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The United States
First Half
of the 19 Century
Read Creating a New Government
Page 70
Page 70
James Madison-Father of
the Constitution
Ratification – Approval
Federalist Paper
John Jay, James Madison,
Alexander Hamilton argue why a
strong central government was
“On the road to ratification”
“Adoption of a Bill of Rights”
Washington : First President
Secretary of Treasury
Alexander Hamilton
Created National Bank
Issues Money
Feuded with Thomas Jefferson
(S of State)
(Chart on Page 80)
Two Party System
(Strong Central Power)
(State Power)
The Whiskey Rebellion
Tax Whiskey
Producers Upset
Militia forces payment
Prove - Power of Government
(Hamilton needed money)
Washington Steps Down
(Warns of Parties and
Foreign Involvement)
John Adams (Federalist)
Thomas Jefferson (Anti Federalist)
Presidential Succession Changed
(12th Amendment)
President – Jefferson
Against Big Government
Cut Spending-Tax
Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase
$15 Million to France
Doubled Size
Lewis and Clark” with Sacajawea
Explore (pg 120)
The War of 1812
British Impressment
(Capturing Americans at Sea and
forcing them into the Navy)
Arming Native Americans against U.S.
Star Spangled Banner DVD
Britain Destroys D.C.
Battle of N.O. big U.S. Victory
but after Treaty of Ghent
Confirmed U.S. as Independent
Made industry grow due to no British
General Andrew Jackson
Makes his Mark in 1812
B of N.O.
The Monroe Doctrine
Forbid Europeans to
Interfere in the Western
Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin
Cotton becomes
king in the South
Slaves do most
697,681 to 1,538,022
(1790 to 1820)
Americans Expand Westward
New States Enter Union
The Missouri Compromise
North – South Argue
Missouri-Slave Maine-Free
36”30 Becomes Slave Line
John Quincy Adams
“Amistad Story”
After his Presidency
1828 Andrew Jackson
elected President
Jackson develops Spoils System
Gives friends Federal Jobs
Right or
Indian Removal Act of 1830
U.S. Policy to move Native
Americans West (Out of the Way)
Trail of Tears
Cherokee and Others forced to
Walk out of the East to Indian
Land in the West (Oklahoma)
Inferior land
Read purple
Pg 130
The Lowell Mills Activity
Handout Cut and Ready
Lowell Mills
Fired Strike Leaders
Workers went back with lower pay
Female Employment (Non-Married)
Immigrants with lower pay hired
Martin Van Buren (1836)
Financial Crisis
Bank Loans Unpaid
Businesses Go Broke
Harrison and Tyler (1840)
Dies after Inauguration
20 Year Pattern
Manifest Destiny
More Land West
Religion – Mormons
Mexican Property
Wanted Americans
to Settle to help
control Native
By 1830’s
Settlers (Stephen Austin)
Don’t Want Mexican Law
President Santa Anna
Force Texas to Obey
Defeated at the Alamo(Fort)
Texas Declares Independence
“Remember the Alamo”
Sam Houston leads Rebels
against Mexico – Capture
Santa Anna
By 1845 Texas Joins the U.S.
New President James Polk
Favors Entry
Mexico and U.S. argue over Border
Polk sends Zachary Taylor to secure
boarder and Mexicans attack
Congress Declares War on Mexico
(Southerners More Supportive)
Many Mexicans join the U.S. in
Take New Mexico and California
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Establishes Current Border
Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado,
Zachary Taylor dies 1850
(4 of July Party)
Millard Fillmore takes
Watch “Slave Ship” DVD
Take notes on DVD
Review Concepts in DVD
Read Selections on page 150, 154
(Except Period 3-Continue)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Frederick Douglas
The Wilmot Proviso
(David Wilmot - Congressman from PA)
“No Slavery in any Territory
obtained from Mexico”
South sees proposal
as doom for Union
California – 1849
Citizens Apply for Statehood
as Free State
Gold Rush
The Compromise of 1850
California – Free State
Future States – Decide
Tough Fugitive Slave Law
Harriet Tubman and
The Underground Railroad
Effect of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
North – Abolitionists Fired Up
South – See as an Attack
Kansas- Nebraska Act of 1854
Popular Sovereignty for States
Decide Slavery by Vote
Bleeding Kansas
N + S move to
Kansas (Future
State) to tip
After Southerners
burn Abolitionist
town of Lawrence
John Brown
Kills 5 Southerners
in Kansas
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Statis Quo
Republican Party – 1856
No More New Slavery
Leave South Alone
Lincoln – Douglas
(Lincoln – Leave Slavery
out of New Territory)
Douglas Wins
Show Lincoln DVD
Dred Scott Decision
Ruled that once a Slave
Always a Slave
(Fugitive Slave Act)
Harper’s Ferry
John Brown leads
men to
Arsenal in Virginia
Steal Weapons and
arm Slaves
Foiled, Brown put to
Fear in South
John Brown
Project #2
Civil War Diary
Choose desk to start from and
pick characters
1. Citizen/Soldier in the North (M) 6
2. Nurse in the North (Citizen/War) (F) 6
3. Citizen/Soldier in the South (M) 6
4. Wife of a Slave Owner in the South (F) 6
5. A slave in the South (M) 6
6. A slave in the South (F) 6
7. A Slave Owner in the South (M) 6
8. A free Afro-American in the North (M) 4
9. A free Afro-American in the North (F) 4
10. President Lincoln 1
11. Confederate President Jefferson Davis 1
12. A European Reporter (M or F) 3
13. Older Northern Abolitionist (M or F) 4
Entries will include :
Election of 1860
The South Leaves the Union
Bull Run
Emancipation Proclamation
African American Admitted as Soldiers
Gettysburg Address
13th Amendment
Lincoln’s Death
As we cover each diary entry you will
be given 5 minutes to work on your
In the end you will create a book that
will hold all of the diary entries. Every
attempt should be made to make the
book look like it is from the 1860’s.
