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Year Spain
Hannibal and brother
Hasdrubal conquer
the entire Peninsula
up to the Ebro.
Romans warn
Hannibal to keep
away from Saguntum.
Outbreak of the War
of the Allies in Greece.
Second Illyrian War
against against the
Hannibal Attacks
piratical Demetrius of
Saguntum (Spring)
Pharos who again
and captures it
threatens the flow of
(November?) after a trade between NW
siege of eight months. Greece and the Greeks in
This breaks Ebro
S Italy linked to the
River treaty,
Romans - completed in 2
provoking the Second months. A Roman navy
Punic War. Hannibal defeated Demetrius of
Prepares for War
Pharos, who fled to the
Macedonian court of
Philip V
Fourth Syrian War
Rome is victorious at
sea near Lilybaeum -Malta lost to Carthage.
Lex Claudia prohibits
senators & sons from
Romans protest fate of
owning ships with seaHannibal's War
Saguntum to Carthage:
going capacity (> 300
demand that Hannibal be amphorae ca. 225
Hannibal Crosses
given to them - Upon
bushels - effectively
the Ebro | Hannibal refusal of Carthage,
prevents senators from
(early) Marches into Gaul |
Philip successful.
Rome declares war.
engaging in overseas
crossing the Rhone
Second Punic War
trade)-Roman colonial Thermum sacked.
(218-201) - Hannibal's
cities are now
War begins
established at strategic
points: Thus Rome
begins to protect the
city and the
government from any
incursion or rebellion.
Hannibal Crosses the
Alps in 14 days with
elephants (October)
The Romans invade
Hannibal arrives in Italy
Spain | Cissa |
and defeats P. Cornelius The Boii rise in revolt.
(late) The Early Campaigns
Scipio at River Ticinus;
in Spain
defeats Sempronius
Longus at Trebbia River
Roman naval victory
the Ebro
Servilius was sent to
Ariminium with his
Roman disaster at Lake
Trasimeno in central
Italy, Hannibal defeats
Romans led by Flaminius;
15,000 Romans killed.
Romans appoint Fabius
Maximum dictator. Fabius
avoids contact with
Hannibal's army but fails
to avoid his escape from
Campania. After
Trasimeno | Hannibal
winters at Gerontium.
The road to Cannae
Conference of
End of the War of the
Allies in Greece.
Battle of Raphia.
Peace between
Egypt and Syria.
Hannibal defeats Roman
consuls C. Terentius
Varro & L. Aemilius
Paullus at Cannae;
Paulus and 50,000
Romans killed. The army
of the praetor in Gaul
was destroyed. Reaction
of Rome. Revolts in
central Italy against
Rome. Among those who
align themselves with
Hannibal: Some towns in
Apulia; Samnites; Lucania
& Bruttium except the
Greeks. - Silva Litani.
Capua defects to
Hannibal (Autumn)
Hannibal fails to take
Neapolis (Naples);
winters at Capua.
Hannibal After Cannae in
Italy. Roman army
massacred in Cisapline
Cn. and P. Scipio
defeat Hasdrubal
Barca near the Ebro
Continued fighting
around Nola. Many
Greek cities joined
Hannibal. Hannibal takes
Casilinum. Punic
Hasdrubal defeated at reinforcements arrive in
Dertosa (Dertosia)
Locri. Patavium (Padua)
comes under Roman
Lex Oppia de Luxu
Feminarum (first
sumptuary law) women
Philip in Illyria
Death of Hiero II.
Syracuse under his
Hieronymous breaks
with Rome and joins
Philip V of Macedonia
allies with Hannibal |
Sardinia attacked
unsuccessfully by the
not allowed to have
excessive, dress,
carriages, etc
Casilinum retaken by
Rome. Lack of
manpower leads Rome
to lowering of the
minimum property
qualification for serving
in the land forces.
More fighting near
Nola. Hannibal moves
Murder of
Syracuse switches
allegiance from Rome
to Carthage. M.
Claudius Marcellus
sent to Sicily. Assault
of Syracuse fails and
Marcellus begins
Siege of Syracuse
Arpi recovered by the
Romans. Hannibal
occupies Tarentum
(except for the citadel).
Campaign of 213 End of
C. Terentius Varro's
proconsulship of Picenum
Carthaginian army lands
in Sicily.Roman siege of
Syracuse led by
Marcellus continues.
Saguntum retaken
Hannibal takes Tarentum
(Romans kept its citadel) |
Most places in Samnium &
Apulia recovered by the
Romans. Romans begin
siege of Capua. Hanno
defeated at Beneventum.
Ti.S. Gracchus killed.
Hannibal wins victory at
Fall of Syracuse to
Rome, through an act
of treason: Archimedes
is killed. As part of the
campaign against
Syracuse, the Romans
destroy the city of
212/211 Roman
alliance with Greek
federal state of Aetolia
and Attalus I of
Pergamum for joint
cooperation against
Philip V.
