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Lecture 17
The Respiratory System
The Evolution of Lungs
 Most of the primitive phyla of organisms obtain oxygen by direct
diffusion from seawater
 Aquatic animals possess special respiratory organs called gills
 Terrestrial arthropods use a network of air ducts called trachea
 Terrestrial vertebrates use respiratory organs called lungs
Respiration in Terrestrial Vertebrates
 Amphibians on land
are able to respire
through moist skin
 However, the main
respiration route is
the lung
 A sac with a
convoluted internal
 Reptiles are more active so they need more oxygen
 But they cannot respire through skin
 Instead, their lungs contain many more small chambers, greatly increasing
the surface area
 Mammals have an even greater oxygen demand because they maintain a constant
body temperature
They increase the lung surface area even more
 Alveoli: Small chambers in interior of lung
 Bronchioles: Short passageways connecting clusters of alveoli
Respiratory System
 Conducting zone
 Provides rigid conduits
for air to reach the
sites of gas exchange
 Includes all other
respiratory structures
(e.g., nose, nasal
cavity, pharynx,
 Respiratory zone
 Site of gas exchange
 Consists of
bronchioles, alveolar
ducts, and alveoli
 Respiratory muscles
 diaphragm and other
muscles that promote
The Pathway of Air
 Air normally enters
through the nostrils
 It passes to the larynx
(voice box) and then
the trachea
 And then through the
bronchus to the lungs
 A pair of lungs hang free
in the thoracic cavity
 An air tube called a
bronchus connects
each lung to a trachea
 Lungs contain millions of
 Sites of gas exchange
between air and blood
 The thoracic cavity is bounded on the bottom
by a thick layer of muscle called the diaphragm
Vocal Cords
 Composed of elastic fibers that form mucosal folds called
true vocal cords
 The medial opening between them is the glottis
 They vibrate to produce sound as air rushes up from the lungs
 False vocal cords
 Mucosal folds superior to the true vocal cords
 Have no part in sound production
The Pleurae
 Thin, double-layered
 Parietal pleura
 Covers the thoracic wall
and top of the diaphragm
 Continues around heart
and between lungs
 Visceral, or pulmonary,
 Covers the external lung
 Divides the thoracic cavity
into three chambers
 The central mediastinum
 Two lateral
compartments, each
containing a lung
How the Lungs Work
 Two forces act to pull the lungs
away from the thoracic wall,
promoting lung collapse
 Elasticity of lungs causes them to
assume smallest possible size
 Surface tension of alveolar fluid
draws alveoli to their smallest
possible size
 Opposing force – elasticity of the
chest wall pulls the thorax
outward to enlarge the lungs
 Transpulmonary pressure keeps
the airways open
 Transpulmonary pressure =
difference between the
intrapulmonary and intrapleural
How breathing works
 Breathing – Active
pumping of air in
and out of lungs
 During inhalation
 Diaphragm contracts and flattens
 Chest cavity expands downwards and outwards
 This creates negative pressure in lungs and air rushes in
 During exhalation
 Diaphragm relaxes
 Volume of chest cavity decreases
 Pressure in lungs increases and air is forced out
The Lungs & Diaphragm
Note how it is dome shaped
rather than flat
The Mechanics of Breathing
 In a human, a typical
breath at rest moves
about 0.5 liters of air
called the tidal volume
 When each breath is
completed, the lung
still contains a volume
of air (~ 1.2 liters)
called the residual
 Each inhalation adds from 500 milliliters (resting) to 3,000 milliliters
(exercising) of additional air
 Each exhalation removes approximately the same volume as inhalation
Overview of Respiratory Gas Exchange
Respiratory Gas Exchange
 Oxygen moves within the circulatory system carried
piggyback on the protein hemoglobin
 Hemoglobin contains iron, which combines with
oxygen in a reversible way
Transport and Exchange of Oxygen
 Hemoglobin bind O2 within red blood
cells (RBCs)
 This causes more to diffuse in
from blood plasma
 In the lungs, most hemoglobin
molecules carry a full load of O2
 As cells metabolize glucose, carbon
dioxide is released into the blood
 Increases in PCO2 and H+
concentration in capillary blood
 Declining blood pH (acidosis)
weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen
Hemoglobin-Nitric Oxide Partnership
 Nitric oxide (NO) is a vasodilator that plays a role in blood
pressure regulation
