Download Pericles Leads Athens

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The Golden Age of Greece
Main Ideas
Government – Democracy expanded under the leadership of Pericles.
Economics – Pericles expanded the wealth and power of Athens through the Delian League.
Culture – Pericles launched a program to make Athens beautiful.
Pericles Leads Athens
Pericles’ Three Goals
____________ led Athens after the Persian Wars
o Was the strongest leader from 460 B.C.E until his death 31
years later
o This time was later called ___________________
Three goals: strengthen __________, _________ empire,
__________ Athens
Pericles Strengthens Democracy
Pericles supported democratic reforms
o Wanted to change _____________________ between _________________
In 430 B.C.E., Pericles gave speech honoring soldiers killed in war
o Stated his view of democracy
o Spoke out for equality in laws
o Praised _______________ and ____________________over class
Paid Public Officials
Changed rule for holding public office to spread power more evenly
o ________ more officials so poor could afford to hold office
Citizen had to be free male, over 18, son of _____________ parents
Direct Democracy
Direct Democracy – all citizens participate in running government
o _____________________________________
Modern U.S. had ____________ democracy, elected representatives
Review Question:
How did Pericles strengthen democracy in Athens?
Expanding the Empirehe Empire
Delian League
To protect themselves, Greek city-states formed
the _________________
o Mutual protection group had center,
treasury on island of Delos
o Pericles used League money to build
Athens Dominates the Delian League
Athens had a superior navy and control of the
Delian League
o Moved League treasury to Athens in 454
o This move strengthened Athens
Other city-states eventually became part of __________________________
Review Question:
How did the power of Athens expand?
Beautifying Athens
Beautifying Athens
Rebuilding Athens
In 480 B.C.E., Athens was in ruins from the
Persian Wars
Pericles ___________________________
with funds from Delian League
o Other city-states were angry because
he did not ask permission to use
Pericles spent money on ______________,
_______________, _________________
o Materials included gold, ivory, and
The Acropolis
Athens rebuilt _______________ – “high city” that included ____________________
o Parthenon housed statue of goddess Athena, the city’s protector
o Parthenon architecture had graceful proportions, harmony, and order
Other Acropolis temple dedicated to Athena Nike, goddess of victory
Acropolis’ Erechtheum was sacred site with beautiful architecture
o Legendary site where Athena beat Poseidon to be city’s
Review Question:
How did Pericles finance his program to make Athens beautiful?
Why it matters now…
Athenian democracy, art, and architecture set standards that remain influential in the world today.