Perseus of Macedonia
Castulo | Ilorca Publius and Gnaeus
Scipio killed
Fall of Capua despite
Hannibal's desperate
efforts and march to
Introduction of the
denarius coin.
A new Scipio in Spain
Scipio Africanus
assumes command in
Spain as privatus and
then holds some
form of command for
ten consecutive
Hannibal wins second
victory at Herdonea and
Numistro 12 out of 30
Latin colonies refused
contingents to Rome.
Rome raids African coast.
Fall of Agrigentum Sicily regained by
Rome. Lilybaeum
captured by Rome.
Alliance between
Rome and Aetolian
League. Mixed fortunes
for Rome in Greece
Battle of Canusium |
Scipio takes Carthago Fabius (and Cato,later the
Censor) capture
Scipio defeats
Death of Marcellus at
Hannibal's brother
Venusia. Varro becomes
Hasdrubal at Baecula propraetor in Etruria.
Gracchus defeats
Hanno at River
Calor. Acre Leuce |
214-211 BC - The
Five Armies and
Roman defeat
First Macedonian
War (214-205) begins
against Philip V of
Macedonia, an ally of
Hannibal. Laevinius
defeats Macedonians at
Further fighting in
; Hasdrubal succeeds Both consuls killed in
in escaping towards ambush.
the Pyrenees
Hannibal’s brother
Hasbrubal arrives in Italy.
He is defeated and killed
at the Metaurus River in
N. Italy by the troops led
by the two consuls, M.
Livius Salinator & C.
Claudius Nero and his
head is catapulted into
Hannibal’s camp Hannibal flees to
Bruttium where he stays
for four years. Further
Roman raids on African
Philip V's allies win
victory at Mantineia.
Battle of Ilipa near
Seville - Scipio against
Mago Barca and
Hasdrubal Gisgo.
After Metaurus - Rome's
Scipio destroys the
consuls keep Hannibal
last Carthaginian
pinned in Bruttium.
forces in Spain.
Mutiny of Scipio's
troops at Sucro
Aetolians make
separate peace with
Phillip V.
Mago sails to Liguria
Revolt of Indibilis killed by Scipio.
Scipio prepared
invasion of Africa.
More Roman raids on
African coast.
Philip V of Macedon
defeated; End of First
Macedonian War
after ten years of
battles. Peace of
Phoenice ; Roman
influence in Greece
Secret treaty
between Philip V of
Macedonia and
Scipio elected consul |
Scipio in Sicily Augustus'
great-grandfather fights as
a colonel under Aemilius
Papus in SicilyLocri
captured and Pleminius
scandal Scipio in Sicily .
Mago is defeated in
northern Italy attempting
to reinforce Hannibal |
Magna Mater’s worship
instituted - The sacred
stone of Cybele, the
Great Mother, was
brought to Rome from
Asia Minor, and her
worship was
established.The Asian cult
of the mother goddess
Cybele was brought to
Scipio allies with
Libyans, Moors and
Numidian Prince
Massinissa to take the
war to Africa.
Scipio lands in Africa |
Scipio defeats a
Carthaginian army and
captures Tunis.
Carthage backs rival
Numidian Syphax who
along with Hasdrubal
Gisco is defeated by
Scipio in two successive
Hannibal and Mago are
recalled to Carthage.
Hannibal's convoy slips
Protracted negotiations
Downfall of
by Scipio (for spying
and delay) - 'Burning of Agathocles in
Antiochus III, Seleucid
king to attack and
partition overseas
dominions of Ptolemy
V of Egypt
Aggressions of Philip
and Antiochus.
War Against Hannibal
ends - Peace granted
to Carthage at the
cost of Spain.
Masinissa made king
of Greater Numidia
through carrying about
15,000 men. - C.
Terentius Varro serves
on a diplomatic mission
to Greece - Q. Fabius
Maximus Cunctator dies
the Camps'. Carthage
assembles another
army but this is
destroyed at Great
Plains |Syphax's army is
routed near Cirta and
he is captured | A
peace treaty is declared
203/2 Secret pact
between Philip V and
Antiochus III against
Carthaginans attack on
Roman convoy which
has run aground reopens the war |
Hannibal Returns to
Africa | Defeat of
Carthage at Zama
/Naragara (autumn?)
Carthage surrenders
End of the Second
Punic War
Rome unites with Attalus
I of Pergamum and
Massinissa becomes
Rhodes against Philip V of King of Numidia
Results of the treaty:
1. All Hispania surrendered to Rome.
2. A 10000 talent indemnity paid over 50 years.
3. All war elephants surrendered to the Romans.
4. A Carthaginian war fleet no larger than 10 ships.
5. Carthage could not make war without Roman consent.
Philip in Aegean and
Asia Minor, fighting
against Attalus and