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Ancient Rome
Roman Military
• The army was organized into legions.
• Each legion had 5000 men.
• Each legion had a leader, a banner, a number.
& a nickname.
• Each legion was broken into fighting cohorts of
480 men.
Roman Military
Cohorts were divided into centuries.
a centurion was in charge of 80 ordinary
soldiers called legionaries.
Each troop of about 80 legionaries was called
a century.
There were 59 centuries in a legion and 30
legions in the Roman army.
There were other soldiers called auxiliaries
who included the cavalry.
Centuries were divided into contubernium of
eight men sharing one tent.
Colors were shown to distinguish ranks.
Roman Military
Eight men = One Contubernium
Ten Contubernium = One Century (80 men)
Two centuries = One Maniple (160 men)
Six Centuries = One Cohort (480 men)
Ten Cohorts = A legion (6000 men)
Roman Military
Roman Military
Gaius Marius changed the military from
farmers to a standing army.
Roman soldiers had to be tough.
Marius’ Mules.
Roman Military
The Roman Army was made up of men from all
over the Empire, no women were allowed to join.
These men were professional soldiers whose only
job was to fight and defend Rome. (Standing Army)
Initially only property owners such as farmers could
serve in the army, but from the 1st century
B.C.onwards anybody could join.
Each legionary served for 25 years. After serving in
the ranks, they serves as a verteranus (a reserve
soldier). If they lived through their service, they could
retire. They were given land and a pension (gratuity:
fixed sum of money) so that they live
comfortably. The land they were given was located in
the provinces. This was very clever of Rome. It gave
their retired military men a place to call home that
they would defend. This system placed loyal military
men all over the provinces.
The Republic Fails
• Rome needed tax money:
• pay the legions
• build roads, sewers, aqueducts, and arenas.
• welfare program to feed the poor in Rome. To get
this tax money, Rome used tax farmers.
• Tax collectors = Corrupt practices.
• If you did not pay the taxes you owed, you could be
sold into slavery.
• Tax collectors were powerful people under the
The Republic Fails
• Under the Republic, elected
officials used their positions to
get rich.
• Citizens paid money to elected
officials = patriotism
The Republic Fails
• Under the Republic, Rome did not
have a police force.
• Rome was not a safe place after dark
• Vigilantly Groups Arose
• Brainpop:
• Rise of the Roman
• Video Clip on Caesar:
First Triumvirate
• Political alliance between Julius Caesar,
Pompey & Crassus. The rule of three men.
• Caesar a great military leader, was famous
amongst the masses he spent a lot of money
in their behalf. He organized spectacular
public games and gave gifts of food.
• Crassus was a military hero and the richest
man in Rome
• Pompey was a military hero.
• Caesar held the positions of consul and
Julius Caesar
Consul, tribune of the people, high
commander of the army, and high priest
(Pontifex Maximus)
In Gaul, he wrote Commentaries on the
Gallic Wars, which made him known as a
great military leader
While Caesar was fighting in Gaul, Crassus
was fighting in Persia and was killed.
Pompey ruled Rome almost as a dictator.
He suggested new laws, most of which were
approved by the Senate. He reorganized the
army. He improved the way the provinces
were governed. The Romans even named a
month after him, the month of July for Julius
Julius Caesar
• JC convinced Romans that he
could do a better job.
• All could be improved under his
Julius Caesar
• Senate feared JC
• Senate said no to return to
Monarchy (500 years earlier)
• Took steps to stop him!
Julius Caesar
• Caesar ordered to disband army and
forbidden to cross the Rubicon River.
• One of the laws of the original Twelve
Tables was that no general could enter the
city with his army. Julius Caesar ignored
this law.
In 49 BCE, he entered Rome and took
over the government.
• Most were glad.
• The people called him "father of the
homeland“. The Senate was furious.
• Pompey escaped to Egypt where he was
murdered, thus ending the 1st triumvirate.
Julius Caesar
• Caesar defeated the republican forces.
Pompey, their leader, fled to Egypt
where he was assassinated. Caesar
followed him and became involved with
the Egyptian queen, Cleopatra.
• Caesar was now master of Rome and
made himself consul and dictator.
• He used his power to carry out muchneeded reform, relieving debt, enlarging
the senate, building the Forum and
revising the calendar.
• Strong leader
• improved lives
• made laws to help the poor
• created new jobs
• gave citizenship to more people
Julius Caesar
• Dictatorship was a
temporary position
• 44 BC, Caesar took it for life.
