Rare $ B $ Decays as Tests of the Standard Model
... 1. Introduction In the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics the only flavour-violating interaction is the weak charged current. The other fundamental interactions – electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak neutral current – are all flavour-conserving. The probability for changes b ...
... 1. Introduction In the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics the only flavour-violating interaction is the weak charged current. The other fundamental interactions – electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak neutral current – are all flavour-conserving. The probability for changes b ...
institut de física corpuscular - Instituto de Física Corpuscular
... Physics and the first studying particle and nuclear physics. The mission of IFIC covers a wide range of subjects. In a broad sense, we study the fundamental interactions (gravitational, electroweak and strong) and the building blocks of matter, considering both the theoretical and experimental aspec ...
... Physics and the first studying particle and nuclear physics. The mission of IFIC covers a wide range of subjects. In a broad sense, we study the fundamental interactions (gravitational, electroweak and strong) and the building blocks of matter, considering both the theoretical and experimental aspec ...
Higgs physics at the LHC and ILC
... Precise measurements: few % to 10%. Special options to improve further e.g. BR(Hgg) ~ 2% at photon collider ...
... Precise measurements: few % to 10%. Special options to improve further e.g. BR(Hgg) ~ 2% at photon collider ...
Moti relativi
... Preface to the first edition This book is mainly meant to be a presentation of subnuclear physics, at an introductory level, for undergraduate physics students, not necessarily for those specialising in the field. The reader is assumed to have already taken, at an introductory level, nuclear physics ...
... Preface to the first edition This book is mainly meant to be a presentation of subnuclear physics, at an introductory level, for undergraduate physics students, not necessarily for those specialising in the field. The reader is assumed to have already taken, at an introductory level, nuclear physics ...
Beyond the Standard Model
... The first version of these notes was written up for lectures at the 1995 AIO-school (a school for PhD students) on theoretical particle physics. Later they were adapted for lectures at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, aimed at undergraduate students in their fourth year. This means that no detail ...
... The first version of these notes was written up for lectures at the 1995 AIO-school (a school for PhD students) on theoretical particle physics. Later they were adapted for lectures at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, aimed at undergraduate students in their fourth year. This means that no detail ...
Lecture 1
... – Angular distribution of electrons shows that only pairs of lefthanded electrons / right-handed anti-neutrinos are emitted regardless of the emission angle – Since right-handed electrons are known to exist (for electrons H is not Lorentz-invariant anyway), this means no left-handed anti-neutrinos a ...
... – Angular distribution of electrons shows that only pairs of lefthanded electrons / right-handed anti-neutrinos are emitted regardless of the emission angle – Since right-handed electrons are known to exist (for electrons H is not Lorentz-invariant anyway), this means no left-handed anti-neutrinos a ...
... Still a lot of disbelief until in 1977 Pluto and DASP (DORIS @ DESY) confirm the discovery The new lepton was named t (triton = third) Data used to measure mass and B(tenn)≈ B(tmnn) ≈ 18% ...
... Still a lot of disbelief until in 1977 Pluto and DASP (DORIS @ DESY) confirm the discovery The new lepton was named t (triton = third) Data used to measure mass and B(tenn)≈ B(tmnn) ≈ 18% ...
or ppt
... More threshold production.. tt, h thresholds: such measurements are valuable for determining as, Gtot t, |Vtb|2 as well as mt Dmh ~ 100MeV for mh ~ 115 GeV Two channels (s and t)for light chargino production: ...
... More threshold production.. tt, h thresholds: such measurements are valuable for determining as, Gtot t, |Vtb|2 as well as mt Dmh ~ 100MeV for mh ~ 115 GeV Two channels (s and t)for light chargino production: ...
Particle Physics Matter, Energy, Space, Time
... • Pauli postulated neutrinos in order to save the energy conservation in nuclear bdecay in 1930 • Finally discovered by Cowan and Reines using a nuclear reactor in 1958 • Massless Neutrinos in the Standard Model (‘60s) • Evidence for neutrino mass from SuperK (1998) and SNO (2002) ...
... • Pauli postulated neutrinos in order to save the energy conservation in nuclear bdecay in 1930 • Finally discovered by Cowan and Reines using a nuclear reactor in 1958 • Massless Neutrinos in the Standard Model (‘60s) • Evidence for neutrino mass from SuperK (1998) and SNO (2002) ...