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Citizens of Rome
What it takes to be a citizen;
then and today
Plebeian Unrest
• When do the poor have power?
– When the rich need an army to defend them!
• What do Plebeians demand?
– To have more rights!
The Twelve Tables
• What is the Twelve Tables?
– The first written laws of the republic
• What parts of the Twelve Tables have influenced
our legal system?
– Having plaintiffs, defendants, juries, etc.
• Why is having a written code of laws important?
– People can’t play fair if they don’t follow the same
rules! Nobody is above the law when it’s all written
Roman Law/Rights of non-Romans
• What code of laws did citizens have to follow?
– Law of citizens
• How were women treated differently?
– Can’t vote or hold office, but can own property
• What laws did non-Romans have to follow?
– Law of peoples- Pontius Pilate condemned Jesus
under this code of laws.
– Slaves had no rights but could be freed and
become citizens!
Pride in the Republic
• What were Romans most proud of?
– Their republican form of government
• How was their government run?
– No king; citizens elected representatives to run
the Senate
• How did Marcus Tullius Cicero aim to gain
– By making his opponents look bad!
Roman Heritage/Use Today
• What Latin words do we use to describe our own
– Government, legal, constitution, court, judge, senate,
president, council, and citizen
• How is our government like Rome?
– We have a senate, no king, representatives pass laws
• How is Cincinnatus a Roman ideal?
– He had all the power, but gave it back to his country,
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