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Boost the Immune System
for You and your Family
Preventing illness during the cold and
flu season
Dr. Jese Anne Wiens B.Sc., N.D.
Whole Foods Penticton October 8, 2013
Topics to be covered
Naturopathic Medicine
Colds & Flus
The Immune System, White blood cells
Pediatric immune considerations
Symptoms of low immunity
Important nutrients
Botanical medicine
Homeopathic Medicine
Lifestyle considerations
N.D. = Naturopathic Doctor
Therapies include
Nutrition, Botanical Medicine, Traditional
Chinese medicine including acupuncture,
Physical Medicine, Homeopathy,
Counselling, Pharmaceuticals.
Extensive Training: 4 years B.Sc. & 4
year medical school.
What do I treat? Any acute or chronic
Principles of Naturopathic
First, Do no Harm
Doctor as Teacher
Support the healing power of nature
Identify and treat the causes of disease
Emphasize prevention
Heal the whole person through individualized
Colds & Flus
Cold virus
Symptoms (sx): runny nose, nasal congestion,
sneezing, sore throat, cough, headache
Incubation period. 2/3 days, up to 7 days
Contagious period: first 2-4 days after sx
Influenza virus
Sudden onset, fever, aches, fatigue, cough, sore
throat, stuffy nose, headache, nausea
Incubation period: 1-4 days, avg 2 days
Contagious period: 1 day before sx, to 4 days after
Colds and Flus
Colds and flus are respiratory infections
caused by viruses. However, because these
viruses are so widespread, it is perhaps more
accurate to say that colds and flus are
caused by a decrease in immunity that allows
one of these viruses to take hold.
Biological terrain vs. germ theory. The state
of the body can determine the severity of
The Immune System
Through a series of steps called the immune
response, the immune system attacks
organisms and substances that invade body
systems and cause disease.
Surface barriers
skin, lungs, stomach, tears, saliva, flora
Components of the Immune System:
White Blood Cells circulate via blood and lymph.
Lymph tissue
Organs: thymus, spleen, bone marrow
White Blood Cells
Two types of white blood cells (leukocytes)
1. Phagocytes, cells that chew up invading
organisms. Eg. Neutrophil, monocyte, basophil
2. Lymphocytes, cells that allow the body to
remember and recognize previous invaders and
help the body destroy them. Lymphocytes start
out in the bone marrow and either stay there and
mature into B cells, or they leave for the thymus
gland, where they mature into T cells.
B cells make antibodies and eventually develop into
memory B cells.
T cells are helpers, cytotoxic, have memory, and
Symptoms of low immunity
frequent or severe colds/flus
sore throats
swollen glands
aching muscles
Baby’s immune system
Passive immunity. Antibodies in placenta or breast milk provide
temporary immunity to diseases the mother has been exposed to.
Important is colonization of moms flora from birth and
Blood brain barrier intact at 6 weeks old. ? Hep B
The immune system develops as it is exposed to antigens, about
2-3 months old. This is when passive immunity decreases and
baby is able to produce antibodies. Initial response is to viruses
and gram positive bacteria.
Under 6 months immune response to gram negative bacteria is
limited so vaccinations are considered.
Meningococcus, H. influenzae b, Pertussis
At 1 year old the immune system is strong. Fully matured at age 68. Full levels of antibody formation age 12-14.
What can lower immunity?
Stress, due to increased cortisol release
Dietary fat imbalance
high trans or saturated fats. Low omega fats
Poor GI flora (dysbiosis)
Use of alcohol, smoking
Chemical pollutants
Lack of sleep
Nutrient deficiencies (Vit A, C, E, D & Zn, Fe, Se)
Food allergies causing malabsorption
Some prescription meds (eg. Prednisone)
Important Nutrients
Vitamin A. Beta carotene from foods is
converted to Vitamin A.
maintains the protective mucus barriers
increases the number of infection-fighting
cells, natural killer cells, and helper T-cells
a powerful antioxidant that mops up excess
free radicals that accelerate aging.
It is high in orange and green vegetables.
