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Region Streams
Macroprogramming for
Sensor Networks
Ryan Newton
[email protected]
Matt Welsh
Harvard University
[email protected]
Tracking a vehicle
Tracking many vehicles
Programming Sensornets is
Message passing is painful
Programming global behavior at the local level
Life at the node level is messy
Low level hardware and communication details
Limited node resources (cpu, memory)
Lost messages and failed nodes
Macroprogramming Vision
The programmer thinks in terms of the
whole network, manually translates into
node programs.
Can some of this translation be
automated by a tool or compiler?
An example: TinyDB
Declarative, global-level queries
No message passing or node details
Limited to certain kinds of data gathering
Regiment Data Model
Provide a rich set of (fully composable)
to work with data distributed over
time and space.
Forming Region
Mapping an operation
Folding a Region
Regiment Programming Model
Data Model: Sensor network data
represented as streams of tuples, one
stream per node.
Regions group streams
Map allows data parallel computation
across a region
Fold aggregates the streams in a region
Simple and Derived Regions
Simple Regions, created from geometric
or radio relationships:
K-nearest nodes
All nodes within circle (square, etc)
All nodes in network (“world”)
Derived Regions, built from other
Union, Intersection
Map, Filter
(Many other library procedures:
border, sparsify, cluster, etc)
Relationship to SQL queries
SELECT nodeid,light,temp
FROM sensors
WHERE light > 400
let r1 = filter (\n -> read LIGHT n > 400)
r2 = map (\n -> (read ID n, read LIGHT n, read TEMP
in set_freq 1024 r2
Tracking a vehicle in Regiment
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
in centroid (filter aboveThresh
(map select world))
Tracking a vehicle in Regiment
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
in centroid (filter aboveThresh
(map select world))
Tracking a vehicle in Regiment
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
in centroid (filter aboveThresh
(map select world))
Tracking a vehicle in Regiment
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
in centroid (filter aboveThresh
(map select world))
Tracking a vehicle in Regiment
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
in centroid (filter aboveThresh
(map select world))
Tracking a vehicle in Regiment
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
in centroid (filter aboveThresh
(map select world))
Tracking a vehicle in Regiment
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
in centroid (filter aboveThresh
(map select world))
Multi-target Tracking
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
selected = filter aboveThresh
(map select world)
in centroid selected
Multi-target Tracking
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
selected = filter aboveThresh
(map select world)
globs = cluster selected
targets = map centroid globs
in targets
Tracking with sentries
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
select node = (read PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
selected = filter aboveThresh
(map select world)
globs = cluster selected
targets = map centroid globs
sentries = map read (border world)
event = whenAny abovethresh sentries
in until event nullArea targets
Current Compiler Status
Compiles to Token Machines
Node level state machine exposing
“tokens” for region membership
Whole program analysis on token
machines enables optimization
Token machines currently run in
Soon will compile to NesC/TinyOS
Future work, Research challenges
Finish prototype, evaluate on real motes
 Provide effective controls over stream
rates and energy usage
Can adaptive runtimes reduce energy usage
Attack specific problem domains to
uncover useful domain primitives
 Understand general global-to-local
compilation and optimization strategies
Preliminary work; would love your
Ryan Newton
[email protected]
Matt Welsh
Harvard University
[email protected]
Region Streams:
Functional Macroprogramming for Sensor Networks
With what glue?: The language
General purpose purely functional
macroprogramming language
Uses monads, Functional Reactive Programming
to encapsulate Regions/Streams safely
Has Conditionals
 Has user defined functions
 BUT: No arbitrary depth recursion
User defined procedures inline at compile time
Control flow is known, programs terminate
Thus Regiment has no stack/heap at runtime
But, procedures stick around in argument position
Lazy (call-by-need) semantics
Regiment is a lazy functional language; values
are computed when they’re needed.
If you only use only part of a data structure, compute
only that part.
We might not want to compute a region at all places
and times.
• Consider the intersection of contiguous regions
Don’t think of region operations as strict,
imperative commands.
Instead, they declare relationships.
Compilation Strategy
Safe ADT for Regions and Streams
Only interface through map/fold/filter
Can reason about time/space
properties of code with type system
Source level rewrite optimizations
based on algebraic properties
Program analysis to recognize
efficient communication patterns
analyze region contiguity, area,
Token Machines
Token handlers are like a functions
whose last call is cached
Can be broadcast to neighbors as well
as called locally
Each region has some place(s)
from which its formed
Formation and membership tokens
• Compiler’s place analysis
Regions are Streams of Spaces
Full Tracking Program
let abovethresh (p,x) = p > threshold
read node = (read_sensor PROXIMITY node,
get_location node)
in centroid (afilter aboveThresh
(amap read world))
centroid area = divide (afold accum (0,0) area)
accum (wsum, xsum) (w,x) = (w + wsum, x*w + xsum)
divide stream = smap (\(w,x) -> x/w) stream
Core types in Regiment
type Stream 'a ≈≈ (Time -> 'a)
type Space 'a ≈≈ (Location -> Multiset 'a)
type Event 'a ≈≈ (Time, 'a)
type Area 'a = Stream (Space 'a)
type Region = Area NodeSnapshot
type Anchor = Signal NodeSnapshot
smap :: ('a -> 'b) -> Signal 'a -> Signal 'b
amap :: ('a -> 'b) -> Area 'a
-> Area 'b
afold :: ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> Area ‘b
-> Signal ('a)
Anchor Free Localization
Anchor Free Localization
Anchor Free Localization
anchorOptimizing ls =
let compare x y =
let loop comps =
case comps of {
[] -> True; -- better break ties somehow
h:t | h x y -> true;
_:t | loop t
in loop ls
in anchorWhere (\_ -> True) compare
Anchor Free Localization
between a b = (\ x y ->
abs (dist_from a x
abs (dist_from a y
awayfrom a = (\ x y -> dist_from
awayfrom2 a b = (\ x y ->
abs (dist_from a
abs (dist_from a
- dist_from b x) >
- dist_from b y))
a x > dist_from a y)
x + dist_from b x) >
y + dist_from b y))
[ ]
[awayfrom n0]
[awayfrom n1]
[between n1 n2,
[between n1 n2,
[between n1 n2,
awayfrom2 n1 n2]
awayfrom n3]
between n3 n4]
Example: Contour finding
Example: Threats & Safe path