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Endocrine System
Structure of the
Endocrine System
A network of Endocrine glands
– Ductless (tubeless) organs or groups of cells that
secrete hormones directly into the blood stream
– Hormones – chemical substances that are
produced in glands and help regulate many of
your body’s functions
Hormones are secreted by the endocrine
glands and carried by the blood to their
Glands of the Endocrine
Thyroid – produces hormones
that regulate metabolism, body
heat, and bone growth
Parathyroid glands – produce a
hormone that regulates the
body’s calcium and phosphorus
Testes – male reproductive
glands produce testosterone
Ovaries – female reproductive
glands estrogen & progesteron
Glands of the
Endocrine System
– Links the endocrine system with
the nervous system
– Stimulates the pituitary gland
Pineal gland – regulates sleep
Thymus gland – regulates the
development of the immune
Pancreas – a gland that serves
both the digestive and the
endocrine systems
– Regulates the level of glucose in
the blood (glucagon and insulin)
Pituitary Gland
Regulates and controls the activities of
all other endocrine glands
“master gland”
Has 3 lobes (sections)
– Anterior lobe
– Intermediate lobe
– Posterior lobe
Anterior Lobe
Produces 6 hormones
– Somatotropic – stimulates normal body growth
– Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) – stimulates thyroid
– Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) – stimulates
production of hormones in the adrenal glands
– 2 hormones stimulate all other sex hormones
– Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Lutenizing
hormone (LH) control the growth, development and
functions of the gonads
Gonads – ovaries and testes
In females
– FSH – stimulates cells in ovaries to produce estrogen
– LH – responsible for ovulation and stimulates ovaries to produce
In males
– LH – stimulates cells in testes to produce testosterone
– FSH – controls the production of sperm
Intermediate lobe
Secretes melanocyte-stimulating
hormone (MSH)
– Controls darkening of the skin –
stimulates skin pigments
Posterior lobe
Secretes antidiuretic homone (ADH)
– Regulates the balance of water in the
– Produces Oxytocin
Stimulates uterine contractions during the
birthing process
Adrenal Glands
Glands that help the body recover from stress
and respond to emergencies
Each gland has 2 parts
– Adrenal cortex
Secretes a hormone that inhibits the amount of sodium
excreted in urine and maintains blood volume and
Secretes a hormone that aids in the metabolism
– Adrenal medulla
Controlled by the hypothalamus and the autonomic
nervous system
– Secretes epinephrine and nor-epinephrine
Problems of the Endocrine
Diabetes – the pancreas secretes little or no insulin
Graves disease – hyperthyroidism – overactive or
enlarged thyroid
– Symptoms – nervousness, weight loss, increases thirst, rapid
heartbeat, and intolerance for heat
Cushing’s disease – overproduction of adrenal hormones
– Symptoms – round face, humped upper back, thin and easily
bruised skin, and fragile bones
Goiter – enlarged thyroid – caused by a lack of iodine in
the diet
Growth disorders – abnormal amounts of growth
Care of the Endocrine
Eat nutritious meals
Get enough sleep
Avoid stress