• A group of senators led by
Cassius and Brutus,
assassinated Caesar on the
Ides (15) of March 44 BCE.
• Beware the Ides of March!!
Spartacus - Gladiator & Slave
Led a slave revolt
Trained as a gladiator
1/3 of people in Rome were slaves
100,000 joined the revolt
Hunted down
Patricians feared an end to their lifestyle.
Eventually revolt was stopped1
• BULLA: Children wore a special
locket around their neck, given to
them at birth, called a bulla.
• Romance Language = A language that developed in an
area that had been part of the Roman Empire, such as
French, Spanish and Italian
• Vernacular = Everyday language of the people
• He attempted to provide a year-by-year
account of Rome’s developing power.
• This account was called the Annales
• It was in verse to make it easier to
• a famous Roman statesman. (lawyer)
• in politics at the same time as JC.
• served in the Senate.
• served as elected Consul, the highest
position in government under the Republic.
He was a wonderful speaker
• "Kings can be wise and just. But rule by one
person can easily become tyranny."
• When Julius Caesar entered the city of
Rome with his army, and declared himself
dictator, Cicero said:
• “His action was in direct violation of the
principals of a constitutional republic."
• When Julius Caesar was assassinated,
Cicero was there.
• he was not one of Julius Caesar's
• Cicero lived at time when Rome was
changing from a constitutional republic to a
dictatorship, ruled by emperors.
• Cicero fought in the way he knew best, with
words and speeches, about the importance of
keeping a constitutional government.
• Rome became ruled by an all-powerful
emperor, Cicero fled Rome.
• Fled Rome ….captured & murdered!
• In the 500 years Rome was an Empire, there were over 140
different emperors!
Some emperors were good. Some emperors were bad.
Some were just plain crazy.
Second Triumvirate
• Alliance between Octavian (Caesar’s adopted
son), Marc Antony & Lepidus
• They divided up the republic:
– Octavian took the West
– Antony took the East
– Lepidus took Africa
• Octavian attacked Antony in the Battle of
Actium. Antony had befriended Cleopatra, who
Rome did not trust
• Antony & Cleopatra fled and committed suicide.
• Caesar’s grand-nephew, Octavian, became dictator in 27 B.C. He
changed his name to Augustus, = respected one or revered one.
• Augustus was the first true emperor of Rome. He was given the title
Princeps = 1st citizen or first amongst equals.
• The Augustan period is known as the Principate.
• Under the leadership of Augustus, the following things were
– laws gave citizens more rights
– a census (a count of the country’s people)
- professional army
Roads were built
– New government buildings (basilicas), temples, libraries, and public
baths were built.
– The aqueduct system was constructed.
– Police force = vigils, who were freed slaves
An Ancient Roman Epic - The
• heroic deeds of Prince Aeneas
• The Aeneid, written by the great
Roman poet, Virgil (official poet of the
Emperor Augustus).
• About the fall of Troy & founding of
Rome by Romulus and Remus, twin
sons of the war god Mars.
• survivors of the city of Troy.
• Was a poet who used his gifts to applaud
the benefits of peace, Augustan rule and
the Roman supremacy.
• He wrote Odes.
• Brainpop:
• Pax Romana
• Augustus, the first Roman emperor, ruled for 45 years.
• It was during the reign of Augustus that people got used to being
ruled by one leader..
• This period is the beginning of the Pax Romana, or Roman Peace.
• The phrase "Roman Peace" is a bit misleading. The Romans
continued to expand their empire during this period. They did not
always do so peacefully.
• Things were not always peaceful in the city of Rome. Rome did not
always have the best leadership. Some emperors were very cruel.
Some were insane..
• The Romans were great builders.
• Caligula = Declared himself a god and tried to have
his horse made a senator
• Claudius = Became an excellent ruler following
Caligula’s death and was chosen by the Praetorian
Guard (A special palace guard who policed Rome.)
• Vespasian = Changed the system of hereditary
succession to the throne. As the emperor before
him, Nero, had no heirs.
• Marcus Aurelius = Had a humanitarian approach to
government, which helped unify the empire.
• Theodosius = Last Roman Emperor
• insane emperor
• murdered his own mother and wife and poisoned
Caligula’s son.
• great fire in Rome.
• blamed the Christians and ordered many of them to
be tied to poles and set on fire to light his party.
• He spent most of his time staging plays and musical
• The leaders of Rome in the Senate wanted to do
something about it, but they were afraid. It was not
until Nero ordered some of the members of the
Senate to kill themselves that they finally took action.
