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Guiding Thinking Model
Perception (如何去感知、
Reception (接受某
Spiritual need
Physical need
Conception (如何去理解所經驗的客體)
Spiritual need: 生成於形而上,落實於形而下(生活,物質)
Physical need: 生成於形而下,結果於形而上(文化、政治、社會、宗教,精神)
Cycles of Style
Roman Art in Late Antiquity
To the glory that was Greece
And the grandeur that was Rome.
-- Edgar Allen Poe “To Helen”
• Founding of Rome: 753 B.C.
• Roman Republic: 509 B.C. ~31 B.C.
1. First Triumvirate: Pompei, Caesar, Carasus: 60 B.C.
2. Second Triumvirate: Antony, Lepidus, Ocavian: 43 B.C.
• Roman Empire : (Golden Age)
31B.C. ~ A.D. 476 (end of Western Roman Empire)
The first Roman emperor: Ocavian under the name of Augustus
Edgar Allen Poe, “To Helen”
Helen, thy beauty is to me
Like those Nicean barks of yore,
That gently, o'er a perfum'd sea,
The weary way-worn wanderer bore
To his own native shore.
On desperate seas long wont to roam,
Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,
Thy Naiad airs have brought me home
To the beauty of fair Greece,
And the grandeur of old Rome.
Lo ! in that little window-niche
How statue-like I see thee stand!
The folded scroll within thy hand ?
A Psyche from the regions which
Are Holy land !
The agate lamp within thy hand,
Ah! Psyche, from the region which
Are Holy Land
Hellenistic Period:
Alexander The Great (323BC)Roman sacked Corinth (146 B.C.)
Roman Expansion in Italy
264-44 B. C.
The Roman Empire at Its Greatest Extent
I. Roman Arts
1. Etruscan Arts
2. Republican Art and architecture
3. Architecture of Early Empire
4. Augustan Sculpture
5. Late Roman Architecture and Sculpture
1. Etruscan Arts
Capitoline She-Wolf, c. 500-480 B.C.
A bronze of a She-Wolf suckling Romulus and Remus (the mythical founders of
Rome) gives an idea of the great skill with which Etruscan artists worked.
"The Etruscans, as everyone knows, were the people who occupied the middle of
Italy in early Roman days, and whom the Romans, in their usual neighborly fashion,
wiped out entirely." -D.H. Lawrence, Etruscan Places
Reconstruction of an
Etruscan temple. [Model of
a typical Etruscan temple
of the sixth century BC, as
described by Vitruvius.]
Reconstruction drawing of the Treasury of
the Siphnians. Sanctuary of Apollo at
Delphi. c. 525 BC.
Etruscan Chimira
Sarcophagus from Cerveteri, Etruscan sculpture, c. 520 B.C.
husband and wife shown in sculpted form on their tomb terra cotta
Tension of pose,
sinister smile
Apollo of Veii, from the roof of the Portonaccio Temple,
Veii, Etruscan, c 510-500 B.C.
Love of nature, naturalistic
Tomb of Hunting and Fishing in Tarquinia, 6th Century B.C.
2. Republican Art and Architecture (509-31 B.C.)
Rome Forum
Sanctuary of Fortuna Promigenia, Palestrina
1st Triumbirate: Pompei, Caesar, Crassus
2nd Triumvirate: Anthony, Lipidus, Octavian
3. Architecture of the Early Empire
Flavian Amphitheater (The Colosseum), c. 72-80 A.D., Rome.
Reconstruction model of the Colosseum.
Vault corridor
View of the corridor of the Colosseum (Groin vaults)
Diagram of arch
Diagrams of vault barrel and groin
Arch_vault barrel
Arch_vault groin_1
Arch_vault groin 2
Model of the Forum of Augustus, late 1st c. B.C.
Reconstruction of the interior of the Basilica Ulpia.
View of the Exterior of the Pantheon.
Reconstruction model of the complex of the
Pantheon of Hadrian, 118-25 A.D. Rome.
Corinthian columns Structural diagram of
the Pantheon showing
arches built into the
Giovanni Pannini, painting of the
interior of the Pantheon, c. 1750
Cross section of the Pantheon.
