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AMANI campaign
‫حملة اماني‬
Interagency Child
Protection and GBV
Inter-agency CP/SGBV
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
 Understand how communication for behavioural &
social change contributes to developing positive
behaviours & promoting individual & community change.
 Understand how to use community mobilization in
AMANI campaign
 Explore how to use different tools of communication in
the AMANI campaign
 Identify core elements of a communication strategy
Our goal is to mobilize the community and we
will explore in this session the tools you can use
to do so.
Why Communicate?
 Remember we said communication for behavioural
& social change aims to change individual and/or
social attitudes, knowledge and practices.
 For GBV and child protection the aim is to:
-Increase community members knowledge on how to
prevent and respond to GBV and CP issues,
-Change community members attitudes and
practices to better protect adults and children from
all forms of violence, abuse and exploitation
Why Communicate?
Communication, when it is done well, does not only benefit the ‘recipient’. It also
benefits the ‘sender’.
Communication is a tool to influence peoples lives
Communication is a continuous process
Transmission of information, provokes debate,
Involves people, influence,
Promotes dialogue and debate on issues
Informs and inspires
To learn
Knowledge, information, evidence ,
We tend to think of communication as a process of
teaching others – or of telling others everything we know (‘spread the good news!’).
 communication is also a process whereby the ‘senders’ themselves can learn a lot.
If we think strategically about the communication process, we can maximise our
own benefits too.
Role of Communication for Behavioral & Social
Change in GBV & CP
Increase knowledge
Stimulate community dialogue
Promote essential attitude change
Advocate for policy changes
Create a demand for information and services
Reduce stigma and discrimination
Promote services for prevention and care
How to Communicate
Do’s and Don’ts of communication for
Discuss in Pairs
• “DO”
1 thing we should do in communicating on CP and GBV
• “DON’T”
1 thing we should not do in communicating on CP and GBV
Discuss in Pairs. Write one response per VIPP card
Key Do’s for communicating on CP and GBV
• Emphasis on debate & dialogue among community
members rather than transmission of information.
• Importance of people understanding how they, their
families & communities will benefit.
• Empowering - gives voice to unheard community
• Involve the community in developing, testing and
delivering the messages
• Interactive & involves high level exchange of ideas, tools
& experiences.
• Ensure that information is easily accessible.
• Assess the specific ways that people get informed and
who they listen to in order to select appropriate methods
Key Do’s for communicating on CP and GBV
• Use everyday language and pictures
• Ensure sustainability & consistency of delivering
change messages (repetition is important).
• Ensure that the person presenting the info (e.g.
Radio or TV) is well known & trusted
• Identify and support influential change agents or role
• Focus on positive values, behaviours, role models
• Challenge existing traditions in sensitive way by
explaining laws, rights and negative effects of current
• Give people time to change especially if the change
carries a cost.
Key don’ts
• Knowledge alone is insufficient for behavior
• Don’t use one-way communication channels
• Avoid lecturing ,
• Don’t focus exclusively on what you don’t
want to happen (e.g. “Stop violence against
Positive values and messages
For each protection problem, reframe the message to
focus on positive values/messages/role models.
1. Separated/unaccompanied children
“Separated children are at risk of exploitation and abuse”
2. Rape and sexual violence
“Stop rape of women”
3. Early marriage
“Early marriage hurts girls’ health and future prospects ”
Plenary discussion
Who is the main perpetrator of violence?
Who has influence in this community to
contribute to the prevention of violence?
Who believes in the change you want to make?
Key guidance for community dialogue
‫االرشادات االساسية إلدارة الحوار المجتمعي‬
 Provide opportunity for dialogue and debate among community members
 Involve the community in developing, testing and delivering the messages
 Assess the specific ways that different groups get informed and who they listen to
select appropriate methods
 Identify and support influential change agents or role models
 When using multiple messages it is often good to start with the less sensitive
messages and move onto the more sensitive messages
 Challenge existing traditions in sensitive way by explaining laws, rights and negative
effects of current practices
،‫ قم بتوفير فرصة للحوار والنقاش بين أعضاء المجتمع‬
‫ قم بإشراك المجتمع في تطوير واختبار وتوصيل الرسائل‬
‫ وذلك ألختيار افضل طرق‬،‫ قم بتقييم وسائل الحصول على المعلومات بهدف تحديد االشخاص المؤثرين‬
‫التـاثير على المجموعات المختلفة‬
‫ قم بتحديد ودعم االشخاص المؤثرين وعمالء التغيير أو القدوة‬
‫ عند استخدام رسائل متعددة غالبا ما يكون من الجيد أن تبدأ مع الرسائل األقل حساسية واالنتقال إلى الرسائل‬
‫األكثر حساسية‬
‫ تطرق للتقاليد القائمة بحساسية من خالل شرح القوانين والحقوق واآلثار السلبية للممارسات الحالية‬
Communication strategies for social
• Vertical: top- down; one way communication;
treats target group as recipients of message;
no interaction; effect limited to Individuals
• Horizontal : based on dialogue; sharing of
information; participation of all members;
local ownership and empowerment
Three phases of the communication strategy
Awareness raising
Social and Behaviour
• Raise visibility of the importance of good sanitation
and hygiene behaviors. Increase awareness on the
risks and implications of open defecation
• To provide influencers and decision makers with
the information they need, encourage them to
speak up take action for positive change. Get
Support & create an enabling environment for
• To empower individuals and families to make
decisions based on correct information , Stigmatize
risky practices, promote healthy norms and practices
Presentation 2
Process to community change
Community dialogue
Recognition of
problem (
identify, assess)
Identify &
clarify indiv &
shared interest
Collective vision
& clear
Collective Action plan
Mobilization of
community &
Assess outcomes
& feedback
Modify plans
Social media
Public & group
Art ,
Steps in Developing Behavior Change Communication
Group Work
 Break into groups of four
 Pick one message you would like to communicate to
achieve behaviour and social change.