• The Senate ordered Nero's immediate execution.
When Nero heard about it, he killed himself.
Trajan & Hadrian
• Trajan was the first Roman emperor who was not from
He was Spanish. He was a great conqueror. Under his
rule, the empire grew and covered more geography than
at any other time.
Hadrian was Trajan’s adopted son.
• He consolidated the Empire by taking
making many trips across the empire.
• His famous monuments are:
– Villa at Tivoli
– Hadrian’s wall
– The Pantheon
Villa at Tivoli
Hadrian’s wall
The Grand Pantheon
• The Grand Pantheon was a
temple first built in the very
early days of the Roman
• It was dedicated to all the
Roman gods.
• The Romans used concrete (an
ancient Roman invention) to
build the dome of the
Pantheon, which even today is
still one of the largest singlespan domes in the world.
• The construction of this
building greatly influenced
western architecture.
The Baths
• The Public Baths were extremely popular.
• Roman women and men visited the baths daily.
• hot and cold pools, towels, slaves to wait on you, steam
rooms, saunas, exercise rooms, and hair cutting salons.
• reading rooms and libraries, as among the freeborn,
who had the right to frequent baths, the majority could
• had stores, sold everything even fast food.
• arranged like a very large mall, with bathing pools.
Thermae (Baths)
• a system to carry water from place to place
Improvements under the Empire
Other changes included:
Establishment of Public Health Programs:
The government created new public health
programs. One program distributed free bread to
workmen on their way to work in the morning.
Improvements under the Empire
• Reduction in Crime: Under the
empire, the Roman legionnaires
policed Rome's streets.
• Improvements for Women:
During the Empire, it was legal for
women to own land, run businesses,
free slaves, make wills, inherit wealth,
and get a paid job. Women could even
use the public baths. There were
separate hours for men and women,
but women were allowed inside. These
were all new privileges.
Improvements under the Empire
• Public Theatre: Under the empire,
Rome built huge theatres. Plays were
no longer performed only in the Forum.
Admission was free.
• Free Spectacles: The government
constructed other huge public buildings
and improved open-air facilities. These
were used to host events called
spectacles. Chariot racing was held in
the Circus Maximus. The Colosseum
hosted the gladiator games. Admission
to spectacles was free.
• Amphi-theatres are "theatres in the round": amphimeans "around" in Greek.
• An amphitheatre is for action: it's a sports arena, where
the spectators sit around the field. They need to see, but
they don't really need to hear, so an amphitheatre can
be much larger.
The Colosseum
• The Colosseum was a huge public entertainment center.
• The Colosseum could seat 50,000 spectators.
• Admission was free.
• Roman gladiators were trained in mortal combat, a
form of public entertainment in ancient Rome.
• The word gladiator comes from the Latin word
gladius (sword).
• Wealthy or important Romans often asked for funeral
games to be held in their honor.
• The popularity of the games grew and spread
throughout the Roman empire. Eventually gladiatorial
games became lavish public entertainments,
especially after the Coliseum in Rome opened
• Roman gladiators were usually convicted criminals,
slaves, or prisoners of war.
• Many gladiators came from the lands Rome had
• Some gladiators who managed to survive the fierce
fighting became famous or even wealthy.
• Gladiators went through intense training and were
taught complex moves so they could better entertain
the audience.
• Gladiators were supposed to fight to the death, but if
they fought extremely well the crowd could decide to
spare both fighters. The crowd voted by showing
thumbs up or thumbs down — although whether or
not thumbs up meant “life” has not been verified.
• Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutamus
(Hail, Emperor, we who are about to die, salute you).
• As Christianity spread and the power of the
Roman Empire declined, the appeal of the
games diminished.
• In 326 C.E. Constantine began the process of
abolishing gladiator games. In 400 C.E.
Emperor Honorius banned gladiators forever.
Circus Maximus
• The ancient Romans loved chariot racing.
• It could seat over 250,000 people!
• Admission was free.
• Anyone could attend the races, including Rome's poor.
There were races every day. It was the height of success
to race in the Circus Maximus.
an ancient Roman city, buried by
a volcanic eruption.
• 2000 years later, archaeologists
uncovered the city.
• they found petrified bread still in
the ovens that had been baking
that day.
• Archaeologists learned a great
deal from the ruins of this ancient
city because it had been so well
• Rome’s Greatest Historian
• He was financial minister, elected
Praetor, consulship
• The Histories and the Annals.
• He set the standard for historical
research and writing for the rest of
the Western Roman Empire.