Stored in the liver. Caution in pregnancy
Important Nutrients
Vitamin C
Helps to kill viruses, maintains tissue repair,
enzyme cofactor, & is an antihistamine
Collagen (skin, blood vessels, cartilage)
Carnitine production (energy)
Highly concentrated in immune cells. Helps
the activities of phagocytes, the production of
cytokines and lymphocytes, & monocytes.
Most useful at onset of illness or as a boost
when exposure to illness increases.
Important Nutrients: Vit C cont.
Due to a mutation, humans can’t make it.
Also bats, guinea pigs, primates, & some birds.
It is high in tomatoes, carrots, kiwis, citrus
fruits, peppers, broccoli & berries.
As a supplement:
kids up to age 6 can take 250 mg per day. Older
kids can take 500 mg per day. Adults 1-3 grams.
Available as a powder, chewable, or capsule.
Side effect: loose stool
Important nutrients: Vit C cont.
Vitamin C action in the body:
Tissues that accumulate 100x level in blood
adrenal glands, pituitary, thymus, corpus luteum, &
Tissues that accumulate 10 to 50x blood level
brain, spleen, lung, testicle, lymph nodes, liver, thyroid,
small intestinal mucosa, leukocytes (WBC), pancreas,
kidney and salivary glands.
Deficiency can show as poor wound healing,
brown discoloration on skin, bleeding gums,
High levels reduce incidence of cardiovascular
disease including heart attacks, reduces all cause
Important Nutrients
Vitamin E
is an antioxidant. It is high in wheat germ, nuts & seeds.
Stimulates the production of natural killer cells &
enhances the production of B-cells
maintains the immune system and generates new white
blood cells. A vital mineral for enzymatic function, blood
sugar metabolism, protein metabolism and DNA
Found in pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, & seafood.
Children up to age 6 years can take 10 to 20 mg per
day. Older kids and adults can take 20 to 40 mg per day.
Esp important for those who suffer from recurrent
infections, allergies, have diets high in dairy, or are
Important Nutrients
Needed for DNA replication / cell growth. Iron stores can
be depleted during periods of rapid growth, e.g. puberty.
Very important for children and menstruating women.
Lab work: check CBC and ferritin
Animal sources of iron are the most absorbable, 10
times more than plant forms. Chose organic beef,
chicken, dark turkey meat, eggs. Plant sources of iron
include dark green leafy vegetable, sunflower and
pumpkin seeds, organic unsulfured dried fruits (raisins,
prunes, figs, apricots, cherries), blackstrap molasses,
beets, red beans, quinoa, almonds.
is a boost to thymus activity, increasing NK cells and
cancer fighters.
Found in seafood, brazil nuts, & whole grains.
Important Nutrients
Vitamin D ‘the sunshine vitamin’
Used for regulation of gene expression and so
affects health in many ways.
It is helpful in acute illness and to prevent
Recent studies show that deficiency is common
and is a risk factor for many chronic diseases like
cancer, autoimmune reactions, and diabetes.
Supplementation is recommended for all ages,
including breastfed infants. 1000iu per day for
children up to age 12, 2000iu age 12 and up.
Get tested! 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D
Optimal level is 125nmol/L or more.
Other Nutritional Tips
Water. The cells lining the inside of the mouth and nose are
extremely prone to dehydration. When these tissues dry
out, they develop small holes and cracks, thereby offering
free passage to cold viruses. In contrast, well-hydrated
mucus membranes are plump and more resistant to infection
Avoid sugar! It can paralyze white bloods cells starting at 30
minutes after ingestion and lasts for up to 5 hours.
Decrease dairy to one serving per day. It creates mucus
production that can congest the ears, nose, sinuses,
intestines, and throat.
Overall: Focus on whole foods, organic when possible.
Wash all produce with a veggie wash to remove pesticides
and bacteria.
These are healthy bacteria that live in our
intestines and help with our immune system.
They inhibit colonization of pathogens in the
intestinal tract, degrade toxins, stimulate local
and peripheral immunity, promote enzyme
activity, and produce antimicrobial substances.
