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The process of the exchange of
information between a sender and a
receiver through a medium (channel)
which results in shared feedback.
Channels of Communication
• Downward Communication
• Upward Communication
• Horizontal Communication
• “Management by Walking Around”
• Grapevine
Communication Management
• Conceptual Skill--Ability to solve problems
and demonstrate decision-making skills
• Technical Skill--Ability to demonstrate
knowledge through tactile techniques
• Human Skill--Ability to interact with people
Corporate Culture Myths
• Myth One: Corporate Culture is a
homogeneous organizational characteristic
• Myth Two: All members of the organization
share the same values, beliefs, and traditions
• Myth Three: The leaders of the organization
have the ability to shape the corporate culture
• Myth Four: All organizations should strive for
one culture
Culture vs. Climate
• Culture is defined as the values and beliefs
shared by the members of a society; a set of
shared assumptions and understandings
about organizational functionings (the ‘why
do things happen the way they do’)
• Climate refers to the ways organizations
operationalize the themes that pervade
everyday behavior--the routines of
organizations and the behaviors that get
rewarded, supported, and expected by
organizations (the ‘what happens around
Communication Networks
• Chain Network--Traditional organizational
structure (Layered)
• Wheel Network--Very centralized, autocratic
• Circle Network--Participative organization
• Star Network--Laissez-faire “free rein”
• Guidelines which help to identify what is right
and what is wrong behavior.
• Acting responsibly for the common good
• Telling the truth
• Avoiding misleading others
• Sharing vital information
Five Steps in the
Communication Process
• The sender has an idea (encoding)
• The message is planned, organized, and sent
• The message (type) is sent through a channel
• The receiver reacts to the message
• Effective communication results in shared
Communication Signals
• Sign language: All symbols
• Action Language: Kinesics, gestures
• Object Language: Intentional and
unintentional displays
The meaning may be construed in many ways
by the sender and receiver.
Ex: the sign of victory, the “ok” sign, the words
“sorry, torch, buns,” the biggest rock.
Words, Words, Words
Idioms: Pet expressions, jargon
Offensive, sexist language
Biased language
Stereotyped language
Illiterate language
Formal language
Colloquial language
“Ese, Ize” language
Redundant language
The written message
Writing style
Message (Purpose--Why)
Audience (Who)
Content (What)
Timeliness (When)
Medium (How)
A Brave New World of Words
• Twenty-five percent of words added to the
dictionary in 1998 were computer -generated
• A normal adult uses 20,000 words regularly
• The English language contains a million
words--give or take.
• The ten most looked up words on Webster
web site were (in order): paradigm, love,
thesaurus, ubiquitous, HTML, effect, gry,
affect, home, dog
Sample of 100 Words Added in
Action figure
buffalo wing
cellaphone noodle
chat room
comfort food
day job
trash talk
yuppie flu
And the infamous word in 1998
• Is-– The Starr Report: “salacious”
– “Censure” was the most looked up word on 12/10/98
And if you were afraid to ask:
• Gry is a measure equal to one-tenth of a line.
• Only two words in the English language end
in “gry”--hungry and angry
• And to be honest, the word gry is
outdated/obsolete and no longer used by
ordinary people!
And more on words...
• The word with the most definitions is “set”
• The 50 most frequently used words in English
account for 45 percent of the total volume of
words used.
• In a recent study conducted OC Register
(12/22/98) college students were asked the
meaning of a few words added to Webster’s
dictionary such as:
The Words….
Let’s see how you fared!
• Bloviate:
– to speak or write verbosely or windily
• Frisee:
– curly chicory leaves, used in a salad, also called frisee lettuce
• Gopik:
– a kind of money, from Russia and Azerbaijan
• Kroon:
– a kind of money, Estonia
• Meme:
– an idea or behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person
within a culture
• Stotin:
– A money, from Slovenia
And Today our Language is...
• Less Formal and Eloquent
• More Comprehensible and Concise
• A communication revolution has taken place
in the last 100 years.
– Language is more technical and specialized; therefore,
the English common core language has increased from
65,000 words to over 160,000 words
The C’s of Writing
• Completeness--Providing all the info needed
to promote effective communication
• Conciseness--Providing all the info in a clear,
brief manner
• Courteousness--The tone of the message
(empathy with the reader)
• Clarity--Delivering the message in the manner
• Considerately--Using language the reader will
• Correctness--The facts, spelling, grammar,
and essential details add to the sender’s
The two-fold process
• Build or create goodwill
• Get the desired response
Stereotyping vs. Ethnocentrism
• Stereotyping: Classifying a particular group
of people in a like manner
• Ethnocentrism: The belief that one’s culture
is superior to other cultures
The rule of 12
• People are judged when they are 12 feet away
based on overall appearance
• People are judged when they are 12 inches
away based on body grooming and scent
• People are judged by the first 12 words they
Nonverbal Communication
Eye contact
Colors and dress
Gender Differences
Time attitudes
Food and eating habits
Written/oral Differences
Business correspondence
Regional accents
Word usage