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The Human Body
Science Method Class
The Body’s System
Cells: the basic unit or building block of all living
things (blood cell, muscle cell, bone cell, etc)
Tissue: a group of similar cells that carry out a
specialized job ( smooth muscle tissue, connective
tissue, nervous tissue, etc.)
Organ: a distinct body part that carries out one or
more main functions (liver, stomach, lung, etc)
System: several organs working together make up
a body system (digestive system, circulatory system,
respiratory system, etc.)
Human Body Systems
Digestive system
Circulatory system
Skeletal-muscular system
Respiratory system
Nervous system
Excretory system
Reproductive system.
The Digestive System
After eating, our digestive
system starts to work on the
nutrients so they can be
absorbed and used by the
body. The digestive system
does this by breaking down the
complex foods into more
simple nutrients by enzymatic
Digestion: Changes food from
its original form to a fuel that
can release energy when it
reacts with oxygen.
Organs: mouth, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine, etc.
The Digestive Journey:
Mouth & Esophagus
Mouth: The first part of
digestive process takes
place in the mouth. After
chewing the food thoroughly
an enzyme (ptyalin) in the
saliva breaks down complex
carbohydrates (starches)
into more simple sugars.
Esophagus: after the food
has been softened it is then
pushed down the
esophagus into the
The Digestive Journey: Stomach
Stomach: Not much digestion
actually takes place in the
stomach. The only thing that is
readily absorbed by the
stomach is alcohol.
The digestive juice in the
stomach is called gastric juice.
It contains hydrochloric acid
and the enzyme pepsin which
breaks down proteins into
short chains of amino acids
which can be used by the
Most other nutrients are
digested only after the food
moves on out of the stomach,
approximately three to four
hours later.
The Digestive Journey:
Small Intestine
Small intestine: mixes food
with enzymes and absorbs
the digested products into
the body
The pancreas secretes
pancreatic juice into the
duodenum. Pancreatic juice
contains a number of
enzymes that are used to
absorb the nutrients
remaining in the food.
Lipase which breaks up
fatty substances into fatty
acids and monoglycerides,
protease splits up protein
and amylase which
converts starch to sugar.
The Digestive Journey:
Large Intestine
After most nutrients have
been assimilated the food
moves on into the colon
or large intestine.
The large intestine is the
end of the road for food
digestion. The main job of
the Large Intestine is to
remove the water from
the leftover undigested
food. When the water is
removed from the liquid
paste it turns into solid
Overall Process of Digestion
Mouth: Chewing
Simple sugars
Stomach: Gastric Juice (PH2)
Small Intestine: Pancreatic Juice
Fatty acids, Momoglycerins
Amino Acids
Large Intestine: Absorbing water
Products of foods through
Starch &
Amino acid
Fats & Oils
Fatty acid & Monoglycerin
Absorbing in small intestine
The absorbing cells in small intestine
The specialized
absorbing cells,
enterocytes, are
distinguished by
numerous microvilli that
greatly increase the
absorptive surface area.
The Circulatory System
A system consisting of
a pump and conducting
vessels keeps you alive
by circulating oxygen
throughout the body
with blood.
The system is to obtain
oxygen from the lung
and to release carbon
dioxide from the body
through respiratory.
The Circulatory Journey
Oxygen poor
Oxygen rich
The blood is the
transport system by
which oxygen and
nutrients reach the
body's cells, and waste
materials are carried
The heart, a muscular
organ is the pump that
keeps this transport
system moving.
The Human Heart
The human heart
consists of two pumps
lying side by side to
form a single organ.
The right side of the
heart sends oxygenpoor blood to the lungs;
the left side of the heart
sends oxygen-rich
blood to the rest of the
The Circulatory Journey
Releasing CO2
To lungs
Gaining O2
From lungs
CO2 rich
in veins
Oxygen rich
in Arterials
The blood travels in
veins back to the right
side of the heart, where
it is pumped directly to
the lungs.
In the lungs, carbon
dioxide is exchanged
for oxygen, and this
renewed blood flows
back to the left side of
the heart, and the
whole process begins
The Circulatory Journey
Releasing CO2
To lungs
Gaining O2
From lungs
CO2 rich
in veins
Oxygen rich
in Arterials
Blood leaves the left
side of the heart and
travels through arteries
which gradually divide
into capillaries.
In the capillaries, food
and oxygen are
released to the body
cells, and carbon
dioxide and other waste
products are returned
to the bloodstream.
Overall respiration process
Lowest Pressure
Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Right side of Heart
Oxygen poor blood
In Veins
Human Body:
Releasing O2
Gaining CO2
Left Ventricle
Highest Pressure
Releasing CO2
Left side of Heart
Oxygen rich blood
In Arterials
Left Atrium
The Skeletal-Muscular System
The average human adult
skeleton has 206 bones.
The skeleton plays an
important part in movement by
providing a series of
independently movable levers,
which the muscles can pull to
move different parts of the
body. It also supports and
protects the internal body
Muscle is attached to bone by
tendons and other tissues, and
exerts force by converting
chemical energy into tension
and contraction.
Muscles are made up of
millions of tiny protein
filaments which work together
to produce motion in the body.
The Respiratory System
Your respiratory system is
made up of the organs in
your body that help you to
The goal of breathing is to
deliver oxygen to the body
and to take away carbon
The Nervous System
The nervous system is the
body's information gatherer,
storage center and control
system. Its overall function
is to collect information
about the external
conditions in relation to the
body's external state, to
analyze this information,
and to initiate appropriate
responses to satisfy certain
The brain and spinal cord
make up the central
nervous system.
The Excretory System
The job of the excretory
system is to remove various
produced by the body. The
removal is known as excretion.
It is important for the body to
remove these various waste,
also known as toxic, because
toxic build up can lead to
severe death.
The kidneys, main organs are
filters. There are two of them
located near the spine in the
middle of the back. The main
organs of the excretory system
are the bladder, kidneys,
lungs, liver and skin.
The Reproductive System