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The Respiratory System
Breathe in…
Breathe out…
To bring in oxygen to the
To take away Co2 and
wastes from cells/lungs
Ext. respiration-the
exchange of oxygen/waste
between the lungs and
outside world
Int. respiration-the exchange
of oxygen, Co2 and waste
between the blood and cells
Lungs - 2 large,
capillary lined sacks
into which air is drawn.
The capillaries absorb
oxygen into the blood,
where it is then
delivered to all cells
Diaphragm - an
involuntary muscle that
controls breathing
The process of breathing
Inspiration - or inhalation/breathing in
the diaphragm contracts (gets smaller)
allowing for the ribs to open and the lungs to
open, thereby pulling air in (a pressurized
* Exhalation - or breathing out, the process is
reversed: diaphragm relaxes, ribs and lungs
close, forcing air out
Interesting Facts
You can live with only one lung, and often that lung
will develop and get stronger
When you smoke ANYTHING, you are coating the
lining of your lungs with tar and other substances that
block/prevent oxygen from getting to the blood/body
Pneumonia - build up of fluid in the lungs, thereby
prevent oxygen transfer
Lung Cancer - #1 cancer killer, 85% of lung cancer
cases are related to smoking, either first hand or
second hand smoke