 Follow the steps in the next slide and determine, who your
target group will be, stakeholders, goal, method of
communication, etc.
 When done, present & discuss in plenary
Steps in Developing Behavior Change Communication
1. State program goals
2. Involve stakeholders
3. Identify target populations
4. Conduct formative BCC assessments
5. Segment target populations
6. Define behavior change objectives
7. Define BCC strategy and M&E plan
8. Develop communication products
9. Pretest
10. Implement and monitor
11. Evaluate
12. Analyze feedback and revise
Brainstorm in plenary:
Do you know what tools can be used to
disseminate the messages?
Don you know what strategies can be followed
in disseminating messages?
Have you been involved in something similar in
the past?
‫‪Strategies for mobilising community:‬‬
‫‪Mass communication‬‬
‫إستراتيجيات التعبئه المجتمعية والتواصل الجماهيري‬
‫وسائل االعالم‬
‫والمساحات العامه‬
‫‪a. Mass media/public spaces‬‬
‫‪• Posters or murals in public spaces‬‬
‫الملصقات الجدارية‬
‫والمساحات العامه‬
‫‪• Launches/festivals‬‬
‫مناسبات االفتتاح ‪ /‬واالحتفاالت‬
‫ب‪ .‬االنترنت‪ /‬الهاتف الجوال‪ /‬افالم الفيديو‪/‬‬
‫صفحات التواصل االجتماعي‬
‫الرسائل االلكترونية عبر الجوال‬
‫بث أفالم فيديو في مراكز التسجيل‬
‫‪b. Internet/mobile phone/video‬‬
‫‪•Social media‬‬
‫‪• Mobile phone messages‬‬
‫‪• Video in registration centers etc.‬‬
Strategies for Mobilising community
‫استراتيجيات التعبئه المجتمعيه‬
c. Protection
Structures and community
Protection committees (child protection
Religious leaders
Community leaders/meetings
‫ هيئات الحماية والشبكات المجتمعية‬.‫ج‬
)‫لجان الحماية (حماية الطفل وغيرها‬
‫الزعماء الدينيين‬
‫ إجتماعات‬/ ‫قادة المجتمع‬
d. Arts and group activities
Use of theatre, photography, music,
dance etc.
Structured protection sessions with
parents or children
Group activities in CFS or womens spaces
‫ الفنون واألنشطة الجماعية‬.‫د‬
‫إستخدام المسرح والتصوير والموسيقى‬
‫والرقص الخ‬
‫جلسات منظمة بحضور اآلباء أو‬
‫أنشطة جماعية في مراكز توزيع‬
‫المساعدات الغذائية أو المساحات‬
‫ الفردية‬/ ‫ الشخصية‬. ‫ت‬
‫ لصديق؟؟‬-‫منهجية من صديق‬
‫المناقشات الفردية (مثل متطوعين‬
)‫التوعية المجتمعية‬
‫توزيع النشرات وبطاقات االعنوانين‬
e. Interpersonal/individual
Peer-to-peer approaches
Individual discussions (e.g. community
outreach volunteers)
Distribution of flyers and contact cards
Communication Tools
Hanan to provide general communication tools
What is Communication
Communication requires
-sender: the person express idea,
-Message: what we want to say
-Channel: mean of communication,
verbal, non verbal ..etc
-Receiver: who we intend to convey
the message, audience
-Feedback: what receiver
understands, perceives and react to
our message
Types of Communication
1- Verbal
2- non verbal
3- written
4- visual
‫غير لفظي‬
Communication types/Pros & Cons
Oral /verbal
message transmitted verbally,
face to face
-Public gathering
-Awareness sessions
-immediate feedback.
- -fast and easy to understand
- less possibility of distortion of
- less costs
Written /verbal
Messages transmitted verbally
in writing
- article
- email
- brochure
- book
Message transmitted by visual
Non verbal ( body language
Messages transmitted using
body ,sending or receiving of
wordless messages (70%
-Cinema, Video
-logos, photos
-posters, charts,
-facial expression
- body movement
- eyes contacts
- Messages can be edited and revised
many time before it is actually sent.
- Written communication provide record
for every message sent and can be saved
for later study.
