Download Chapter 11: Ancient Greece Lesson 4: Sparta and Athens p. 378 – 383

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Name __________________________________________________ Hour _____________ Date _________________________ Chapter 11: Ancient Greece Lesson 4: Sparta and Athens p. 378 – 383 & Daily Life in the Agora p.384-­385 Main Ideas § Government: Sparta built a state in which every part of life was organized around the need to have a strong army. § Government: Athenian citizens were expected to participate actively in government. §
Government: A Persian invasion endangered Greece, so some city-­‐states united to fight their enemy. Vocabulary Other Application: Term Definition Representation What learning target does this term connect to? Why? (Icon, Picture, Example, Sentence, etc.) Athens Sparta helot barracks Marathon 1 Sparta’s Military State – p.379 -­ 380 1. What did Spartan society emphasize the most? 2. Sparta was a powerhouse when it came to military. What did Sparta do with the people they defeated? 3. How was Sparta’s government organized? 4. Describe the education for the children in Sparta. 5. What did Spartan society expect of Spartan women? Athens’ Democratic Way of Life – p. 381 6. How was Athens government organized? 7. Slaves made up ___________ of Athens population. They worked in homes, __________________, industry and ______________. Some slaves even worked __________ slaves could buy their freedom. 8. Describe military life in Athens. 9. Describe the education for the children in Athens. 10. What did Athenian society expect of Athenian women? side their ___________________. Some 2 The Persian Wars – p.382 – 383 11. Persia conquered most of _____________________________. A king and a highly organized government ruled the resulting empire. 12. In the 500’s Persia conquered ________________________ which is a region with many Greek ____________. 13. Some Greeks in Anatolia revolted against _____________________________. Athens had a strong __________, and sent ships and soldier to help them. The revolt failed, but Persia decided to __________________ Athens for interfering. The Persians arrived near Athens on the plain of __________________________. The Athenians sent a runner to ask Sparta for help with military needs (against Persia), but the Spartans came too late. The Athenians were greatly outnumbered, but they had a plan! 14. The Athenians drew the Persians toward the center of the Greek battle line. Then the Greeks ___________________ them and attacked. Greek ___________________ were more effective than the Persian ______________________. 15. The Persians lost ___________________ men and the Greeks lost only ___________ people. Legend says a soldier ran from Marathon about 25 miles to ______________________ to tell of the victory. When t
he runner arrived in Athens, he _____________________ based on his long run. and died. Modern day marathons are 16. In 480 BC Persia invaded Greece again. Even though some cities in Greece were enemies, they banned ___________________ to fight Persia who was a common enemy . An army of ______________ Spartans guarded the narrow pass at ______________________________________ to stop the Persian army from reaching ________________________. The Spartans held the pass for two days before the ____________________ killed them all. Their sacrifice gave the Athenians time to prepare for battle. 17. The Athenians were smart—how did they lure the Persians to the sea to fight the battle? 18. What roles did Athens and Sparta play in defeating the Persians? Summary of Lesson • Sparta organized its state around its strong army. • Athens valued democratic government and culture. • Some Greek city-­‐states united to defeat the Persians. Why it matters now: Defeating the Persians allowed Greek democracy to continue. This culture greatly influenced civilizations that happened later in the world. 3 Daily Life in the Agora p. 384-­385 1. What was the agora in Athens? 2. Why were political decisions held in the agora? 3. What are some items that Greek merchants are selling? 4