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ISLAMIC RENEWAL IN THE MEDIEVAL AND MODERN PERIOD: IBN TAIMIYYAH AND MUHAMMAD ABDUH Muhammad Rofiq التجديد اإلسالمى فى فكر ابن تيمية و محمد عبده محمد رفيق PEMBARUAN ISLAM IBNU TAIMIYAH DAN MUHAMMAD ABDUH Muhammad Rofiq Muzakkir BEBERAPA TERMINOLOGI Bidah : perbuatan yang dikerjakan tidak menurut contoh yang sudah ditetapkan, baik dengan menambah atau mengurangi. Takhayul : kepercayaan kepada sesuatu yang sakti, padahal sebenarnya tidak ada. Khurafat : dongeng (ajaran) yang tidak masuk akal. Ijtihad : usaha sungguh-sungguh yang dilakukan oleh para ahli agama untuk mencapai putusan hukum syarak mengenai kasus yang penyelesaiannya belum tertera di Alquran dan Sunah. Taklid : kepercayaan kepada suatu paham ahli hukum yang sudah-sudah tanpa mengetahui dasar atau alasannya; peniruan. SOME TERMINOLOGIES Bidah (heresy) means something that has been introduced into the religion of Allah that has no general or specific basis to support it, whether by reducing or adding something to islamic teaching. Takhayyul : superstition Ijtihad is a serious ef fort performed by an expert in islamic law to find the islamic verdict/view of certain cases that are not addressed directly in Quran and Sunnah. Taqlid : following the decisions of a religious expert without necessarily examining the scriptural basis or reasoning of that decision, such as accepting and following the verdict of scholars of jurisprudence (fiqh) without demanding an explanation of the processes by which they arrive at it ABAD KE-13 (ABAD KEMUNDURAN) Kerajaan Islam di Andalusia jatuh ke tangan Nasrani ( 1213 M) Dinasti Abasiyah di Baghdad runtuh akibat serangan Bangsa Mongol (1258 M) Despotisme para penguasa Tauhid terselubungi khurafat Tertutupnya pintu ijtihad 13TH CENTURY (THE DECLINE PERIOD OF ISLAM) The fall of Islamic Caliphate in Andalusia Abbasid Caliphate (Khilafah Abbasiyah) in Baghdad was devastated by Mongolian troops The claim of closing of ijtihad gate/the call for taqlid The widespread of religious innovation (bidah) krisis secara akidah merosot secara moral lemah secara politik jumud secara pemikiran CONDITION OF MUSLIM SOCIETIES IN 13TH CENTURY Creed crisis Morality decline Weak in politics Stagnation in islamic thought IBNU TAIMIYAH (661 -728 H/ 1263-1328 M) “Ibn Taimiyyah contributed greatly during the Thirteenth Century to a wide range of intellectual and political issues confronting the Muslims during the tumultuous period of Mongol destruction of Muslim lands”. “is a renowned scholar of Islam whose infleunce was felt not only during his lifetime but extended through the centuries until the present day” “Ibn Taimiyah was, by almost universal consensus, one of the most original and systematic thinkers in the history of Islam” BIOGRAFI SINGKAT Lahir di Harran Syiria 1263 H/1328 Menyaksikan kedatangan Bangsa Mongol Kepakaran : Fiqh (Islamic Law), Hadith, Aqidah (Islamic Creed), Ushul Fiqh (The Theory of Islamic Law), Philosophy, Astronomy. Dipenjara berkali-kali karena ide-ide pembaruannya Menolak tawassul : berdoa dengan perantara wali (orang soleh yang sudah wafat) Menolak pemujaan terhadap makam para wali BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Born in Harran, Syiria in 1263 H/1328 Witnessed the Mongol invasian Expertise : Fiqh (Islamic Law), Hadith, Aqidah (Islamic Creed), Ushul Fiqh (The Theory of Islamic Law), Philosophy, Astronomy. Imprisoned several times due to his renewal thought, such as Refusing tawassul (prayer toward god through saint) Refusing special journey to visiting tombs : he condemned the cult of saints PEMBARUAN IBN TAIMIYAH Memurnikan agama Islam. Menentang bid ’ah, takhayul dan khurafat. Mengkritik praktek para sufi yang melakukan ziarah ke kuburan secara berlebihan. Mendorong umat Islam berijtihad. Menolak taklid REFORMATION OF IBN TAIMIYAH Purifiying Islam, against religious innovation (bidah). Encouraging Ijtihad to be performed Refusing taqlid (imitation) SOME WORKS OF IBNU TAIMIYAH مجموعة الفتاوى (A Great Compilation of Fatwa) الرد على المنطيقين (The Reputation of the Logicians) منهاج السنة (The Way of the Prophet’s Sunna) العقيدة الواسطية (The Creed of People from Washit) MUHAMMAD ABDUH PIONEER OF ISLAMIC MODERNISM THE PROBLEMS FACED BY ISLAMIC WORLD IN 20TH CENTURY COLONIALISM BY EUROPIAN COUNTRY INTELLECTUAL STAGNATION/ WIDESPREAD OF IMITATION DESPOTISM OF RULER BIOGRAFI MUHAMMAD ABDUH (1849-1905) Belajar di Universitas al - Azhar Bertemu dengan Jamaluddin al - Afghani Terlibat pemberontakan menentang penguasa Mesir Diasingkan ke Beirut Pergi ke Perancis Menerbitkan majalah al-Ur watul Wutsqa Memulai halaqah tafsir al-Manar dan menulis Risalah alTauhid di Beirut Kembali ke Mesir dan menjadi Mufti Memilih jalur pendidikan dan keagamaan ( al-tanwir al-tsaqafi wa al-ishlah al-dini) BIOGRAPHY OF MUHAMMAD ABDUH (1849-1905) Formal education in Al - Azhar University Meet an influencial figure, Jamaluddin al - Afghani Played an important role in people revolt against Egyptian ruler Sent to exile in Beirut Went to France and saw developed civilization “ I went to the West and saw Islam, but no Muslims; I got back to the East and saw Muslims, but not Islam”. Published al-Ur watul Wutsqa (a revolutionary magazine) Interpreted al-Quran and wrote Risalah Tauhid Back to Egypt and appointed as mufty Choose education and religious renewal as the means to make reformation in Egypt KARAKTERISTIK PEMBARUAN ABDUH Rationality / apresiatif terhadap peran akal Membentengi Islam dari westernisasi Purifikasi (pemurnian) Islam dari takhayul, bidah dan khurafat Back to Quran and Sunnah CHARACTERISTIC OF ABDUH’S THOUGHT Rationality appreciating the supremacy of intellect Purifying Islam from heresy and superstition Back to Quran and Sunnah SALURAN PEMBARUAN MUHAMMAD ABDUH Penafsiran al-Quran Reformasi pendidikan al - Azhar Mendirikan lembaga dan yayasan sosial Mendidik sarjana-sarjana muslim Al-Azhar University THE MEANS OF REFORMATION Interpreting the holy Quran Educational reform Establishing social movement Teaching pupils Prominent pupils: - Muhammad Rasyid Ridha - Mustafha al-Maraghi - Qasim Amin Al-Azhar University ASSIGNMENT FOR THE NEXT MEETING What is the condition or characteristic of Moslem Society in Indonesia in the Beginning of 20th Century ? Write down your answer in a piece of paper.