Water Channel排水渠道
Three rows of
Pont du Gard (Aqueduct), late 1st c. B.C., near N?mes, France.
Triumphant Gate凱旋門
Arch of Titus, 81 A.D., Rome, constructed by Domitian after the death of Titus.
4. Augustan Sculpture
Augustus of Primaporta, 20 B.C. or c. 14 A.D.
Ara Pacis of Augustus, 13-9 B.C.
(altar of peace 息靈龕)
Imperial Procession from the Ara Pacis, 13-9 B.C.
Details: Imperial Procession from the Ara Pacis, 13-9 B.C.
Aeneas sacrificing, from the Ara Pacis
Tellus Relief (Air, Earth, and Sea personified), from the Ara Pacis.
5. Late Roman Architecture and Sculpture
Marble portrait of Constantine, c. 330 A.D.
The Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine (Basilica Nova)
II. Roman Philosophy and Law
Epicureanism: moderation and prudence in the
pursuit of pleasure
•Epicurus (341~271 B.C), founder of the Epicurean School
•Lucretius (99~55 B.C.), On the Nature of Things
Stoicism: Becoming virtuous by controlling will and desire
•Seneca (8 B.C.~ A.D. 65)
•Epictetus (c.A.D. 50~134)
•Emperor Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 121~180), Meditation.
III. Roman Literature
1. Horace: Odes, and Ars Poetica
2. Catullus, lyrics
3. Vergil, The Aeneid (an epic), Geogics, and Eclogues
4. Ovid, Metamorphoses (mythological tales)
Livy, Annals of the Roman People (history)
6. Juvenal, Satires
Aeneas’s wanderings
Vergil's Aeneid
•Publius Vergilius Maro (70 BCE - 19 BCE)
•The Aeneid by book
1.Arrival in Carthage
2.Fall of Troy
3.Aeneas' wanderings
4.Love and death of Dido
5.Funeral Games
6.Aeneas goes to Hades
7.Arrival in Italy, war starts with Latins
8.Trip to where Rome will later be; shield
9.Nisus and Euryalus
10.Death of Lausus and Pallas
11.Death of Camilla
12.Death of Turnus
Virgil’s The Aenead
Map of Aeneas’s Journey
Aeneas, Under the Protection of Venus
Book IV
•Dido in love; Anna
•Apparent reconciliation between Juno and Venus
•The hunt and the cave; "Marriage" of Dido and Aeneas
•Jupiter sends Mercury
•Aeneas departs
•Dido's suicide
Some themes to consider
Creative imitation: How does Vergil make use of his Greek predecessors,
especially Homer?
Aeneas: What kind of hero is he?
Rome: What does Vergil say about Rome' s destiny and her history?
Augustus: What does Vergil have to say about Augustus and his role in Roman
Suffering: How does the suffering that occurs in the poem affect our attitude
towards Rome's destiny?
Gods: What roles do the gods play in the poem?
Gaius Valerius Catullus
(84 - 54 BC) Roma
BORN: c. 85 B.C.E.; Verona, Cisalpine Gaul
(now in Italy)
DIED: c. 54 B.C.E.; probably Rome (now in
ALSO KNOWN AS: Gaius Valerius Catullus
(full name)
Catullus was born into a wealthy family of
Celtic descent in the town of Verona in
Cisalpine Gaul. His father was a friend of
Julius Caesar, and sent his young son to
Rome to learn the ways of the city. He was
one of the most versatile of Roman poets,
writing love poems, elegies, and satirical
epigrams. He moved in the literary and
political society of Rome and wrote lyrics
describing his unhappy love affair with Clodia,
probably the wife of the consul Metellus. His
longer poems include two wedding-songs.
His work remained virtually unknown during
the Middle Ages, until a manuscript of his
poems came to light at Verona in the 14th
century. Many of his poems, are short verses
to the young boys he loved. Some of his
verses have a real feeling... A cycle of eight
poems (15, 16, 21, 24, 40, 48, 81, 99)
concerns a youth, Juventius, which reveals
that Catullus was comfortable working within
the Hellenistic tradition of poetry in praise of