiple app, focus on one to add an app, not convenient enough this point is not the
relationship between the major platforms such as traditional electricity supplier can browse, search,
comparison to similar products easy and comprehensive.
Homogenization problem is more than similar software, micro-channel micro blog marketing so to chat
based social software has several good, including the Ali’s dealings, foreign investors even I, etc., not to
mention the micro-channel itself, a lot of places that draw facebook mobile terminal, differing only
spend qq user resources, what are the prospects now not completely finalized.
Although there are some disadvantages of Mobile E-commerce, enterprise can’t ignore the important
function in the mobile E-commerce Age.
4 Discussing About Micro Marketing Strategy of Mobile E-commerce
There are two different but related concepts of mobility:
—People move physically and change the access point to a network or change the network; they do not
need to carry any access devices with them.
—People move and carry physical access devices, typically mobile phones, and possibly portable
computers with them.
The big promise of wireless networks is the mobility that is offered to users. Apart from C-autonomy,
mobility is the other main factor that determines the network architecture. GSM infrastructure allows
roaming all over the world, i.e. the user can get access to voice and data services basically in any other
GSM network (in practice of course the operators must have roaming contract). Further, GSM
technology guarantees that voice calls and data services are available while moving, irrespective of the
cell borders. That is, user can drive through several cells and be able to continue a phone call or data
connection without interruption, even if the base station servicing the device is changed maybe several
times. This is facilitated by the so-called hand-over mechanism. Similar mechanisms exist for WANs.
The network infrastructure keeps track of the location of the devices automatically. They need only to
register at one base station.
4.1 Micro message marketing
Micro Channel Marketing or Micro Messages Marketing is a recognized and highly efficient, low-cost
means of online promotion.
There are more than 400,000,000 smart mobile phone users in China. Enterprise should think how to
attract customer with the product of the mobile phone. With the habit changing, the customer relies on
surfing on the mobile phone, Micro Channel or Micro Message is the most popular application.
Micro message accuracy function with LBS positioning and marketing positioning is powerful. Just for
now Micro message development degree, the application of Internet has irreplaceable status; the
enterprise should pay attention to Micro message marketing in the network marketing value. We Can
proceed from the following aspects: first, make Micro message marketing into the enterprise marketing
strategy, set up a special team, develop a set of marketing strategy; second, strengthen Micro message
marketing personnel training, it is necessary to develop or introduce social media marketing expert, let
the staff understand the various skills Micro message marketing, forming a marketing system; third,
optimization of information push frequency, fast push is likely to force customers to cancel the
enterprise official Micro message attention; fourth, improve customer relationship management system,
Micro message marketing is to promote their own products to the special customer; and Enterprises
need to improve CRM systems continue to meet the growing market.
4.2 Micro Blog marketing
As a kind of new marketing tool, Micro Blog is receiving more and more enterprise’s favor. As a kind
of new marketing tool, Micro Blog is receiving more and more enterprise’s favor. According to the
definition of Micro Blog and its emergence and development, analyze the new features of enterprise
Micro Blog marketing, and then from five aspects to discuss enterprise micro blog marketing value:
promoting enterprise brand image, increasing sales revenue, new product development and promotion,
low cost CRM, monitoring and handling crisis of public relations, so as to better serve enterprise by
enterprise Micro Blog.
Micro Blog marketing is realized through the blog website or blog forum to contact blog writers and
visitors. It is a marketing activity which uses customer’s personal knowledge, interest and life
experience to disseminate information. Micro Blog marketing carries the following characteristics:
Micro Blog marketing is based on written statement; Micro Blog marketing can bring potential users
directly; Micro Blog marketing is low-cost and effective.
Micro Blog mainly uses characters and shares smaller space, and can be easily stored for a long time.
The format and language are decided by writers’ discretion instead of being strictly restricted. Through
the Micro Blog, adding some enterprise content information appropriately. Company can easily achieve
the purpose of promoting the website. This promotion expense is even lower than that of competitive
ranking promotion, meanwhile without increasing cost of the promotion of the website yet upgrading
the website visited.
5 Conclusion
With the increasing popularity of networking technology, Mobile Electronic Commerce has changed the
way of the buying and selling, it take a lot of advantages to us, in order to better satisfy customer’s
personal and diversified demand and win the competitive advantage, enterprises must pay attention to
Micro Marketing.
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