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Transfer Factor
The Most Powerful Immune Support
Available Today…
• Transfer Factors are
not a drug, vitamin,
mineral, herb or
• They are a scientific
• Transfer Factor is a
special molecule
right in our own
bodies that can
educate the immune
system in an amazing
and unprecedented
These molecules were first discovered in 1949 by
Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence.
Transfer factors have been studied for decades by scientists
from all over the world, and thousands of studies exist. They:
• RECOGNIZE invaders seeking to threaten your
• RESPOND to invaders by educating your naive
immune cells about a present or potential danger
and passing on a plan for action. Boost your
immune response or balance it by suppressing an
OVERACTIVE immune system, such as in an
AUTOIMMUNE disorder.
• REMEMBER past invasions, allowing your body
to more quickly respond to similar health threats,
making the duration of an illness shorter.
Transfer Factor
Superpower of Immune System Support
• Our health is directly influenced by our
immune system. A balanced and healthy
immune system is central to the body's
ability to defend against infections.
• "It is our ability to create a healthy immune
system that represents the greatest potential
for gains in human health.“
• Today, however, many factors contribute to
the general weakening of the body's
defenses. Antibiotics have begun to fail as
the resistance of many infectious strains
• The immune system is a
multifaceted system
comprised of more than a
trillion cells, with a collective
weight of about 1 kg (2.2
• There are three essential
properties of the immune
system: first, it has the
ability to recognize alien
substances such as bacteria,
viruses, and parasites;
second, it specifically reacts
to each invading pathogen;
and third, the immune
system remembers the alien
invader and quickly repels
future invasions.
• The immune system, which is made up of special
cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends
people against germs and microorganisms every
• Through a series of steps called the immune
response, the immune system attacks
organisms and substances that invade our
systems and cause disease.
• In most cases, the immune system does a great
job of keeping people healthy and preventing
infections. But sometimes problems with the
immune system can lead to illness and infection.
• To communicate between cells, the immune system
employs hormone-like signal substances. Transfer
factors are one class of immune communication
substances that have been recently discovered.
• An immature immune response may take 10-14 days
to fully develop. This is what is called delayed
hypersensitivity and such a delay is not always
• Transfer factors can help because they include both
inducer/helper functions (Inducer Factors) and a
suppressor function (Suppressor Factor).
• The Inducer Factor is the transfer factor component
that translates an apparently mature immune
response from the donor to the recipient.
(Continue to next slide…)
• Transfer factors have been shown to induce an
immune response in less than 24 hours.
• Nevertheless; an overactive immune response to
innocuous agents such as pollens or even our own
body cells is not healthy.
• Suppression of such overreactions helps to control
allergies and to prevent autoimmune diseases.
• Thus, both Inducer Factor and Suppressor Factor are
part of an immuno-regulatory network that keeps our
immune system balanced.
In order to understand how Transfer Factors works, you
should have a basic understanding of your immune
system and how it works. There are two types of
1) Nonspecific - generalized defense against all
kinds of invaders. It is provided by barriers
such as tears, saliva, mucus, and skin. It is also
provided by the rapid inflammation of tissues
shortly after injury or infection. These
nonspecific or general responses hinder the
entrance and spread of disease, but rarely
prevent disease completely.
(continue to next slide…)
2) Specific - If an invader gets past this front line
defense, the immune system reacts to it as an
individual, and mounts a defense tailored to it
It also can remember that particular invader so
that it can quickly mount a defense again when it
encounters that same invader later. This is known
as specific immunity. This is why you don't get
Chicken Pox twice. Your immune system is already
programmed to recognize it.
The second time this disease enters your body
your immune system recognizes and destroys it
immediately before symptoms appear. A quality
transfer factor preparation has the information
necessary to recognize hundreds of individual
invaders. It can program your immune system to
recognize and destroy them without prior
exposure to these invaders.
1) Humoral Response
• During this response the immune system
produces a substance called antibodies. The
antibodies can attach to the antigen and
destroy it. This provides protection against
bacteria, fungi, parasites, and toxins. It can
also help prevent a virus from entering a cell. A
transfer factor preparation can speed up this
process since it already has information on
hundreds of these invaders. Your immune
system doesn't have to learn anything new.
(continue to next slide…)
2) Cell Mediated Response
• In this reaction cells that can destroy other cells are
activated. Their destructive activity is limited to cells
that are infected with a virus, or are mutating like
some forms of cancer. These infected or mutating
cells are missing a flag that identifies them as being
a normal part of the body.
• Without this flag the killer cells consider them "nonself", and proceed to attack and destroy them.
Increasing the communication between cells with
transfer factor decreases the response time for this
part of your immune system. This keeps your
immune system ahead of a problem so that it
doesn't get out of control.
White Blood Cells - White blood cells are the backbone
of the immune system. Some are called macrophages,
which literally means "big eaters." They play a role in
both the nonspecific and specific immune responses.