 Hemoglobin is a vasoconstrictor and a nitric oxide
scavenger (heme destroys NO)
 However, as oxygen binds to hemoglobin:
 Nitric oxide binds to an amino acid on hemoglobin
 Bound nitric oxide is protected from degradation by hemoglobin’s
 The nitric oxide is released as oxygen is unloaded, causing
 As deoxygenated hemoglobin picks up carbon dioxide, it
also binds nitric oxide and carries these gases to the lungs
for unloading
Transport and Exchange of Carbon Dioxide
 Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood in three forms
 Dissolved in plasma – 7 to 10%
 Chemically bound to hemoglobin – 20% is carried in RBCs as
 Bicarbonate ion in plasma – 70% is transported as bicarbonate
 Carbon dioxide diffuses into RBCs and combines with water
to form carbonic acid (H2CO3), which quickly dissociates
into hydrogen ions and bicarbonate ions
 In RBCs, carbonic anhydrase reversibly catalyzes the
conversion of carbon dioxide and water to carbonic acid
Transport and Exchange of Carbon Dioxide
 At the tissues:
 Bicarbonate quickly diffuses from RBCs into the plasma
 The chloride shift – to counterbalance the outrush of negative bicarbonate
ions from the RBCs, chloride ions (Cl–) move from the plasma into the
Transport and Exchange of Carbon Dioxide
 At the lungs, these processes are reversed
 Bicarbonate ions move into the RBCs and bind with hydrogen ions to form
carbonic acid
 Carbonic acid is then split by carbonic anhydrase to release carbon dioxide
and water
 Carbon dioxide then diffuses from the blood into the alveoli
Influence of Carbon Dioxide on Blood pH
 The carbonic acid–bicarbonate buffer system resists blood
pH changes
 If hydrogen ion concentrations in blood begin to rise,
excess H+ is removed by combining with HCO3–
 If hydrogen ion concentrations begin to drop, carbonic acid
dissociates, releasing H+
 Changes in respiratory rate can also:
 Alter blood pH
 Provide a fast-acting system to adjust pH when it is disturbed by
metabolic factors
Respiratory Adjustments: High Altitude
At ~ 14,000 ft
on Longs Peak, Colorado
 The body responds to quick movement to high altitude (above 8000 ft)
with symptoms of acute mountain sickness – headache, shortness of
breath, nausea, and dizziness
 Acclimatization – respiratory and hematopoietic adjustments to altitude
 Increased ventilation – 2-3 L/min higher than at sea level
 Chemoreceptors become more responsive to PCO2
 Substantial decline in PO2 stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors
Pathogenesis of COPD
Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive
Disease (COPD)
 Exemplified by chronic
bronchitis and obstructive
 Patients have a history of:
 Smoking
 Dyspnea, where labored
breathing occurs and gets
progressively worse
 Coughing and frequent
pulmonary infections
 COPD victims develop
respiratory failure accompanied
by hypoxemia, carbon dioxide
retention, and respiratory
Other Respiratory Diseases
Characterized by shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness
Active inflammation of the airways precedes bronchospasms
Airway inflammation is an immune response caused by release of IL-4 and IL-5,
which stimulate antibodies and recruit inflammatory cells
Airways thickened with inflammatory mucus magnify the effect of
Infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Symptoms include fever, night sweats, weight loss, a racking cough, and
splitting headache
Treatment entails a 12-month course of antibiotics
Lung Cancer
Accounts for 1/3 of all cancer deaths in the U.S.
90% of all patients with lung cancer were smokers
The three most common types are:
 Squamous cell carcinoma (20-40% of cases) arises in bronchial epithelium
 Adenocarcinoma (25-35% of cases) originates in peripheral lung area
 Small cell carcinoma (20-25% of cases) contains lymphocyte-like cells that originate
in the primary bronchi and subsequently metastasize
The Nature of Lung Cancer
The incidence of
cancer is not uniform
throughout the US
This suggests
environmental factors
Most carcinogens are also
Smoking Causes Lung Cancer
 After the incidence of smoking began to increase in the US, so did the
incidence of lung cancer
 Cigarette smoke contains many powerful mutagens
 Benzo[a]pyrene binds to three sites in the p53 gene
 Mutations at these sites inactivate the gene
 Research found that the p53 gene is inactivated in 70% of all lung cancers
 Moreover, the inactivating mutations occurred at the binding sites of
 Nicotine in cigarette smoke is an addictive drug!