• He believed that it was the
historians job to get to the
objective truth and not have bias.
• Roman slaves were 1/3 of the
• Slaves were used in almost every
aspect of human activity: builders,
gladiators etc.
• Lowest order of slaves were the
outside workers
• Highest order of slaves worked
• Manumission is when a slave can
buy their own freedom or a
deceased owner’s will frees them.
• Promoted to Emperor by his
fellow soldiers in the
Praetorian Guard.
• Divided the empire into 2
parts: East and West
The Roman Empire is Split into
Two Pieces
• Empire covered most of Europe,
most of North Africa, and some of
Asia. That created problems.
• One problem was that it was getting
difficult to manage the empire
The Roman Empire is Split into
Two Pieces
• Emperor Diocletian split the empire in half.
• The Western Roman Empire (Europe/North
Africa) included the city of Rome.
• The Eastern Roman Empire (Turkey/parts of
Asia) included the city of Byzantium.
• Rather than rule Rome, Diocletian chose to rule
the Eastern Roman Empire. Before he left
town, Emperor Diocletian moved a great deal of
Rome's money over to the Eastern Roman
Empire. He left Rome forever.
• Constantine: Constantine was the first
Christian Roman emperor.
• He lived in the Eastern Roman Empire, and
chose his capital to be the small town
Byzantium, which he renamed
• The western side of the empire, which included the city
of Rome, became less and less important to the
Eastern Roman Empire.
• Byzantium was located in a perfect position to trade
with the east and the west.
• Rather than send traded goods onto to Rome,
Constantine kept most of the goods in his own half of
the empire.
• As well, he pulled monies from Rome to support and
build Constantinople.
Rise of Christianity
• During the first century CE, a new religion took hold
in Rome. It was called Christianity.
• Christians believed in one God.
• They refused to worship the Roman gods. In ancient
Rome, that was against the law. Christians were
hunted as criminals.
• In spite of persecution, Christians grew in numbers
rapidly. Christians actively looked for converts. They
told others about the benefits of being Christian.
Christians came from every walk of life in ancient
Rome, but Christianity had great appeal to Rome's
– Life After Death
– Equality
Rise of Christianity
• After nearly 300 years of persecution, in
313 CE, Emperor Constantine ruled that
Christianity was legal and that Christians
would no longer be persecuted.
• This does not mean that Rome finally had
religious freedom. It meant only that it was
now legal to worship Roman gods or to be
Christian. Every other religion was still
illegal. The lack of religious freedom in
ancient Rome contributed to the fall of the
Roman Empire.
• Brainpop:
• Fall of the Roman
Valens & The Barbarians
Huns, Franks, Vandals, Saxons, and Visigoths.
Valens & The Barbarians
• The Western Roman Empire fell
into the Dark Ages in 476 CE.
• The Eastern Roman Empire, its
capital Constantinople, continued
for another thousand years.
Review of the Fall of Rome
• First a monarchy, then a republic,
then an empire – all roads led to
Rome for over 1200 years.
• In the Mediterranean, Rome was in
• During the Imperial period, Rome had
some wonderful emperors. Rome
also suffered from a series of bad,
corrupt and just plain crazy emperors.
• There were lots of reasons why
Rome fell.
Review of the Fall of Rome
Problems towards the end of the Empire included
• The empire was too large to govern effectively.
• The army was not what it used to be. There was corruption
in the military - dishonest generals and non-Roman soldiers.
• Civil wars broke out between different political groups.
• Emperors were often selected by violence, or by birth, so the
head of government was not always a capable leader.
• The increased use of slaves put many Romans out of work
• The rich became lazy and showed little interest in trying to
solve Rome problems.
• The poor were overtaxed and overworked. They were very
• Prices increased, trade decreased.
• The population was shrinking due to starvation and disease.
That made it difficult to manage farms and government
• The Empire starting shrinking. The Huns, Visigoths, Franks,
Vandals, Saxons and other barbarian tribes overran the
Review of the Fall of Rome
• The Western Roman Empire did not do well. Instead of
getting stronger, they became weaker. By 400 AD, it was
pretty much over.
• The Huns, Franks, Vandals, Saxons, Visigoths – any of
these barbarian tribes might have been the group that
finally brought Rome down.
• They were all attacking various pieces of the Western
Roman Empire. In 476 AD, the Visigoths sacked Rome.
Europe entered the Dark Ages.
• The eastern half of the Roman Empire received a new
name – the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire did
fine. It lasted for another 1000 years!