Lymphocytes - Lymphocytes are specialized white
blood cells that identify and destroy antigens on contact.
Transfer Factors - Transfer factors are small messenger
molecules produced by immune T lymphocytes or T cells.
Immune T cells transfer the ability to recognize an
invading "germ" to uninformed T cells by using transfer
factors. In other words, one T cell tells another T cell
what the enemy looks like so the immune system can
mount a coordinated attack. Adding transfer factors from
a source that has been exposed to many different things
provides information necessary to guard against health
threats, and acts like a vaccination without the time
delay or side effects associated with it.
Active Immunization - Active immunization happens
when your immune system generates a primary or first
response. This can happen by either natural
immunization or by vaccination. Natural immunization
occurs when you get a disease and recover. Vaccination is
the intentional immunization against a particular disease
through the use of substances called vaccines.
Passive Immunization - Passive immunization does not
activate your own immune system. You receive antibodies
created by another person or animal. This form of
immunization is particularly useful when a disease
progresses too rapidly for natural immunization to occur.
The immunizing effect is temporary, however, since you
don't mount a specific response. You don't remain
immune after your recovery.
Natural Killer Cell (NK cell)
• Of all the immune system's
soldiers, natural killer cells (NK
cells) are the most aggressive.
• They are your first line of
defense against mutant and
virus infected cells that threaten
your health.
• They are lymphocytes with no
immunological memory and are
part of your innate immune
• NK cells make up about 5 to 16
percent of the total lymphocyte
• Their specific function is to
destroy infected and cancerous
An "NK" cell (N) attached
to a "target" cell "T".. The
NK cell will kill the now
helpless target cell
quickly, by the releasing a
lethal burst of chemicals
that penetrate the cell
• NK cells do not kill
• They look for a banner flown
by normal cells. If the NK
cell sees this banner, it
receives a signal to spare
that cell. This signal
overrides the NK cell's urge
to kill.
• If this banner is absent on
the target cell the NK cell
proceeds with its attack. It
attaches to the target and
releases a lethal burst of
chemicals that penetrate the
cell wall.
• Fluids begin to leak in and
out and eventually the cell
• When dealing with a situation as serious as cancer, your
immune system is vitally important. It makes sense to
get all the help possible to destroy the diseased cells.
Your immune system is quite capable of doing this when
properly supported.
How Cancers Get Their Names
• Most cancers are named for the part of the body where
the cancer begins. For example, cancer that starts in the
breast tissue is called breast cancer. Prostate cancer
gets its name from the prostate gland and etc..
• These cancer cells all have the same thing in common.
They all affect cells, our body's basic unit of life.
Fortunately it makes no difference to the immune
system what the cancer is called or where it originated.
• Cells are continually being produced as a normal process
of life.
• Occasionally a mutated cell is produced. Under normal
conditions this mutated cell is destroyed by your
immune system before any harm is done.
• However, if your immune system is not operating at
peak efficiency, then these types of cells get by.
• If left unchecked they can multiply until a problem such
as cancer arises.
• If our immune system operating at peak efficiency, it
should be able to seek and destroy any undesirable cell
anywhere in the body.
• It simply does not matter to your immune system where
it is or what it is called. If it is not supposed to be there,
it will attack and destroy it.
• The cancer cell in the
picture is being attacked
by the Natural Killer (NK)
cells of the immune
system. Note the
tentacles of the cancer
• NK cells target any cell
that is missing the "self"
marker that identifies it
as one of our own.
Foreign cells and mutated
cells like cancer cells are
without these "self"
• In this picture, the cancer cell has
been completely flattened and
destroyed. The NK cells have
accomplished their mission.
• Scientists have known for a long
time the remarkable ability of
your immune system to defend
the body against all kinds of
infections and diseases.
• They have always dreamed of a
way to bolster the immune
system in a way that it could fight
cancer cells more effectively. Such
an approach is known as
• Most of these approaches include
natural substances that boost the
ability of your immune system to
destroy infected and diseased
• Immunotherapy promises to be a more natural way to
address cancers than radiation and chemotherapy.
• By using the phenomenal recognition ability of the immune
system, it gives a better way to target and treat cancers.
• If used in conjunction with the traditional methods, it
offers a way to get the immune system involved, and also
helps with the immune problems often associated with
these methods.
• With the introduction of Transfer Factor from 4LifeTM
Research, the future is now. This remarkable new
development in immunology has been shown to increase
the NK cell activity dramatically in both lab studies and in
human studies
• In addition to this, Transfer Factor increases the overall
efficiency of your entire immune system bringing to bear
all aspects of it's fighting ability against the invaders that
threaten your health and ultimately your life.
• It is now available to you at an affordable price making
optimum health and wellness available to all of us.
• 4Life™ is very excited to
bring you the most
exciting health and
wellness product ever
brought to market.
• 4Life™ is founded upon a
strong scientific
philosophy of product
research and
• Transfer Factor, our
flagship product, comes
to us only after nearly 50
years of research and
over 3,500 scientific
medical papers, which
prove its effectiveness.
