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Final Exam Part 2 Review
The diagram shows the life cycle of the common
housefly. Which process is shown by this diagram?
What do all four animals have in common?
1. They reproduce asexually.
2. They are composed of cells.
3. They have similar means of locomotion.
4. They have the same internal structures
Which substance do all living
things require to survive?
2. water
3. carbon dioxide
4. organic soil
In order to survive, all organisms must
1. chlorophyll
2. carbon dioxide
3. energy
4. blood
The sum of all chemical reactions in the
human body is known as
(1) feedback
(2) metabolism
(3) dynamic equilibrium
(4) biological adaptation
Which sequence correctly shows the levels of
organization for structure and function in a human?
1. cell → tissue → organ → organ system
2. organ system → cell → tissue → organ
3. tissue → organ → organ system → cell
4. cell → organ → tissue → organ system
Which diagram below represents one type of
human tissue? (The diagrams are not drawn to
Which life process is shown by the equation below?
1. Which part of
the plant is
directly involved
in sexual
In which part of
the plant does
A - leaves
1. Which part of the
plant is directly
involved in sexual
A - leaves
2. Which structure
absorbs water and
D - roots
Which part of the
microscope is used to bring
the image of the object on
the slide into focus?
Which part of the
microscope helps to
magnify the specimen?
A and D
Which two body systems
most directly cause the
arm to bend?
1. skeletal and muscular
2. reproductive and
3. respiratory and
4. nervous and digestive
A cat jumps when startled by a loud noise. This
is an example of an organism
1. sensing and responding to its external
2. sensing and responding to its internal
3. changing and controlling its external environment
4. changing and controlling its internal environment
1. Which term describes an organism’s ability to
maintain a stable internal environment?
2. Running to escape danger is an action that
requires the nervous system to coordinate the
interaction of which two body systems?
1. digestive and endocrine
2. muscular and skeletal
3. reproductive and excretory
4. circulatory and digestive
Insulin and glucagon are hormones that affect
blood sugar levels. The diagram below shows the
feedback system used by the human body to
increase and decrease blood sugar levels.
This feedback system is one way that the human
(1) circulates gases (3) destroys viruses
(2) maintains equilibrium (4) transports nutrients
1. The interaction of the skeletal and muscular
systems to produce locomotion is coordinated by
which human body system?
Nervous system
2. Infections may be caused by
1. mutations
2. microorganisms
3. toxic substances
4. climate changes
The chart below identifies the function of several
organs found in a human body system.
Which human body system performs these
Respiratory system
moistens and filters
gas exchange
muscle that controls
air intake
1. In humans, the amount of sugar in blood is
controlled by the release of a hormone called
insulin. This process is an example of
1. depletion
2. digestion
3. regulation
4. excretion
2. Which human organ system eliminates liquid and
gaseous wastes from the body?
(1) circulatory
(3) excretory
(2) endocrine
(4) reproductive
In one serving of this
macaroni and
cheese, how many
Calories come from
(1) 12
(2) 65
(3) 110
(4) 250
How many of
the organisms
in the lab dish
are insects?
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4
The diagram below shows three
generations of cell division.
How many cells should exist in
the fourth generation?
1. A broken bone heals through the process of
1. adaptation
2. mutation
3. cell division
4. chemical digestion
2. In animal skin tissue, cell division is responsible
1. growth and repair
2. sexual reproduction
3. obtaining energy
4. production of sex cells
What advantage does a species that reproduces
sexually have over a species that reproduces
1. There is greater variation among the offspring.
2. The offspring are identical to the parents.
3. Only one parent is necessary for reproduction.
4. No sex cells are needed for reproduction.
Which letter in the diagram represents fertilization?
The diagram shows four stages in the development
of a human after fertilization.
Between stages A and D, which process must occur?
1. mutation
2. sexual reproduction
3. cell division 4. extinction
Which sequence of development is correct?
1. fertilized egg → tissues → organ systems → organs
2. fertilized egg →organ systems → organs → tissues
3. fertilized egg → organs → tissues → organ systems
4. fertilized egg → tissues → organs → organ systems
Which statement describes a method of sexual
reproduction that occurs in plants?
1. Stem cuttings are placed in water and grow
2. Seeds are produced from the flower of the plant.
3. Underground stems from a plant grow into new
4. A leaf falls to the soil, develops roots, and grows
The diagram below shows a
cross section of a bean seed.