The way you put the book together
will be up to you but it should have a
cover and pages. Be creative!
Election of 1860
Lincoln Defeats Douglas and
Breckenridge (Democrats)
Now describe your character’s
response to the news the Lincoln
has won the Election of 1860.
(Give examples)
December 20, 1860
South Carolina Leaves the
Other Southern States follow
(see map next page)
Should North let them leave ?
Mississippi, Florida, Georgia,
Alabama, Louisiana, Texas
The Confederacy
Jefferson Davis (MS) President
5 Minutes for Diary Entry
The South Leaves the
Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina,
Tennessee after Lincoln asks them to
West Virginia Formed (Non-Slave)
Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky,
Missouri slave states loyal to Union
More men
More factories
More food
First Battle : Bull Run
South Wins
Stonewall Jackson
Thomas J. Jackson
5 Minutes to Write in Diary about the
fact that the war has broken out “Bull
1. Citizen/Soldier in the North (M) 6
2. Nurse in the North (Citizen/War) (F) 6
3. Citizen/Soldier in the South (M) 6
4. Wife of a Slave Owner in the South (F) 6
5. A slave in the South (M) 6
6. A slave in the South (F) 6
7. A Slave Owner in the South (M) 6
8. A free Afro-American in the North (M) 4
9. A free Afro-American in the North (F) 4
10. President Lincoln 1
11. Confederate President Jefferson Davis 1
12. A European Reporter (M or F) 3
13. Older Northern Abolitionist (M or F) 4
Ulysses S. Grant
Military Commander
Feb 1862 at
Shiloh (TN)
25,000 killed
South Surprise
Attack Victory
Robert E. Lee
Southern Military Commander
September 1862
26,000 Dead
Bloodiest Single Day in
U.S. History
Show Glory ch 2
Declares all
Slaves in the
Confederacy to be
January 1, 1863
Take 5 Minutes to
Write in your diary concerning the
Emancipation Proclamation
1. Citizen/Soldier in the North (M) 6
2. Nurse in the North (Citizen/War) (F) 6
3. Citizen/Soldier in the South (M) 6
4. Wife of a Slave Owner in the South (F) 6
5. A slave in the South (M) 6
6. A slave in the South (F) 6
7. A Slave Owner in the South (M) 6
8. A free Afro-American in the North (M) 4
9. A free Afro-American in the North (F) 4
10. President Lincoln 1
11. Confederate President Jefferson Davis 1
12. A European Reporter (M or F) 3
13. Older Northern Abolitionist (M or F) 4
After Emancipation many Africans join
the military
on the side of the Union
Show Glory Clip
Ch. 4 from F. Douglas
Then Skip to Chapter 5
Watch “Glory” 20 points
On Tuesday October 17th
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Would blacks have been
called African Americans in
the 1860’s?