1) Transfer Factor Advanced Formula
• Developed exclusively by 4Life
using patented and patent-pending
technology, 4Life Transfer Factor
Advanced Formula calls upon the
knowledge of two sources,
providing an enhanced combined
effect of transfer factors from both
cow colostrum and chicken eggs.
• Research shows that the immune
building effects of this revolutionary
product increase immune system
effectiveness by 283 percent!
(continue to next slide…)
Transfer Factor Advanced Formula features ;
• Promotes the immune system’s ability to
remember past invasions, allowing your body to
more quickly respond to similar health threats
• Educates naive immune cells about a present or
potential danger in your body along with a plan
for action
• Speeds up the recognition phase of a health
threat, making the duration of an illness shorter
• Boosts your immune response, or balances it by
suppressing an overactive immune system
2) Transfer Factor PLUS Advanced Formula
• 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced
Formula provides far reaching
immune support. It combines the
synergistic power of Transfer Factor
E-XF with the proprietary blend
Cordyvant™ to nourish, strengthen
and activate the immune system.
"This is the most important
product ever introduced to allow
your natural defence, your
immune system, to best protect
you against illness."
- Dr Rob Robertson. MD
(continue to next slide…)
Cordyvant combines ingredients known to enhance the
innate immune system, our first and instinctive response
against foreign invaders. It includes:
Maitake and Shiitake Mushrooms — long known to
support cellular function (immune system) and other
healthy systems.
Cordyceps — rich in polysaccharides, which help activate
immune system response.
Inositol Hexaphosphate — gaining attention for its
preventative immune power.
Beta Glucans — an important immune cell stimulator.
They are the “wake-up” call to white blood cells for healthy
Beta Sitosterol — a phytosterol that has been shown to
help activate immune system response.
Olive Leaf Extract — may be instrumental in slowing the
duplication of cells.
Research shows that the immune building effects of this
revolutionary product increase immune system
effectiveness by 437 percent!
Transfer Factor “CHEWABLE”
Advanced Formula
• Complete, Natural Immune
Support in a Great-Tasting
Chewable Tablet
• Delivers strong immune support
with transfer factors from cow
colostrum and chicken egg yolk
• Shown in independent studies to
increase immune cell activity by
283 percent.
• Comes in a great-tasting citruscream flavored chewable tablet.
4) Transfer Factor RIOVIDA
• World stabilized liquid Transfer Factor
• The Ultimate Immune System
• The Benefits Of Some Of The World's
Most Valuable Superfoods, Acaiberry,
Blueberry, Elderberry And Pomegranate
“Riovida is the Revolutionary
Combination of Transfer Factor E-XF,
Açaí Berry, 100% Juice Blend and
the World’s Most Powerful
Antioxidants – in a Great Tasting
Drink! Just One Ounce a day provides
Powerful Immune Support, Anti-Aging
Benefits and Increased Energy.
Patented, Proprietary and Proven.
Improve your Health Today! “
RIOVIDA Primary Benefits
• Supports and educates your immune system for
superior health throughout your life
• Provides proven immune power of Transfer Factor EXF in an easy to drink, great-tasting juice beverage.
• Provides antioxidant support with “superfoods” such
as açai, pomegranate, elderberry, blueberry, and
purple grape
• Promotes healthy cardiovascular, digestive, urinary,
and immune system functions
• Provides support for healthy energy levels
What makes RIOVIDA unique?
• This juice beverage represents a giant leap forward in
Transfer Factor™ technology as the first product to
stabilize transfer factors in a liquid.
• RioVida is the only nutritional juice beverage that combines
transfer factors with antioxidant-rich fruits.
• Açai berries, found deep within the Brazilian rainforest, are
infused with a wealth of health-promoting properties,
including off-the-chart antioxidant ratings, amino acids,
fatty acids, and more.
• Pomegranates provide more antioxidant power than green
tea and red wine.
• Blueberries are not only high in antioxidants, but they also
support digestive health and work to support normal
inflammatory responses.
• Elderberries go to work instantly to neutralize free
radicals, support your cardiovascular health, and manage
stress levels.
• Lactoferrin supplies vital milk proteins that provide the
immune system with some of the building materials it needs
to stay strong.
5) Transfer Factor Toothpaste
• A Revolutionary Approach to Oral Health
• Healthy mouth—healthy body! Research is
showing that the level of health in your
mouth can be a health factor for other
systems throughout your body. Taking care
of your mouth through proper oral hygiene
can make a big difference in your smile
and the way you live your life.
• To keep your pearly whites shiny and
support good oral health, use 4Life
Transfer Factor Toothpaste. It offers the
immune benefits of Transfer Factor E-XF™
and other ingredients, including coenzyme
Q10 and lactoferrin, known to promote
healthy teeth and gums.