The function of part X in the
bean seed is to
1. provide protection for the
2. provide nutrients for the
3. prevent mutations in the
4. fight off infections in the
1. Many cells have a nucleus that contains
chromosomes. These chromosomes carry genes that
are composed of
1. hormones
2. DNA molecules
3. minerals and water 4. undigested food molecules
2. Which term identifies a single unit of hereditary
(1) egg cell
(2) sperm cell
(3) nucleus
(4) gene
The diagram shows a model of human
1. What is this model used to determine?
1. the possibility of having twins
2. the probability of a trait being passed on
3. the rate of mutation
4. the production of sex cells
2. What is the genetic makeup of the
7 aa
1. AA and
2. Aa and Aa
2. 3. AA and AA 4. aa and aa
1. Each body cell of a goldfish contains
94 chromosomes. How many
chromosomes are contained in a
goldfish sex cell?
2. The drawing below represents a pair
of chromosomes. The area labeled
“bands” shows the location of
1. egg cells
2. sperm cells
3. reproductive hormones
4. specific genes
1. Cancer is most often the result of
(1) abnormal cell division (2) natural selection
(3) bacterial infection
(4) biological adaptation
2. An organism is born with a genetic abnormality
not present in any of its ancestors. This abnormality
is most likely the result of
(1) circulation
(3) mutation
(2) competition
(4) respiration
Feathers, wings, and the hollow bones of birds are
examples of
1. adaptations for flight
2. responses to stimuli
3. unnecessary body parts
4. reproductive structures
Letters A, B, and C represent three time periods.
Which process does this diagram best represent?
1. ecological succession
2. genetic engineering
3. natural selection
4. asexual reproduction
The diagram below shows
the head structure of four
different birds.
The birds’ beaks show how
the birds
1. compete for the same
food in their community
2. require different amounts
of food for survival
3. store food for the winter
4. are adapted to get food
from different sources
Although change in multicellular species usually
takes thousands of years, some species of bacteria
undergo major changes in just a few years. One
reason for this difference is that these bacteria
1. are microscopic
2. do not contain DNA
3. reproduce very quickly
4. cause infectious diseases
2. Which group of organisms can show significant
trait changes in the shortest period of time?
1. bacteria
2. birds
3. fish
4. reptiles
The illustration below traces the
development of the corgi dog over
several generations as a result of
human activity. This is an example
genetic engineering
selective breeding
natural selection
1. When the environment changes more quickly than a
species can adapt, the species may become
(1) extinct
(2) dominant
(3) diverse
(4) overpopulated
2. Over time, these organisms evolved from a common
ancestor. Which process best explains why they now
have different characteristics?
(1) extinction
(2) metabolism
(3) asexual reproduction (4) biological adaptation
3. Naturally occurring variations within a species are mainly
the result of mutations and
(1) sexual reproduction (2) dynamic equilibrium
(3) metabolism
(4) camouflage
The diagram shows how
modern types of flowers
developed from early types of
flowers over the last 75 million
What is the most likely reason
why these early flowers
gradually changed to many
different types of flowers over
(1) The flowers’ traits were
genetically engineered.
(2) The environments of the
flowers stayed the same.
(3) The genetic material of the
flowers stayed the same.
(4) The flowers adapted to
environmental conditions.
Which statement describes a role of fungi in an
1. They transfer energy to decaying matter.
2. They release oxygen into the ecosystem.
3. They recycle chemicals from dead organisms.
4. They synthesize organic nutrients from inorganic
The diagram below shows several different
organisms found in an area.
The worms in the diagram represent
(1) a community
(3) a habitat
(2) an ecosystem
(4) a population
The diagram below shows a food chain. What do the
arrows in the diagram represent?
(1) flow of energy (3) one community replacing another
(2) life cycle stages (4) renewable resource depletion
Which process is illustrated in the diagrams?
1. ozone depletion
2. global warming
3. recycling resources
4. ecological succession
The diagram below shows a
material being cycled between
the living and nonliving
Which material is being
1. carbon dioxide
2. nitrogen
3. oxygen
4. water
1. Many cars today are designed to get better gas
mileage than those made in the past. This change
resulted from a need to
1. recycle materials
2. improve safety
3. produce chemicals
4. conserve resources
2. Which energy source is considered
1. oil 2. moving water 3. sunlight 4. biomass
The diagram below shows a factory in the Midwest burning
coal, the direction of prevailing winds, and an area in New
York State. Which statement is best supported by the
information shown in the diagram?
1. Most rain is caused by factories.
2. Human activities can cause pollution.
3. Acid rain is necessary for forest growth.
4. The Adirondack Mountains determine the direction of
prevailing winds.
Most scientists agree that an increase in the
amount of greenhouse gases entering Earth’s
atmosphere causes
(1) a decrease in sea level
(2) a decrease in average surface temperatures
(3) an increase in melting of polar ice caps
(4) an increase in crustal plate movement
1. What is a disadvantage of using moving water to
produce electricity?
