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Arrangement of Electrons in
Chapter 4
The New Atomic Model
Investigations  relationship between light
and atom’s electrons
How are electrons arranged? Why don’t
they fall into the nucleus?
Light a wave or particle?
Wave Description:
Electromagnetic Radiation: energy that
acts like a wave in space
All forms create Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic Spectrum
All forms move at speed of light, c,
3.00x108 m/s
Forms identified by:
wavelength, , the distance b/ corresponding
points on adjacent waves. Units: nm, cm, or
Frequency, , # of waves that pass a given
point in a specific time, 1 sec. Unit: 1/s =
Hertz, Hz
Wavelength and Frequency
Wavelength and Frequency
c = 
speed of
light, m/s
Inverse proportion equation!!
Calculate the wavelength of a radio wave
with a frequency of 102.7 x 106s-1
Determine the frequency of light whose
wavelength is 5.267 nm.
Particle Nature of Light
emission of
electrons from
a metal when
light shines on
the metal
Video -13
Photoelectric Effect
Light had to be certain frequency to knock
e- loose
Wave theory  any frequency should work
(just might take a while)
Light must also be a particle!
Max Planck(1900) explanation: objects
emit energy in small packets called quanta
Video - 16
Max Planck
Quantum of energy is the smallest amount
of energy that can be lost or gained by an
E = h
Energy of
in joules, J
6.626x10-34 Js
Energy Calculation
What is the energy of green light, with a
wavelength of 500. nm?
Albert Einstein
Light is both wave and particle!
Particle of light = photon, having zero
mass and a quantum of energy
Photons hit metal and knock e- out, but
photon has to have enough energy
H-atom Emission Spectrum
Pass a current through gas at low pressure
it excites the atoms
Ground state: lowest energy state of an
Excited state: atom has higher potential
energy than it has in ground state
H – Atom Spectrum
When atom jumps from excited state to
ground state it gives off energy  LIGHT!
Ephoton = E2 – E1 = hv
H-atom Line Emission Spectrum
Element Emission Spectras
Helium – 23 lines
Neon – 75 lines
Argon - 159 lines
Xenon – 139 lines
Mercury – 40 lines
H-atom Line Emission Spectrum
More lines in UV (Lyman series) and
IR(Paschen series)
Why did H-atom only emit certain colors
of light?
Bohr Model of H-atom
1913 – Niels Bohr
e- circles nucleus in certain paths, orbits or
atomic energy levels
e- is higher in energy the farther away from
e- cannot be between orbits
Video - 23
Bohr Model of H-atom
Bohr Model of H-atom
From wavelengths of emission spectrum
Bohr calculated energy levels of H-atom
Model worked ONLY for H-atom
End Part 1
Quantum Model of Atom – Part 2
Can e- behave as a wave?
To find e- use a photon, but photon will
knock the e- off course
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle:
impossible to determine position and
velocity of a particle at the same time.
Schrödinger Wave Equation
1926 – developed equation and only ewaves of certain frequencies were solutions
Quantization of e-  probability of finding
e- in atom
No neat orbits  probability clouds or
Electron Configurations
Atomic Orbitals
Def: 3-D region around nucleus that
indicates the probable location of an
Energy levels or shells:
Numbered 1-7
Smaller number = closer to nucleus, lower
Each shell has sublevels
1 – s orbital
3 – p orbitals
5 – d orbitals
7 – f orbitals
Shells and Sublevels
Shells and sublevels together:
2s, 2p
3s, 3p, 3d
4s, 4p, 4d, 4f, etc.
s is the lowest energy and f is the highest
Each orbital in a sublevel can
hold a maximum of 2 e
1 – s 2 e- max.
3 – p orbitals 6 e- max.
5 – d orbitals 10 e- max.
7 – f orbitals 14 e- max.
Electron Configurations
Arrangement of e- in atom
Orbital Notation:
H has 1eRules:
Aufbau Principle: electron occupies lowest
energy level that can receive it
Electron Configurations
2. Pauli Exclusion Principle: no two e- in
an sublevel orbital can have the same
He – 2e3. Hund’s Rule: orbitals of equal energy are
occupied by one e- before pairing up e-. All
single occupied orbitals must have same
Energy of sublevels
Electron Configurations
Electron Configuration Notation
Noble Gas Notation
Use noble gas from previous row
Special Cases
d sublevel more stable with half-filled or
completely filled sublevel
Quantum Numbers
Def: specify the properties of atomic
orbitals and the properties of electrons in
4 quantum #s - first 3 from Schrödinger
Principal Quantum Number
n, indicates the main energy level
only + integers
Total # of orbitals in an energy level is n2
Angular Momentum Quantum #
l, indicates the shape of orbital (sublevel)
# of shapes possible = n (# of energy level)
l = 0 and all + integers less than or equal to
1st E level, l = 0 (s)
2nd E level, l = 0 (s), 1(p)
3rd E level, l = 0(s), 1(p), 2(d)
Magnetic Quantum Number
m, indicates orientation(direction) of orbital
m = -l to +l, including 0
l = 0, m = 0(s)
l = 1, m = -1(px), 0(py), 1(pz)
l = 2, m = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 (5 d orbitals)
Spin Quantum Number
Only two values: - ½ and + ½
Indicates the spin, up or down
Pauli Exclusion Principle
No two e- can have the same four quantum
n = 2, l = 0, m = 0, + ½ (1st e-)
n = 2, l = 0, m = 0, - ½ (1st e-)
n = 3, l = 2, m = -2, + ½ (1st e-)
n = 3, l = 2, m = -1, + ½ (2nd e-)
n = 3, l = 2, m = 0, + ½ (3rd e-)
What is the configuration of the electron
with the following quantum numbers?
n = 4, l = 1, m = -1, + ½