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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
1 Biology/Kurowski Name: History of Life on Earth Lecture Outline I. II. III. IV. Origin of Earth a. Earth is… b. Evidence… i. About ____________years ago an explosion started the expansion of the universe. ii. Known as the __________. c. Conditions of Early Earth i. ____________IMPACT EARTH FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS, DEPOSIT LARGE QUANTITIES OF WATER IN THE FORM OF ICE ii. EARTH COOLS DOWN ……. iii. _________COLLECTS IN LOW AREAS iv. _______________ FORMS; AMMONIA, METHANE, WATER VAPOR, CO2, AND NITROGEN GASSES v. WHAT GAS IS MISSING? Hint: → __________________ vi. CONDITIONS _____________FOR LIFE YET Evidence for Past Life a. Fossilsi. Fossil Typesii. WHERE ARE FOSSILS USUALLY FOUND? In …………. iii. WHO STUDIES THESE? _______________ iv. HOW DO SCIENTISTS DETERMINE THE AGE OF SOMETHING BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD? By…. v. RELATIVE DATNGvi. RADIOMETRIC DATINGGeologic Time a. b. c. Eras: How did life begin? a. DOES ANYONE KNOW FOR SURE? 1. PRECAMBRIAN (oldest) 2. PALEOZOIC 3. MESOZOIC 4. CENOZOIC (youngest) 2 V. VI. VII. VIII. b. ______________ ______________-the idea that life could come from non-living things (based on the observation that mice appeared from a pile of rags and wheat) c. 1668-FRANSISCO REDI PROVED THAT ….. Hypothesis on the formation of the basic chemicals of life: a. PRIMORDIAL SOUP MODEL– b. STANLEY MILLER AND HAROLD UREY EXPERIMENTc. BUBBLE MODELFossil Evidence for Oldest Cell a. What is known about One-Celled Organisms? a. FIRST BACTERIA AROUND 3.5 BILLION YEARS AGO b. SOME ARE CYANOBACTERIA - THESE ARE _____________BACTERIA c. WHAT DO THESE BACTERIA PRODUCE? ___________ d. WHAT DOES OZONE, O3, DO? _________________________________ e. WHAT TYPE OF CELLS ARE BACTERIA? _______________ f. WHAT TYPE OF CELLS ARE ALL OTHER ORGANISMS? _______________ g. WHERE DID EUKARYOTIC CELLS COME FROM? h. Hypothesis: __________________ Endosymbiont Hypothesis a. Evidence: a. b. c.