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The immune system
The Fortress Analogy
1st Line of Defense- Skin and mucous
(The outer wall)
 Skin:
 Made
up of 3 layers:
 Includes
hair and
sweat glands
Function: Blocks most microbes
from entering the body.
Mucous Membranes &
(Inner Wall)
Mucous Membranes- Line all the major entry ways
into the body. i.e. esophagus, anus, nose…
-Usually are acidic to kill incoming bacteria.
Secretions such as saliva and tears contain
enzymes which digest the bacteria’s cell wall.
Cilia sweep mucous and move pathogens out
Helpful bacteria protect you from harmful bacteria
Function: Kill any microbes that
get past the skin.
2nd Line of DefenseInflammation
White Blood Cells release histamines when
they come across enemy antigens.
Histamines increase the permeability of
(Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that run
throughout your entire body.)
WBC’s are sent throughout the body using
capillaries and the war begins.
WBC release chemicals that create a fever
Histamines act like a look out or scout.
Sound the alarm.
Clear the way for the soldiers (blood vessels)
Trigger immediate responses (tears, saliva, goosebumps)
Sometimes over-react to allergens causing itchy, watery eyes and
Two road systems
Lymphatic systemDucts and nodes contain and
transport white blood cells.
Acts as a collection system for
fluids in the body.
-Nodes swell when bacteria are
White blood cells, lymphocytes,
histamines and nutrients are
transported through the blood.
Gathers fluid and white blood
cells from the lymph system.
Terms to know:
Antigen-a molecule that elicits an immune response.
(Carried by bacteria)
Antibody- a protein found in blood plasma that attaches to
certain antigens and counter-acts it.
Phagocytosis- process of “cell eating”- done by white blood
ARMY- phagocytes
White blood cells
Phagocytes destroy invading bacteria by engulfing it and
digesting it
Find cells that have been marked by the B-lymphocytes
The Marines- Specialized Cells
B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes
Every bacteria produces their own identifying
antigen (Like a uniform)
B-cells- Mark bacteria with an antibody
T-cells- Kill infected or damaged cells
B and T cells make memory cells
Memory cells- help your body remember the
infection so your body is prepared the next time
you are infected.
Function: Destroy invading bacteria and
remember how to stop it.
Immunity is built up against specific invaders.
Vaccines-made of a harmless variant of a disease causing
Lymphocytes create memory cells against the specific
bacteria or virus.
Can get sick from vaccines if your immune system is weak.
1st Line of Defense _______________
2nd Line of Defense______________
What causes the body to be aware of invasion?__________________.
What kind of cells are general killers?
What kind of cells are specific in what they target?_________________
What cells help your body to remember the bacteria for the next