What were the words used
Colored Folks
Describe your character’s
reaction to blacks in the military
Take 5 minutes
1. Citizen/Soldier in the North (M) 6
2. Nurse in the North (Citizen/War) (F) 6
3. Citizen/Soldier in the South (M) 6
4. Wife of a Slave Owner in the South (F) 6
5. A slave in the South (M) 6
6. A slave in the South (F) 6
7. A Slave Owner in the South (M) 6
8. A free Afro-American in the North (M) 4
9. A free Afro-American in the North (F) 4
10. President Lincoln 1
11. Confederate President Jefferson Davis 1
12. A European Reporter (M or F) 3
13. Older Northern Abolitionist (M or F) 4
Gettysburg and Vicksburg
July 1863
Read Gettysburg and Vicksburg
Page 185
Period 1 Take out books
Period 5 put them away
Describe your
character’s reaction to
Gettysburg or/and
Vicksburg battles
1. Citizen/Soldier in the North (M) 6
2. Nurse in the North (Citizen/War) (F) 6
3. Citizen/Soldier in the South (M) 6
4. Wife of a Slave Owner in the South (F) 6
5. A slave in the South (M) 6
6. A slave in the South (F) 6
7. A Slave Owner in the South (M) 6
8. A free Afro-American in the North (M) 4
9. A free Afro-American in the North (F) 4
10. President Lincoln 1
11. Confederate President Jefferson Davis 1
12. A European Reporter (M or F) 3
13. Older Northern Abolitionist (M or F) 4
Lincoln Issues Famous
“Gettysburg Address”
November 19, 1863
One Nation of
Free People
(Play Johnny
Write your diary entry
dealing with the
Gettysburg Address
1. Citizen/Soldier in the North (M) 6
2. Nurse in the North (Citizen/War) (F) 6
3. Citizen/Soldier in the South (M) 6
4. Wife of a Slave Owner in the South (F) 6
5. A slave in the South (M) 6
6. A slave in the South (F) 6
7. A Slave Owner in the South (M) 6
8. A free Afro-American in the North (M) 4
9. A free Afro-American in the North (F) 4
10. President Lincoln 1
11. Confederate President Jefferson Davis 1
12. A European Reporter (M or F) 3
13. Older Northern Abolitionist (M or F) 4
Sherman’s March
Burns down the South
Make em sick of war
Election of 1864
Lincoln re-elected with 55%
Votes went up after Sherman’s March
South losing bad
Jefferson Davis orders
Capital Richmond on fire
April 9, 1865
Lee Surrenders to Grant
(Appomattox, VA)
Write response to Surrender
and end of the war
1. Citizen/Soldier in the North (M) 6
2. Nurse in the North (Citizen/War) (F) 6
3. Citizen/Soldier in the South (M) 6
4. Wife of a Slave Owner in the South (F) 6
5. A slave in the South (M) 6
6. A slave in the South (F) 6
7. A Slave Owner in the South (M) 6
8. A free Afro-American in the North (M) 4
9. A free Afro-American in the North (F) 4
10. President Lincoln 1
11. Confederate President Jefferson Davis 1
12. A European Reporter (M or F) 3
13. Older Northern Abolitionist (M or F) 4
Lincoln proposes 13th
Outlawed Slavery in entire U.S.
Assassination of Lincoln
April 14, 1865 (4 days after
Shot in the Head
Ford’s Theater in Washington D.C.
John Wilkes Booth-Actor
Read diary entry 191
Write your response to the death of Lincoln
1. Citizen/Soldier in the North (M) 6
2. Nurse in the North (Citizen/War) (F) 6
3. Citizen/Soldier in the South (M) 6
4. Wife of a Slave Owner in the South (F) 6
5. A slave in the South (M) 6
6. A slave in the South (F) 6
7. A Slave Owner in the South (M) 6
8. A free Afro-American in the North (M) 4
9. A free Afro-American in the North (F) 4
10. President Lincoln 1
11. Confederate President Jefferson Davis 1
12. A European Reporter (M or F) 3
13. Older Northern Abolitionist (M or F) 4
Amendment to
the Constitution
Outlaws Slavery
Write response to
the fact that war is over and
slavery is gone forever
1. Citizen/Soldier in the North (M) 6
2. Nurse in the North (Citizen/War) (F) 6
3. Citizen/Soldier in the South (M) 6
4. Wife of a Slave Owner in the South (F) 6
5. A slave in the South (M) 6
6. A slave in the South (F) 6
7. A Slave Owner in the South (M) 6
8. A free Afro-American in the North (M) 4
9. A free Afro-American in the North (F) 4
10. President Lincoln 1
11. Confederate President Jefferson Davis 1
12. A European Reporter (M or F) 3
13. Older Northern Abolitionist (M or F) 4
End of Diary
Lincoln’s Plan
Johnson’s Plan Similar
Pardons except high rank
Re-admit with 10% loyal
Radical Republicans
50 % loyal
Full rights to former slaves
(Charles Sumner MA)
Impeached Johnson
Not Convicted
Congress takes over
Turns South into Military Districts
14th Amendment – Citizenship
South required to allow African Vote
Grant Elected President
(Republican Black Vote)
15th Amendment
Voting for Africans
Essay 2