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Top quarks and physics at 100 zeptometer Ivo van Vulpen Particle physics Study nature at distance scales < 10-15 m 10-15 m atom nucleus A quantum theory describes all measurements down to 10-18 m 2/10 Building blocks of proton/neutron Particles Forces 1) Electromagnetism Quarks 2) Weak nuclear force Leptons electron 3) Strong nuclear force neutrino’s 3/10 The big questions: What is dark matter made of ? Why is gravity so different ? What explains the required (extreme) tuning of parameters ? 4/10 Model is an ‘approximation’ of a more fundamental one. Model breaks down below 10-19 m Extra dimensions ? New phenomena will appear at distances ~ 10-19 m 2006 Super-Symmetry ? String theory ? Edward Witten’s latest insight ? 5/10 The LHC collider: ‘proton-microscope’ - proton-proton - high energy / intensity - start summer 2007 ATLAS detector LHC tunnel 6/10 What will LHC events look like? Problem: new distance scale and new detector “Before claiming you have observed something ‘new’ you need to understand what ‘old physics’ looks like” Most complex ‘old physics’: top quark pairs quark Simulated top quark pair in detector quark quark proton electron proton neutrino quark 1 event/s 7/10 Why look at top quarks ? • The top quark - Discovered in 1994 (few 100 events) - Mass ~175 x proton mass • My current research: Number of events ‘Old’ physics, but not ‘known physics’! Expected top quark mass distribution (end of 2007) At LHC top quarks copiously produced (high energy) - We can identify top quarks in early LHC data Mass of top quark (GeV) 8/10 100 zeptometer frontier: discover ‘new’ physics • What do new phenomena look like ? New ? - Depends strongly on theoretical model ? - Many models include a signature that looks a lot like top quarks, but not quite … • My strategy: Focus on this single signature rather than on a single theoretical model Top quarks - Single source of known physics that can mimic this is top quark production (which we understand !) 9/10 Why am I doing this ? Data-Analysis (search + measurement) PhD thesis Research group VIDI ! 1) 2) 3) 4) Leptons: Identification and Trigger Quarks: Jet energy scale and top cross section Kinematic fit Top characteristics and Model interpretation Detector commissioning CERN fellow Top quark physics in ATLAS NIKHEF post-doc 10/10 Time-line Phase 1: Prepare and study first LHC collisions Phase 2: Re-discover top quark 2008 2007 2006 2009 Plan of work 2010 2011 2012 Phase 3: First to observe and study new phenomena Discover super-symmetry ? Discover extra dimensions ?