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The Media
Some Basic Facts About the
Media’s Influence in Our Lives:
• 􀃋 The average US resident is exposed to approximately 5,000
advertising messages a day
• 􀃋 According to a recent survey of adolescent girls, their main
source of information about women’s health issues comes from
the media
• 􀃋 Researchers estimate that 60% of Caucasian middle school girls
read at least one fashion magazine regularly
• 􀃋 Another study of mass media magazines discovered that women’s
magazines had 10.5 times more advertisements and articles
promoting weight loss than men’s magazines did
• 􀃋 A study of one teen adolescent magazine over the course of 20
years found that in articles about fitness or exercise plans, 74%
cited “to become more attractive” as a reason to start exercising
and 51% noted the need to lose weight or burn calories
• 􀃋 The average young adolescent watches 3-4 hours of TV per day
• 􀃋 A study of 4,294 network television commercials revealed that 1
out of every 3.8 commercials send some sort of “attractiveness
message,” telling viewers what is or is not attractive
• 1.Who influences your body self image
more… your parents? Your friends?
Your Teachers? The media?
• 2. What types of male bodies does
the media present?
• 3. Do you think that these images
directly affect how males feel about
themselves and how males take care of themselves? Please
explain briefly.
• 4. What types of female bodies does the media present?
• 5. Do you think that these images directly affect how
females feel about themselves and how females take care of
themselves? Please explain briefly.
• 6. Are these images the ideals in our
• 7. Are these images realistic? How many
people do you know who have body types
like those presented in the media?
• 8. What misconceptions of how
men/women are “supposed” to look are
most prominent in the media?
• 9. Where do you see these “ideal”
“stereotypical” male/female bodies the
most in the media? Magazines? Movies? TV
shows? What types of TV shows?
• Task: try to tally how many ads you
see in one day
• • Is the news slanted
& bias?
m/id/8004316/ns/video/ • Advertising Bias – stories
selected to please
• Corporate Bias – stories
selected to please corporate
• Mainstream Bias – report on
what everyone else is
reporting; avoid stories that
• Sensationalism – favoring
extraordinary over ordinary
• Youtube: think of the best video you
• Is too much access a good/bad thing?
How much do they impact us?
• From how to look, what to wear,
what to eat, what our homes should
look like, how to meet people, what
to drive, practically every facet of
our lives is taken care of
• Name Examples