Transfer Factor Toothpaste Primary Benefits
• Promotes oral health with the immune support
power of Transfer Factor E-XF
• Offers oral hygiene immune support
• Fights plaque with xylitol and sorbitol
• Promotes a whiter smile with the benefits of
titanium dioxide
• Tastes great
Xylitol is an all-natural sweetener with antibacterial
qualities that inhibit the bacteria most closely associated
with plaque and tooth decay.
6) Transfer Factor RenewAll
Immune Support for Your Skin
• Transfer Factor RenewAll is a powerful
healing and cell renewing gel that provides
natural immune protection for the skin.
• RenewAll includes immune activating
ingredients like Transfer Factor XF®, beta
glucans and aloe vera to keep your skin
smooth, soft and healthy.
• This advanced formula is especially helpful
for problem skin conditions, cuts, bruises,
scrapes, burns, bug bites, rashes, minor
irritations and after shaving.
Primary Benefits
• Topically supports the healthy function of
your immune system with 4Life’s patented
Transfer Factor XF blend
• Promotes healthy skin and the natural
healing process with soothing herbal
extracts such as aloe vera, rosemary,
chamomile, and lavender
7) Transfer Factor GLUCOACH
Targeting Good Health Through Balance..
• 4Life Transfer Factor GluCoach supports
healthy glucose levels (for those individuals
with levels already in the normal range)
and the metabolic and endocrine systems.
• In addition to Transfer Factor E-XF™ that
supports healthy metabolic and endocrine
systems, it includes minerals, herbs and
phytonutrients clinically shown to support
healthy hormone production, improve
glucose tolerance and promote pancreatic
Transfer Factor GLUCOACH Primary Benefits
• Supports healthy immune response
• Supports healthy metabolic and endocrine system function
• Provides antioxidant support
What makes this product unique?
• 4Life Transfer Factor GluCoach targets the superior
immune-enhancing benefits of transfer factors to directly
support the metabolic and endocrine systems.
• Targeted Transfer Factors can help support a normal
inflammatory response within the metabolic and endocrine
• Pterocarpus marsupium, momordica charantia (bitter
melon) and gymnema sylvestre are all well known for
supporting balanced glucose levels.
• Ginseng and fenugreek are herbs that promote healthy
glucose and cholesterol levels.
• Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) has been shown to be an important
antioxidant to support healthy metabolic systems and
8) Transfer Factor CARDIO
Targeted Nutrition for Cardiovascular Health
Our cardiovascular system deserves a
break—not a breakdown. Our hearts work
24 hours a day, with no time off for good
behavior. We can give this system a highly
deserved break by eating a healthy diet that
contains an abundance of essential nutrients,
regular aerobic exercise and the
revolutionary support of 4Life® Transfer
Factor Cardio.
Transfer Factor Cardio provides
comprehensive support for the cardiovascular
In addition to promoting specific system
support with the power of Targeted Transfer
Factor, it contains additional ingredients such
as magnesium, arginate, red rice yeast
extract, B vitamins and antioxidants to help
support healthy blood pressure and
cholesterol levels.
Transfer Factor CARDIO Primary Benefits
• Harnesses the immune support of transfer
factors sourced from egg yolks to directly
support the cardiovascular system
• Protects the heart with free-radical fighting
antioxidants to support the efficiency of the
heart, and the integrity of blood vessels and
arteries that pump precious blood to the heart
• Promotes healthy cerebral and peripheral blood
• Supports healthy circulation and oxygen usage to
the brain and throughout the entire body
• Maintains proper elasticity and support healthy
blood pressure levels
• Promotes healthy homocysteine levels within the
• Supports normal cholesterol levels
What makes TF Cardio unique?
• 4Life Transfer Factor Cardio targets the superior immuneenhancing benefits of transfer factors to directly support
the cardiovascular system.
• This product addresses total cardiovascular health,
including supporting normal inflammatory response within
the body, and protecting the health and integrity of the
entire cardiovascular system.
• Recent research shows that promoting healthy
homocysteine levels may be just as important as
cholesterol for a healthy cardiovascular system. B vitamins,
including folic acid, B6, and B12, support normal
homocysteine levels. Antioxidants such as selenium,
copper, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and E, have also shown to
have beneficial effects for promoting healthy homocysteine
levels within the body.
• Ascorbic acid, niacinamide, hawthorn, resveratrol, garlic,
lysine, and red rice yeast extract are included in 4Life
Transfer Factor Cardio to support proper circulation and
healthy cholesterol levels.
Doctors and Health Professionals
What they say about Transfer Factor…
"It is increasingly clear that as the world becomes a
smaller place, with viruses and other pathogens
traveling with great ease, we now face a unique
situation. Simply put, we are now, and will continue to
be more exposed to challenges to our health. However,
nature has already provided the immune system as
our defense to microbes found in our environment. The
degree to which we are able to educate our immune
systems to recognize invaders will help determine our
ability to cope with health challenges. I urge all people
to pay attention to those things that affect their
immune systems.“
William J. Hennen, Ph.D.