- A written message enables receiver to
fully understand it and send appropriate
Fast t convey message
-pictures stays in memory,
- influence and moves people emotions,
-convey clear message
- Gives a lot of feedback
-continues until purpose achieved
- substitute for the verbal message
especially if it is blocked by noise,
interruption, long distance
Examples of non verbal
Effective verbal Communication
Be as clear and as specific as possible in all verbal communications and especially when you are
asking someone to carry out a task for you.
To make sure people understood what you sad either summarize in different words, or ask people
to summarize your message in their own words.
Observe Responses
Observe response to your message. Read people’s thoughts by watching their facial expressions,
Background Noise
If there is background noise, speak loudly or move to a quieter area. Reinforce verbal
communication, especially in noisy areas, with gestures.
Pay attention to your body language and Use of Voice
Undivided Attention
Pay attention. Avoid interruptions. Don’t hold two conversations at the same
Emphasize Important Points
To communicate an important point, raise your voice slightly or speak deliberately. Let your body
language reflect your point.
Begin conversations positively. If there is potential for conflict, start off with
something on which you both agree to set a positive atmosphere.
Choose your words
Avoid using ‘but’ to join sentences. ‘But’ puts people on the defensive. Use “ and” to reflect on a
Effective non verbal communication
Pay Attention to Nonverbal Signals
pay attention to things like eye contact, gestures, postures, body movements, and tone of voice.
Look for Incongruent Behaviors
people tend to ignore what has been said and focus instead on unspoken expressions of moods,
thoughts, and emotions.
Concentrate on Your Tone of Voice When Speaking
Your tone of voice can reflect enthusiasm, anger, sadness ...etc try
using tone of voice to emphasize ideas that you want to communicate.
Use Good Eye Contact
good eye contact mean staring fixedly into someone's eyes intervals of eye contact lasting four to
five seconds.
Ask Questions About Nonverbal Signals
A good idea is to repeat back your interpretation of what has been said and ask for clarification.
An example of this might be, "So what you are saying is that...“
Consider Context:
concentrate on ways to make your signals match the level of formality necessitated by the
misreading the Signals :
look for groups of signals to get feedback, A person's overall demeanor is far more telling than a single gesture
viewed in isolation.
Practice, Practice, Practice
you can build this skill by paying careful attention to nonverbal behavior and practicing different
types of nonverbal communication with others.
Communication Tools
Work in groups:
Based on the previous slide, determine the pros
& cons of each tool (e.g. Social media, etc)
When done, discuss responses in plenary
- Salma campaign
- GBV video
- Animate It video
- Tshirts
- Song
- Parents Awareness raising sessions
‫‪Available tools‬‬
‫االدوات المتوفره‬
‫مواد تحت‬
‫تجهيزها بمناسبه‬
‫يوم االجئ بتاريخ‬
‫دليل العاملين في مجال‬
‫دليل ميسرين المجموعات‬
‫فيديو تصويري‬
‫وسائل االعالم اإلجتماعية‬
‫عمل مسرحي‬
‫‪Launch (World‬‬
‫‪refugee day 20‬‬
‫‪workers guide‬‬
‫‪facilitators guide‬‬
‫‪Other animate it‬‬
‫‪Social media‬‬
‫• مواد متوفره حاليا‪:‬‬
‫‪Available Now‬‬
‫وثيقة الرسائل الرئيسيه‬
‫‪Key messages document‬‬
‫ملصقات جدارية‬
‫دفااتر مالحظات‬
‫بطاقات عناوين‬
‫‪Business cards‬‬
‫‪Children’s t-shirts‬‬
‫باليز لألطفال‬
‫أشرطة الفيديو‬
‫‪Animate it videos‬‬
‫كتيبات عن الزواج المبكر‬
‫والوقاية من العنف‬
‫‪Brochures on early marriage‬‬
‫(منظمة المرأة العربية) ‪and prevention of violence‬‬
‫)‪(AWO) Flower petals (UPP/JWU‬‬
‫‪UPP‬بتالت الزهور (‬
‫في مجموعات زوجية ‪In pairs‬‬
‫أمثله من الفئات‬
‫المستهدفة‪Example target groups:‬‬
‫‪Boys under 12‬‬
‫‪Girls under 12‬‬
‫‪Boys 12-18‬‬
‫‪Girls 12-18‬‬
‫‪Religious leaders‬‬
‫‪Community leaders‬‬
‫ذكورتحت سن ‪12‬‬
‫إناث تحت سن ‪12‬‬
‫ذكور ما بين ‪ 18-12‬عام‬
‫إناث ما بين ‪ 18-12‬عام‬
‫قاده دينيون‬
‫قادة مجتمع‬
‫‪Pick one message and one‬‬
‫‪target group and agree:‬‬
‫‪Which of the supporting‬‬
‫‪messages would you focus‬‬
‫‪What methodology would‬‬
‫‪you use to communicate this‬‬
‫قم بـاختيار رساله من الرسائل ‪ ،‬وفئه من‬
‫الفئات المستهدفة واالتفاق مع شريكك‬
‫• أي رساله من الرسائل الداعمه ستركز‬
‫• اي منهجية ستستخدمها اليصال هذه‬