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• Ch. 6 Section 1
• Sicily- island southwest of the Italian Peninsula- Greeks set
up farming communities in this location
• Etruscans- From 900 B.C. to 500 B.C.
they ruled
northern Italy from the plains of Etruria- Did not
speak an Indo-European language- their
alphabet came from the Greeks
• Rome- center for the Latins in the central plain of Latium
Legend- building a wall of a city on a
hill overlooking the Tiber River- Twin brother
Remus came over from Hillside opposite, where
he had been laying foundation for a cityRomulus killed Remus- Built Rome
• Romulus-
• Tarquins- wealthy Etruscan family who provided kings to
rule over the Romans
Patricians- Latin nobles
Republic- community in which the people elect their leaders
Plebeians- wealthy nonaristocratic townspeople and
landowners as well as merchants, shopkeepers, small
farmers, and laborers
Consuls- two patrician officials elected for one year that
ruled the executive branch- they had to consult each other
before acting- consuls oversaw other executive officials
• Dictator- leader whose word was law- he could
overrule the consuls
• Cincinnatus- most admired Roman dictator- He
was chosen as dictator to battle an enemy and
once had won, resigned and continued farming
his land
• Tribunes- plebeians’ chosen representatives to
defend them against the Patricians
• Twelve Tables- written law code- Patricians
engraved the laws on 12 bronze tablets set in the
Forum for all to see- became the basis for all
future Roman Law- established the principle that
all free citizens had a right to the law’s protection
• Venus – Roman Goddess of Love
• Mars- Roman God of War
• Ch. 6 Section 2
• Pyrrhus- ruler in western Greece who fought the Romans
and lost
Carthage- Mediterranean area’s wealthiest city- Romans
wanted to stop the growth of Carthage
First Punic War (Between?, About?)- Carthage and RomeCathage wanted the Strait of Messina and Rome wanted
control of the waterway- Rome won and took Sicily
Indemnity- payment for damages
Hannibal- General of the Carthaginian army in Spain- fought
• Scipio- Roman General who attacked Carthage
and forced Hannibal’s army to Africa
• Second Punic War (Between?, About?)Carthagian’s Spanish General Hannibal vs.
Scipio of Rome- Hannibal wanted take Italy from
• Third Punic War (Between?, About?)- Carthage
and Rome- Rome (Cato) forced a war on
Carthage- Rome burnt Cathage and sold
surviving population to slavery- gave Rome
complete control of western Mediterranean
• Latifundia- Large estates that provided grain,
sheep, olives, and fruits for urban markets.
• Tiberius Gracchus- Reformer who proposed
limiting the size of the latifundia and
distributing land to the poor- opposed by
Senate (wealthy Romans)
• Gaius Gracchus- Brother of Tiberius- proposed
the same reforms and was murdered
• Julius Caesar- One of Rome’s greatest generals
and political leaders
• Triumvirate- group of three persons with equal
power- Julius Caesar, Popey and Crassus- ruled
Rome- silenced gov’t critics, bending senators
and tribunes to its will
• Celts- Indo- Europeans in Gaul that Caesar
conquered and brought under Roman rule
• Octavian- 18-year old grandnephew of Julius Caesar
who joined forced with Marc Antony and Marcus
Lepidus to create second triumvirate
• Marc Antony- he along with Octavian and Marcus
Lepidus created the second triumvirate and divided
Roman Empire among themselves- committed
suicide alongside his wife Cleopatra
• Chapter 6 Section 3: Roman Empire Vocabulary
• Aqueduct- artificial channels for carrying water
• Pax Romana- Roman Peace- lasted for 200 years
• Pontifex Maximus- Chief Priest of Rome- Augustus was the
first and became the head of a national and unifying religion
• Jus Gentium- Law that dealt with noncitizens
• Jus Civile- Citizen Law
• Circus Maximus- arena seating more than 150,000 people
where chariot races took place
• Pantheon- rebuilt by Hadrian- temple for all the deities
• Appian Way- First major Roman road constructed in the
300’s- connected Rome and southeastern Italy
• Latin/Lingua Franca- Rome’s official language- forms the
basis for the Romance Languages (Italian, French, Spanish,
Portuguese, Romanian, English)
• Augustus- Octavian Caesar- named himself this. It means
“Majestic One”
• Tiberius- succeeded Augustus Caesar- accused innocent
people of treason
• Claudius- renowned scholar, but had difficulty focusing on
state affairs
Nero- cruel and probably insane ruler of Rome in A.D. 54
Marcus Aurelius- “Good Emperor”- brought Rome to the
height of economic prosperity
Galen- Formed the basis for Roman Medical Science
Ptolemy- Formed the foundation of Roman astronomy
Cicero- Roman senator who published written speeches
Ovid- Wrote the “Metamorphoses” who wrote verses on
Greek Mythology
• Horace- Poet who wrote about the shortness of life
and the rewards of companionship in “Odes”
• Virgil- Wrote the “Aeneid,” an epic poem
• Tacitus- Wrote Roman history that condemned the
tyranny of the Julio-Claudian emperors with irony
• Livy- Wrote a monumental history of Rome that
glorified the early Romans
• Ch. 6 Section 4 Terms
• Sect- group
• Messiah- deliverer chosen by God- foretold in
Jewish prophets
• Disciple- follower
• Martyr- people who chose to die rather than
give up their beliefs
• Bishop- oversees the diocese (many parishes)
• Patriarch- Bishops of Rome, Constantinople,
Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem
• Pope- Head of all churches /Roman Catholic
• Christian- Christos- Greek for Messiah
• People
• Jesus- traveled and told people about God/ Seen as
the Messiah by disciples
• Pontias Pilate- Roman governor who arrested Jesus
and ordered his crucifixion
• Paul- Disciple who helped write New TestamentEpistles (letters) and Gospels (stories about Jesus)
• Peter- Leader of group who came to Rome and found
a church there
• Constantine- Christian Emperor- Edict of Milancould practice any religion they chose
• Theodosius- A.D. 392- made Christianity the official
religion of the Roman Empire
• Augustine- scholar who wrote “Confessions” and
“City of God”- first history from Christian Viewpoint
• Ch. 6 Section 5
• Terms
• Inflation- rise in prices corresponding to a decrease in the
value of money
Edict of Prices- Diocletian froze wages and set maximum
prices of goods
Diocletian- Emperor who tried many reforms to stop fall of
Roman Empire- failed in Edict of Prices
Constantine- Emperor- Reforms- Legal to chain workers,
declared jobs hereditary
Constantinople- Became Roman Capital- moved by
Constantine- Greek City
• Theodosius- willed upon his death that eastern and
western parts of Empire
should be separate empires- East- Roman Empire,
West- Byzantine Empire
Germanic Tribes- tribes that came in to Roman
Empire in repeated attempts to take down empireAlaric- Visigoth chief led his people in attack of Italy
and took over Rome
Attila- Hun that raided eastern empire- moved to
north- Visigoths and Romans fought to keep them
out of empire
Odoacer- German Soldier in A.D. 476 seized Rome
and declared himself King of Italy- “Fall” of Roman