• "Transfer factors are not only useful for disease
prevention but can also help with diseases
already established due to inadequate immune
response. Since transfer factor-producing T
lymphocytes are important in immune
recognition and memory, impairment of transfer
factor production could neutralize the rest of the
immune response in otherwise healthy
individuals. Therefore, introducing transfer
factors can sometimes enable a dysfunctional
immune system to return to normal."
• Greg B. Wilson, Ph.D. and James B. Daily, Jr., Ph.D.
What doctors and health professionals say
about using Transfer Factor for..
"I’m a cancer physician. I primarily treat female cancer, and
certainly encourage my patients who are undergoing
chemotherapy and radiation therapy to take transfer
factors. It helps to modulate the immune system. I have
patients with chronic herpes infections who are taking
transfer factors on a regular basis, and it’s reducing the
number of outbreaks. I’ve also had patients with chronic
yeast infections, and the transfer factors have reduced their
infections as well. Transfer factors are science-based with
excellent data from a variety of researchers."
"My chemotherapy patients on 4Life™ Transfer Factor™ are
feeling much stronger."
Dr. Duane Townsend MD
Transfer Factor for..
• Scientific American: "Heart Disease Begins With a
Dysfunctional Immune System"
• The science of transfer factors is rapidly expanding.
Technology is increasing quickly. Recently, scientists
have found that heart disease begins with a
dysfunctional immune system. Germs hide in the
arterial lining causing an immune system reaction.
The immune system secretes chemicals to trap the
germs and this leads to inflammation. Cholesterol
builds up in the inflammation and creates a blockage
that leads to a heart attack.
Transfer Factor for..
• “I think a product like Transfer Factor™ needs to
be at the root of any prevention program,
particularly in the compromised patients, for
example, the diabetics...with an increased risk of
diabetic amputation, with wounds, and all of the
things that we see...We need to have products
like Transfer Factor™ at the core of preventative
medical programs...We need to get this to the
general public. They are at risk also with this
expanding epidemic of diabetes.”
• Dr. Neal Donohu
Director of Surgery, President of World Walk Foundation
Doctor's comments on…
AIDS - HIV and Transfer Factor
• "AIDS is a viral attack on certain immune system cells,
which causes an inability of our immune system to mount a
normal response to infectious agents. Thus persons who
have AIDS are susceptible to opportunistic infections caused
by pathogens ordinarily, in the non-immunodeficient patient,
would be benign, or at least not life threatening. Transfer
Factor Plus, by its ability to generally stimulate the immune
system, and by its particular ability to increase the function
of viral fighting Natural Killer Cells, should certainly be
strongly considered as an adjuvant to be added to the
arsenal of regimens used in the intervention of the
progressive course of AIDS."
Rob Robertson, M.D.
CHRONIC disease and the IMMUNE system
• "The immunity provided by transfer factors is long
lived and can help all ages who are suffering from a
variety of ailments or those who want to stay well.
The unfolding events surrounding Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome, (SARS) is yet another painful
reminder that we live in a crowded world where
continents are only a plane ride away. The SARS
epidemic is only one of an ongoing series of new
emerging diseases. Our best global and personal
strategy is to do all in our power to ensure and
support our unique abilities of disease resistance and
Richard Bennett, PhD
• "There is no other product in a nutritional substance,
nor a drug, that has this kind of power and ability to
affect our immune system. With the increase of killer
viruses, mutated germs, super-resistant germs, and
food contaminations, our only hope and defense, must
lie within our own immune system.“
Darryl See, MD
• "I believe transfer factors are, without a doubt, the
greatest discovery of the century in supporting and
modulating the immune system. I believe a
strengthened immune system will be the primary way to
stay well in the future. This nutrient can affect the
immune system like nothing else can. I sincerely believe
everyone needs to consume this product."
Rob Robertson, MD
Transfer Factor for..
• "I have seen 4Life™ Transfer Factor™ knock out colds,
sore throats, etc., but it also has helped Fibromyalgia,
neurological problems, chronic yeast infections. All of our
cancer patients are using 4Life™ Transfer Factor™."
Duane Townsend M.D.
• "In approximately 250 patient months of kids on 4Life
Transfer Factor™, only one has returned for antibiotics,
and that was after 2-1/2 months. I had been seeing him
in my office every 2 weeks prior to using 4Life™ Transfer
David Markowitz, M.D.
People Who Take Transfer Factor For…
• "For the past fifteen years I have suffered from chronic
bronchitis, regular sinusinfections, and severe allergies. I
suffered from fatigue, migraine headaches, joint pain, and
an overall weakening. After eight months Transfer
Factor™, I am a new person. I feel like Transfer Factor™
saved my life. I tried every nutrient that I could find, but
only Transfer Factor™ made the difference."
- Naomi Jackson, Kansas .
• My 8 year-old daughter is over her allergy problems after 4
days on 4Life™ Transfer Factor™.
