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The History of China
A Brief Chinese Chronology
C.21st-16th century B.C.
C.16th-11th century B.C.
Western Zhou
C.11th century B.C.-770 B.C.
Eastern Zhou (Spring and Autumn and
Warring States periods)
770-221 B.C.
221-207 B.C.
Western Han
206 B.C.-A.D. 24
Eastern Han
Three Kingdoms (Wei, Shu and Wu)
Western Jin
Eastern Jin
Southern and Northern Dynasty
Five Dynasties
Northern Song
Southern Song
Republic of China
People's Republic of China
From Yuanmou Man
Beijing Man
Three Sovereigns
Five Emperors
Yangshao Culture and Longshan Culture
Now 6,ooo or 7,ooo
years ago, Chinese in
the colorful pottery
culture and the black
pottery culture. The
Yangshao Culture was
a matriarchal. The
Longshan Culture was
a patriarchal.
The Shang Dynasty
Shang dynasty bronzes in
the manufacturing industry
has greatly expanded. In the
latter part of Shang dynasty,
the Si Mu Wu Ding 875
billion kg, was discovered
the world's largest
unearthed .
Tortoise shell with oracle
questions (Shang dynasty) is
looking for an animal bones of an
ancient writing is but a word. on
the yin dynasty ruins unearthed
150,000 for a moment of the total
number of tortoise shell to reach
160 million, including word 4600
more, was recognized. there are
more than 1000.
Confucius is a big thinker and
educationalist. He is the
Confucianism school of thought
founder. Confucius the ancient
civilization development has made
the immortal contribution for China.
Confucius's students reorganize
his words and deeds a collected
sayings body book, is called as
"Confucian analects", this book
has the very tremendous influence
to the later generation.
The Qin Dynasty
In 221 B.C., Qin Shi
Huang unified China,
and then standardized
the script, currencies,
weights and measures,
established the system
of prefectures and
counties, and
constructed the worldrenowned Great Wall.
The life-size terracotta
horses and armored
warriors are known as the
eighth wonder of the world,
attracting swarms of
Chinese and foreigners.
During the
Kingdoms period,
Chinese territory
was divided
between the
states of Wei,
Shu, Wu.
The Grand Canal
When Sui Dynasty, the
massive grain wealth
transports to the nation from
the south, for this reason,
A.D. 605 years, Emperor
Yangdi issues an order to
open cutting the penetration
north and south Grand
Canal. The Grand Canal
take Luoyang as the center,
the south reaches Yuhang
(now Zhejiang Hangzhou),
north reaches Zhuojun (now
Beijing Tong Xian), span
more than 2000 kilometers.
Wu Zetian is the only female
emperor in the Chinese history ,
she changes the dynasty named
“Zhou”. Wu Zetian rich strategy,
can choose a person for a job,
has the political power to reach
40 remaining years of life, after
dying, Tang Zhongzong
Xuanzong in Tang dynasty, was China the most
prosperous time in Chinese history , which was
known as “the New Year prosperous times”(开元盛
世) .But because the old age dotes on noble
concubine Yang, breeds “the An Shih Rebellion(安
史之乱) ”, Chang An falls to the enemy, henceforth
the Tang Dynasty is unable to recover.
Yang Yuhuan
The Tang Dynasty artisan burns blue with each kind of
mineral, green, the yellow three kind of gorgeous colored
earthenware, therefore calls the tang dynasty tricolored
glazed pottery. The tang dynasty tricolored glazed pottery
work many are the character or the animal burial puppet,
each one modeling is vivid, lifelike, is the art treasure.
The Silk Road is goes abroad on a
diplomatic mission western region
opening by Zhang Qian, take
Chang An as the beginning, after
Gansu, Xinjiang, to Central Asia,
West Asia, and joins Mediterranean
Sea various countries on land to
pass the path”, because transports
by this road west in the cargo is
biggest by the silk product's
influence, therefore it is called "The
Silk Road".
Renowned like Xuan Zang learns
from experienced people on foot
solitarily toward India, crosses the
desert, to turn the snowy mountain,
jumps over the cordillera high
mountains, rushes to the vegetation
bog, the narrow escape, lasts for 19
years, the traveling schedule 50,000
Chinese miles.
Yue Fei
Yue Fei resist gold is the
name of song, he leads up
to the recovery was Jin
Jun occupied territories,
but the song dynasty Qin
Hui and other people to
"unwarranted" charges to
death. Yue Fei was buried
in the west lake in
Kublai Khan is Genghis
Khan's grandson. In 1271
he has established the
Yuan Dynasty (A.D. 1271-1368 years), is called
Yuanshizhu Emperor.
Yuan Dynasty after
establishment process
and establishment,
started to expand the war
massively, has had the
major impact on the world
history development
The Yuan Dynasty
During Ming Dynasty ,
Ming Chengzu details Jie
Jin and so on 3000
people to edit "the Yongle
encyclopedia", which is
the biggest Chinese
scale category book. The
transcription was burnt
down grabs by the
England and France
Allied armies.
The Ming Dynasty
Zheng He
From 1405 to 1433 nearly 30
years, the fleet successively 7
under Western world which was
led by Zheng He .
The Qing Dynasty
“Kang does the
prosperous times”,
said that “the
Kang Yonggan
prosperous times”,
are under our
country feudalism
Qing Dynasty
earlier period rule
prosperous society.
After Xianfeng emperor died,
the emperor's son carries
pure takes a seat. Cixi
mobilized Xin the tenth
Earthly Branch coup detach,
the design to arrest eight
ministers. Luan is sealed as
the discussing politics king,
on December 2, 1861, two
palace queen mother
imperial spiritual cultivation
palace, attended to state
affairs; And changes the
reign title is “Tongzhi”.
Republic of China
Republic of China is
leads by Mr. Sun YatSen, founds the
republican country after
the Bourgeois
democratic revolution
On October 1, 1949, 300,000 persons
collected in Beijing the Tiananmen
Square hold founding ceremony, Central
People's Government President Mao
Zedong announced dignified: The
People's Republic of China establishes