1. Power is produced inexpensively.
2. Air pollution is produced.
3. Oil spills may occur.
4. The local ecosystem may be disrupted.
2. Pesticides and fertilizers can help farmers to
produce more crops. However, overuse of these
chemicals can result in
(1) ecological succession
(2) material recycling
(3) environmental pollution
(4) selective breeding
Scientific Method
A student wanted to study the amount of mold growing on
pizza at different temperatures. In the experiment, the
student set up 4 identical pans of pizza. Each pan contained
the same amount of pizza. The temperatures and light
conditions are shown in the data table below.
One error made in setting up the experiment was that the
four pans of pizza
1. were at different temperatures
2. 2. were different sizes
3. had different ingredients
4. received different amounts of light
Physical Science
A person uses a bow to shoot an arrow at a target.
In which diagram does the bow and arrow have the
greatest amount of potential energy?
Which activity is an example of a chemical
(1) dissolving table salt in water
(2) hammering aluminum into thin sheets
(3) melting gold to make jewelry
(4) burning wood to produce ashes
The diagram represents four processes, labeled A,
B, C, and D, that occur when water changes phase.
1. Which process is represented by B?
(1) condensing (3) freezing
(2) evaporating (4) melting
2. Which two processes increase the motion of the
(1) A and B (3) C and D
(2) B and C (4) D and A
Compared to the particles in a hardened lava
sample, the particles in a liquid lava sample
(1) have a lower temperature
(2) have less kinetic energy
(3) are moving faster
(4) are closer together
1. Which form of energy are x rays and ultraviolet
(1) nuclear (2) electromagnetic (3) heat (4) chemical
2. Sound will not travel in a
(1) solid (2) gas (3) liquid (4) vacuum
3. A student pushes against a tree with a force of
10 newtons (N). The tree does not move. What
is the amount of force exerted by the tree on the
(1) 0 N (2) 10 N (3) 5 N (4) 20 N
The person using the track with the rollers uses less
energy to load the box because the rollers reduce
(1) mass of the box
(3) force of gravity
(2) distance traveled by the box (4) force of friction
A student is trying to dissolve 20 grams of sugar in
a beaker containing 250 milliliters of water at
room temperature. What can the student do to
make the sugar dissolve faster in the water?
(1) decrease the temperature of the water
(2) use larger pieces of sugar
(3) stir rapidly
(4) use less water
1. The elements fluorine, chlorine,
bromine, and iodine are all found in
the same group (17) on the table.
These elements are grouped
together because they
(1) are metals
(2) have the same atomic mass
(3) react in similar ways
(4) are noble gases
2. Water (H2O) is not found on the
Periodic Table of the Elements
because water is
(1) an atom (3) a mixture
(2) a liquid (4) a compound
The diagram below shows what occurs when a ray
of light strikes and enters a pond. Which property of
light is illustrated when the ray enters the pond?
(1) refraction (3) absorption
(2) reflection
(4) emission
The gravitational force between two objects
depends on the distance between the objects
and each object’s
(1) mass
(3) pressure
(2) volume
(4) temperature
The diagram shows a bar
magnet resting on top of a
piece of white paper. The north
and south poles of the magnet
are labeled N and S. Points A, B,
C, and D represent four
locations around the magnet.
If iron filings were sprinkled
evenly across the entire paper
circle, at which location would
the greatest concentration of
iron filings be found after 30
The diagram below shows two magnets.
If the magnets are brought closer together, they
(1) attract each other with a stronger force
(2) attract each other with a weaker force
(3) repel each other with a stronger force
(4) repel each other with a weaker force
Which diagram best represents molecules of
matter in the solid phase?
During an experiment, a strip of magnesium (Mg) metal
wrapped around a nichrome (nonreactive) wire is placed
in a flask. The nichrome wire outside the flask is insulated.
The contents of the flask are sealed off from the
environment with a rubber stopper. When the nichrome
wire is connected to a battery, an electric current passes
through the wire, causing a white powder called
magnesium oxide (MgO) to form.
The flask and its contents had a mass of 120 grams before the
experiment and a mass of 120 grams after the experiment.
Which conclusion can best be made from these measurements?
(1) A phase change took place.
(2) Matter was conserved.
(3) Energy was destroyed.
(4) New elements were formed.
The chemical change that occurred in the flask is
most similar to
(1) burning a piece of coal
(2) breaking a piece of wood into many pieces
(3) freezing water in a container
(4) bending a wire to form a hook