- Kevin O.
• "I have suffered from a severe asthma and allergy
condition. I used an inhaler twice a day. I was literally
miserable. After taking Transfer Factor™ for a month,
I have amazingly improved. I now use the inhaler less
than half as much and wake up without the swollen
eyes and congestion."
- Justin P.
• "With terrible asthma since age 7, I began 4Life™
Transfer Factor™ 2 1/2 weeks ago and I've gone from
20 medications & inhalers, to one pill and one
- Darlene J.
• “I have a daughter who is diabetic...Today we went to
see her endocrinologist and her hemoglobin report was
in the fantastic range, and I know it is because of her
taking Transfer Factor™...We are very strong believers
in Transfer Factor™
- Donna Wilkinson, TX
• “My first cousin has had [diabetes] for 62 years...Her
foot doctor, who is an advocate of Transfer Factor™, had
her call me and get Transfer Factor™...They thought she
was going to lose a foot and she mega-dosed on
Transfer Factor™ for two weeks...She lost a toe, not an
entire foot.”
- Marc Blatstein, director, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Applied directly to tumor
• "I find that Transfer Factor works really well when
applied directly on a tumor. I mix the content of a
capsule with a little bit of PURE water to make a thin
paste. I gently apply that paste directly on the tumor
once or twice a day, in conjunction with taking one
capsule by mouth AM and PM, on an empty stomach,if
possible. It can also be gently rubbed under the armpit
to be absorbed by the skin. For those who cannot
swallow the capsules, the content can be mixed with a
SMALL AMOUNT of juice or water or simply rub it under
the armpit."
- Pat Hartman
Thyroid Cancer
• "I’m 37 years old, and two months ago I was diagnosed
with papillary thyroid cancer. The pathologist said that
he was 95% sure that I had papillary thyroid cancer.
Well, I didn’t believe him. So he gave the results to two
other pathologists on blind study who confirmed that
indeed I did have cancer. I was already following a
nutritional program, so on top of that I started taking
one Transfer Factor™ three times a day and two
Transfer Factor Plus™ three times a day.”
“I took those on top of my baseline nutritional program
for two solid weeks before my operation. They removed
the entire thyroid and they couldn’t find any cancer
whatsoever. By the way, I have the lab results saying
that I had cancer, and the follow up lab results stating
that I don’t have cancer. I’m really happy with the
results." - Carlos Peacher
Breast Cancer
• "My name is Helen and I am a breast cancer survivor.
I had to pace myself with every task I undertook. I
wash my hair every day and always had to pause to
rest while blowing my hair dry and I have very short
hair. I went on Transfer Factor Plus™. After 11 days, I
no longer needed to rest drying my hair. On the 12th
day I went to a wedding. I danced most of the
evening and the only thing sore were my toes due the
fact that I hadn’t worn high-heeled shoes for so long.
Now when my partner and I take the dog out for a
walk I really have to watch my pace because quite
often I’ll hear; "Helen slow down the dog and I can’t
keep up." I feel great and have energy to burn and
friends now say I have a certain 'glow' about me."
- Helen
Chronic Fatique Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
• "Fibromyalgia had taken over my life for approximately
15 years. Then I found out I had become extremely toxic
to the medications, so I had to stop taking all
prescription mediations. Then I received a call about
Transfer Factor™ and after a lot of research I decided to
give it a try. In less than 4 weeks I could sleep through
the night and I could exercise with a lot less pain. My
checkups have been symptom free. I had forgotten how
good it feels to feel good again. Thanks 4Life for giving
me my life back." - Fibro Free, Pam - Wisconsin
• "4Life™ Transfer Factor™ helped me to get over the
Epstein Barr virus and mononucleosis, which can cause
chronic fatigue syndrome, after only a couple of weeks."
- Sue H.
• "My symptoms associated with Lupus, being sick
constantly and feeling exhausted, have gone
away. I feel energetic since using 4Life™ Transfer
Factor™." - Linda M.
• "I really am thankful for TF+. I have suffered for
years with infections of various kinds. Yeast,
bladder, kidney, and sinus infections just kept on
popping up. I began taking Transfer Factor Plus™
18 months ago. I have been basically infection
free now for that long. At first I would get a mild
infection but nothing like I did before.
- Karen T.
Skin Problems
• "For five years I was on antibiotics for a severe
case of acne. I still broke out about 20%. After 6
weeks on Transfer Factor™ my acne completely
cleared up. My dermatologist asked me to bring
him some information on whatever I was taking."
- Marsha S.
• "My 6-year-old son has had terrible eczema all
his life, yet 4Life™ Transfer Factor™, in just 2
months, has made significant improvements.
- Anthony V.