Probiotics are considered safe and well tolerated,
making it a great supplement for all ages.
The most studied include Lactobacillus
acidophilus, L. casei, L. sporogenes,
Bifidobacterium bifidus and Saccharomyces
boulardii. 3-8 billion twice daily depending on
Botanical Medicine
Echinacea is used to boost immunity to prevent
illness. Also decreases the severity of colds & flus.
Increases phagocytosis, inc WBC count, effects
immune cell activation.
Long history of use with native americans & eclectic
Myths: take for short periods of time, use tops or
water root extraction, use once sick, CI in
autoimmune conditions
Need to use root extracts with a high amount of
alkylamides. E. angustifolia more than purpurea
Caution if allergies to daisy family
Botanical Medicine cont.
Common in Chinese Medicine, this herb has the ability to
enhance natural killer cells and increase white blood cell
immune activity. Can be used to increase resistance to
Also builds‘qi’, aids recovery from loss of blood or chronic
infection. Adaptogenic & tonic. Increases memory, physical
Found as a piece of bark that can easily can be added to
teas and soups.
Sweet taste and great as a
glycerite for kids
Botanical Medicine
Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma)
is used to boost antibody response and antiviral activity. It
can also be used to boost recovery after illness or
chemotherapy. ‘the king of herbs’
stimulates the multiplication of infection-fighting white cells,
boosts natural killer cell activity, and increases the efficiency
of antibody production.
The immune-boosting properties of garlic seem to be due to
its sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin and
sulfides. Best used fresh or lightly cooked.
Garlic, ginger, lemon & honey tea
Botanical Medicine
Andrographis paniculata
Acute upper respiratory tract infections, speeds
Fever: yarrow or elderflower
Thyme: tea for congestion & antimicrobial
Oregano is strongly antiseptic and increases
WBC’s. Expectorant. Used as a tea, tincture,
or oil. This can be taken at first onset of
symptoms or as a preventative.
Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathic Influenzinum / Oscillococcinum
This remedy can be taken prophylactically or at the
onset of cold or flu symptoms and is very safe and
easily taken by children. This remedy decreases duration
and severity of influenza infections without side effects.
homeopathics from a pathogen and can be used for
homeoprophylaxis. These can be used to increase the
body’s response to a specific disease, such as whooping
cough. This is not equivalent to a vaccine.
The homeopathic immune boosting shot
increases the activity of the antiviral white blood cells.
This results in a decreased risk of viral infection, and
less symptoms and shorter recovery time during illness.
Thymulline or thymusinum is used to support
thymus activity.
Homeopathic Medicine
Aconite. Use at onset of sudden sx, esp after cold
exposure. Thirsty. Feverish and fearful.
Belladonna: fever, hot head, glassy eyes.
Gelsemium classic flu. Tired, weak, achy, chills,
want to be alone, heavy eyelids
Pulsatilla. Fever, weepy, clingy, agg warm rooms
thirstless. Thick mucus, coughs
Ferrum Phos. Fever with flushed skin in patches.
General early stage remedy
Kali bi. For thick sticky mucus, esp sinuses
Single remedies: 30ch as needed
Wash your hands, for 15 seconds with soap and get under your
nails. Always before you eat, after you use the toilet, when
coming home, and after visiting a public place.
Disinfect your high use areas: doorknobs, fridge handles, light
switches, phones, KEYBOARDS.
Diluted bleach, isopropyl alcohol, vinegar, oils, H2O2
Get plenty of exercise, preferably in fresh air.
Find ways to reduce stress, as high cortisol inhibits your
Ensure that you wind down in the evening and get 7-8 hours of
restful sleep
Bundle up to keep warm. In Chinese medicine colds and flus
are seen as external invasion of cold. Cover your ‘wind gates’,
which are between the bottom of your neck and your shoulder
blades. Use those scarves!
Thank you!
For more information, please contact me:
Dr. Jese Anne Wiens BSc., ND
Kimberley Health Centre
Penticton 778-476-6016
Summerland Family Chiropractic
Summerland 250-494-3321
Email: [email protected]