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Vocabulary Terms- India and China
1. Define the following terms: monsoon, plateau, veneration,
Sanskrit, rajahs, mystics, castes, acculturation, Hinduism,
atman, moksha, reincarnation, karma, dharma, yoga,
ahimsa, Buddhism, nirvana, sects, feudalism, dissent, golden
age, Silk Road, oracle bones Mandate of Heaven,
Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism.
Map of Asia
2. Locate and identify on a map India, Himalaya, Ganges River,
Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, Huang He (Yellow River),
Chang Jiang (Yangtze River), Mongolia, Gobi Desert, and the
South China Sea.
Ancient India and
Geography of the Indian
 The Deccan Plateau
Indus and Ganges
 Himalayas (highest
mountains in the
 8,874 m or 29,114 ft
 Over 100 mountains,
Mt. Everest being the
most famous
 Afghanistan,
Pakistan, India,
Nepal, Bhutan
Geography and Ancient India
 Geographic advantages:
 Geographic challenges:
Indus Valley Civilization
(Harappan Culture)
• Pre-Indo-European Culture
• Religion
• most likely polytheistic
• certain animals were venerated, including the buffalo
and the bull
• early beliefs may have influenced later Indian beliefs,
especially the veneration of cattle
• Government Structure and Cities
• city planning and the citadel
• Economy
• agriculture and trade
• Writing
What brought about the demise of the Indus Valley
Harappan City
The Aryans invaded northern India by c.1500 B.C. They
were a nomadic people of Indo-European origins. Their
chief occupations were herding livestock and war.
 Transition from pastoral nomads into farmers
 Use of the iron plow
 Sanskrit
Caste system in India- social group into which a Hindu person
is born
1. Brahmans2. Kshatriyas3. Vaisyas4. Sudras*Pariahs, Untouchables
origins lie with the Aryans
vedas (collections of religious chants and
ceremonies originally transmitted orally but later
recorded in writing)
Tenets central to Hinduism
Brahman is the single most powerful force in the universe. It
is the ultimate goal of every person is to attain union with
this force.
Reincarnation is the idea that the soul continues on after
death and is reborn in another life. The ultimate goal is to
reborn in union with Brahman.
Karma is the idea that what a person does, good or bad, will
determine their future either in this life or in the next.
There is no such principle as fate.
Dharma is the divine law. People are required to do their duty
according to their class or role in society. For example,
more is expected of the Brahmans than of the Sudras.
Yoga (meditation) is a method of training the mind and/or
body to reach a higher union with god.
The three main Hindu gods are:
1. Brahma the Creator
2. Vishnu the Preserver
3. Siva the Destroyer
Quiz 8- Ancient India and China
***Study all vocabulary terms for quiz.
Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha or “Enlightened One,”
founded Buddhism in the 6th century B.C.
Gautama’s Background
Gautama’s basic beliefs
The Basic Beliefs of Buddhism
Four Noble Truths:
An ordinary life is full of suffering.
This suffering is caused by our desire to satisfy ourselves.
The way to end suffering is to end desire for selfish goals and to
see others as extensions of ourselves.
The way to end all suffering is to follow the Middle Path.
The Middle Path or Eight-Fold Path:
the right view
the right intention
the right speech
the right action
the right livelihood
the right effort
the right mindfulness
the right concentration
Ancient Indian Empires
 Maurya Empire (321 B.C.-185 B.C.)
 Chandragupta Maurya
 Asoka (Buddhist convert)
 The Kushan and the Silk Road (first century B.C.)
 4,000 miles trade route
 Pacific to Mediterranean
 Luxury goods
 Chinese merchants
 Indian merchants
 Roman merchants
 Gupta Empire (320 A.D.- 520 A.D.)
Ancient China
Ancient China
Pacific Ocean
Asian Deserts (Gobi Desert)
Mountains (Himalayas)
Huang He (Yellow) and Yangtze (Chang Jiang) Rivers
The Xia Dynasty (c. 2000 B.C.)
 Flooding and Irrigation
 The rise of the first Chinese cities
 Government
The Shang Dynasty (c.1700-1122 B.C.)
 Society during the Shang
 Symbolic writing and oracle bones
 Bronze castings
 The decline of the Shang
The Zhou Dynasty (1122-256 B.C.)
 The longest lasting dynasty in Chinese history
 Feudal state
 Mandate of Heaven
 Swords, crossbows, and psychological warfare
The Qin Dynasty (221-210 B.C.)
 Qin Shi Huangdi unified all of China
 Centralization and absolute rule
Military districts with appointed administrators
Uniform system of weights and measures
Standardized coins
Uniform system of writing
Law code
The Great Wall of China and forced labor
Shi Huangdi’s loss of the Mandate of Heaven
The discontent of his subjects
The decline of the Qin dynasty
The Han Dynasty (202 B.C.-220 A.D.)
 Gao Zu
 Continuance of the Qin governmental system
 Civil service exam
 Han Wudi (141- 87 B.C.) “Military Emperor of China”
 Demise in 220 A.D.
Qin Great Wall
The Silk Road
Luxury Goods
Confucianism and Daoism
 Confucius (551-479 B.C.)
 Laozi (6th century B.C.)
Early Chinese Accomplishments
 Writing, Painting, Paper, and Printing