• “A friend of mine told me that I should have my son on
transfer factors. He has AIDS, so we got him on it. First of
all he wouldn't take it so I was sneaking it to him in his
drinks and from his first doctor's visit until the next one his
viral load went down from over 400,000 to 191,000. After
he started taking it knowingly by mouth, his next blood test
was down to 40,000 on his viral load. So we are very
excited and hopeful and I'm just thankful for what transfer
factors are doing for my son. For me, this is what I've been
looking for years and I really believe in it. It's fun for me to
share this with friends and I really think it's going to be the
greatest!” - Connie A.
Fatigue and headache
• “A lady in her 40's has been having these problems a long
rime. Took TF and after a week, the headache got better.
It's almost 2 months now and she's feeling so much better.
She continues to take TF and has introduced it to her
mum.” - TG/TW/Malaysia
• “My daughter, Jessica, was born on Oct 2000. From the
moment we came home it was obvious there was
something not quite right with her. She woke crying, fed
poorly, and did stop crying until she fell asleep
again. Nothing we tried seemed to make a difference.”
“When Jessica was 5 weeks old I visited Noel Maxwell ND
and was told about TF. I took some capsules home to try
and the results were marvelous . Overnight Jessica was a
different baby. She woke up calmly, smiled at her toys,
fed better, slept longer, easier bowel movements and she
was definitely a happier baby” – Glenys, New Zealand.
• For five years I was on antibiotics for a severe case of
acne. I still broke out about 20%. After 6 weeks on
Transfer Factor™ my acne completely cleared up. My
dermatologist asked me to bring him some information
on whatever I was taking - Marsha S.
Hepatitis C
• Kim is a 37 year old father of 4 children with advanced
Hepatitis C, facing a long and expensive therapy with
Interferon, a therapy fraught with many side
effects. Kim decided to give the immune boosting
capabilities of TF and TF+ a chance to aid his own body's
abilities to fight off viral infection, before he started this
Interferon. Although his results are still preliminary and
very early, thus far Kim has had very encouraging
results. After 4-5 months of fairly consistent use of TF
and TF+, Kim's liver function tests have improved
dramatically and at times are within normal limits. He
FEELS so much better and the complicating factors of
gastro-esophageal reflux (acid reflux) and constipation
are now totally resolved. He has voluntarily stopped all
of his reflux and bowel medications. His energy levels
have increased and remain high, as long as he takes his
immune boosters regularly. He too looks forward to
sharing this experience with others with Hep C and the
physicians who treat these challenged people. We wish
Kim well in his goals of healing himself and others with
4LR - David Markowitz MD.. Me
• My partner Barbara and I have worked for four years with
herbs & vitamins to restore my health. 4Life™ Transfer
Factor™ has done that in less than 3 months. Over the
past four years, I have experienced chronic bronchitis,
sinus infections, and other conditions. I take every herb or
vitamin I can get a hold of to build up my immune
system. In the last six months I have been on antibiotics 4
to 6 times with sinus infections. I started taking 6 to 9
Transfer Factor™ a day. Within three days I started
breathing better than I had for four years. 4Life™ Transfer
Factor™ is the only thing that has been able to bring my
energy level back up to where it used to be - Julie C.
• When I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic Leukemia
and my white cell count 29,000 per milliliter.
Chemotherapy is recommended at white cells are at 40,000
per milliliter, and since starting transfer factors it has
decreased gradually to 23,500 - Monte R.
Multiple Sclerosis
• I am a mother of six and have 19 grandchildren. I’ve
been on a lot of herbs for the last 5 or 6 years. I have
MS and I was in bed all Oct. and Nov. of last year. I
couldn’t walk and I had chronic migraines. I started
taking TF and I started feeling better. I had some
strength and was not having problems with my legs
and arms. It has now been 2 ½ months since I’ve had
an episode with MS…
Weight Loss
• I was overweight most of my life. I had tried lots of
diets and was not successful. After 90 days on
Shape4Life I lost 28 lbs and lowered my blood
pressure and cholesterol.
- April/Utah
• “I’ve had a female problem since I started my cycle as
a teenager and was in a great deal of pain. My doctor
prescribed a very strong reliever and I still was no
getting any relief. My husband and I wanted to start a
family but I was unable to get pregnant. A friend of
mine introduced me to TF and within 1 month I was
pain free and within2 months I was pregnant, I know
God gave me a friend, knowing that she had TF to
share with me” - Missy… SC
• “I have a patient with Parkinson's disease who after
being on TF for a couple of months noticed his
tremors had subsided remarkably to the point of very
little shakes, and slight speech improvement.”
- Deborah/Australia
• That was when through Allah’s
hidayah, we were introduced to
transfer factor advanced plus a week
after my diagnosis and I have been
taking the tf plus diligently with
honey until now, not less than 9
capsules a day, and coupled with
extra virgin olive oil to rub.
• I was diagnosed as having “
Alhamdulillah, I have delivered a
infiltrating duct carcinoma –
slight but strong and healthy baby
Grade 1 “ in my left breast on the boy on the 6th Feb 2006. I faced no
1st Sept 2005. There was no
complication during and after my
option given but to remove the
pregnancy. My baby is feeding well
breast and be subjected to
• ( I’m breastfeeding ) and shows no
chemotherapy. But the biggest
sign of yellow fever. I hope I am free
decision of all that had to be
of cancer too. I must thank Dr Zainal
made was to terminate my
and En Qusmaini of Kuala Lumpur for
pregnancy. I was 3 months into helping us in our ‘exodus’ that we
my pregnancy then. After much thought we could never realized. My
thought my husband and I , and name is Aleda and I am a school
to the doctor’s surprise , decided teacher in Kuantan, Pahang. Enclosed
to take the risk to keep the baby is my photo with my pride and joy
and search for an alternative
baby boy, Muhammad Taqris Hannan.
treatment that can “kill” the
Do pray for my success in beating
cancer cells and enable me to
this deadly illness.
keep my baby at the same time.
• This is Serena Carrie,
57 yrs old, my sister.
Breast cancer Stage
1 after HRT and now
3 years since taking
Transfer Factor Plus.
No recurrence till
today the tumor
disappeared 30 days
after taking 3 caps a
• This is a patient who
was given the wrong
salt treatment and
ended up with a
growth outside the
breast. So far has
recovered but
surgery to remove
the growth was
• This is a case of breast
cancer which resulted
in a growth at the
back of the head in
addition to the
cancerous breast.
Transfer Factor Plus
made the cancer
negative and the
growth gradually
disappeared and today
is fine with no cancer.
• This is a case of a
breast cancer who had
surgery to remove a
breast and one month
later the doctors
discovered the cancer
had spread to the
other breast. Stage 3.
Transfer Factor Plus
managed to save the
remaining breast and
today she is totally
• This is Mariah who is 7
years old and had
meningitis. She was
considered brain dead. She
had a very bad wound that
would not heal for 6
months and what you see
is the healing after just 15
days of Transfer Factor
Plus, 1 cap a day only.
Today she has recovered
her senses and is
considered no more brain
dead. On top of that she is
beginning to say mama
etc. , smiles , cries etc.
Treated for 8 months
• This is the
healed wound of
Mariah, 7 years
• This is Mariah 3
months after Transfer
Factor Plus. She is not
so stiff and has begun
to recognise her
parents and
responding to Transfer
Factor therapy.
• This is Mariah 7
months after
Transfer Factor
Plus. Her legs are
not stiff and
twisted anymore .
• This is Mariah
today .
• Relaxed and on
the road to
• This is an example
of a breast stage 2
that has a cancerous
growth. She has
fully recovered. Now
already one year
without recurrence.
Taken Transfer
Factor Plus.
• This is a 25 year old
lady with stage one
breast cancer.
Already three months
and fully recovered. 3
caps of Transfer
Factor Plus a day..
Note the swelling on
the side of the breast
• This is a 38 year old
lady with throat
cancer. Picture taken
after 2 months.
Tests confirm
negative results . No
more cancer. The
lump has been slowly
receding. Transfer
Factor Plus 3 caps a
• This is Anita . Down's
syndrome. One month
Transfer Factor Plus
and slowly showing
signs of improvement
in her ability to
communicate and her
body has become more
supple. Will take
another 3-6 months to
see better results
• This is Anisheya. 2 years old
who had just had surgery to
remove the tumor in the brain Medullablastoma. She was
given chemo and suddenly
became very sick with fever,
vomiting and lifeless. What you
see is her sitting in bed and
playing after just 4 days of
Transfer Factor Riovida and 1
cap Transfer Factor Plus a day.
Her parents checked her out of
hospital and refuse to continue
chemo. She will be fine and 30
days more before we do tests
to ensure no more recurrence.
• This is Haneishya who is 2 years
old and just operated on for a
brain tumor and had chemo.
She was very sick with fever and
other symptoms of the side
effects of chemo including round
face, hair loss, stomach pain,
whole body lifeless etc.. Her
mother saw the effect of
Transfer Factor Plus and Riovida
on Aniyesha and she also
followed suit and checked out of
hospital and decided against
continuing chemo. One of the
newest members of the 4life
family of children on the road to
• This is Nur Mardiah who was diagnosed
with a brain tumor in the medulla
oblongator region and she was sick in
hospital for 2 weeks.
• The doctors recommended radiotherapy deposit required was RM 30,000.
• She was given Transfer Factor Plus one
cap a day. 2 weeks after Transfer Factor
Plus, she had no more swelling of the
back of her head, no more fainting spells ,
no more pain. NO Surgery , NO chemo.
Just RM 260 for 3 months and a scan
done after 3 months Transfer Factor Plus
revealed that the tumor had completely
• Today, 87 months later, there has been no
recurrence and her father says his
problem now is that she is too intelligent
and asking him questions all the time and
playing non stop. No pain, no fainting .
Just enjoying life. Hooray! To Transfer
Factor Plus.
Transfer Factor
The Most Powerful Immune Support
Available Today…