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Warm Up
Analyze the map of Egypt and the Nile
River on p. 62 in the textbook, along
with answering the questions in your
warm-up section.
Read the “Inside Story” on p. 63.
Explain in 1-2 sentences how important
the Nile River was to the Egyptian
Unit 1 Objective: The student will be able to
evaluate the importance of water sources to early
civilizations in terms of transportation,
communication, migratory patterns and trade.
Nile River- longest river in the world
 4,000 miles long, flows NORTH
– Floods yearly, enriching the soil
 Created a surplus of food
 Egypt= gift of the Nile
– Transportation and communication
 Unifying factor for Egypt
Upper Egypt- southern part
– Flows from higher elevations
Lower Egypt- northern part
– Flows down into the Mediterranean Sea
Natural barriers (protection from invaders)
– Deserts to the W and E
– Red Sea to the E
– Mediterranean Sea to the N
– Water Rapids of the Nile in the S
By 3100 BC-Upper and Lower Egypt united by Menes
-created 1st dynasty (family of rulers)
Ancient Egypt divided into 3 stable periods
- Old, Middle, New Kingdoms
- separated by years of chaos
Egyptian Society
Married young and practiced monogamy
– (different than having multiple wives as seen in Mesopotamia)
Patriarchal, but women had some rights (could own property)
Hieroglyphics (see above picture- yes, they were painted!)
– very complex pictorial writing mostly used by priests and scribes
Hieratic script
– simplified version used for everyday business transactions
– Used astronomy for 365 day calendar
– Used mummification to gain medical knowledge of anatomy
– Built sphinx, pyramids (still standing after thousands of years)
Polytheistic– the gods and their importance changed throughout the
different kingdoms
– Sun (Ra/Re)- worshipped as the source of life
- pharaoh was called the Son of Ra
- the sun god in earthly form
Osiris- (main god)
– Symbolized afterlife and physical death
You will understand when you complete the chart on the next slide
Isis- (main goddess)
– symbol of new life
– Put the 14 pieces of Osiris’ body back together
 Symbolized the new life the floods bring every spring
Copy this chart into your notes and complete it using p. 73 and ONE partner.
You have 20 minutes: discuss with your partner and double-check to ensure
you have the correct information.
Local gods
Why is the god important?
Explain his/her power:
Create a vertical foldable on…..
The THREE Kingdoms of Egypt
– Using p. 65-68
– Old Kingdom
– Middle Kingdom
– New Kingdom
Directions: fold paper in ½ and cut front flap into three
boxes. Label each box for each of the kingdoms.
Add a different visual for each!
You have 30 minutes.
Check your foldable for
these notes…..
2700 to 2200 BC:
 Pharaohs had absolute power:
– unlimited power over kingdom (believed to be a god)
– built at Giza to house pharaoh’s body and all he would need in next life
(servants would be mummified, boats buried in the pyramids, etc)
– showed grandeur, importance of pharaohs
Egyptians also practiced mummification:
– process of slowly drying a body to keep it from rotting (preservation for
Collapse of Old Kingdom followed by 150 years of chaos
2050 to 1652 BC
 Marked by stability and
 Public works –
– canal connecting Nile and Red
Sea, draining delta for farm
Middle Kingdom ended
when overthrown by
Hyksos ruled for about 100
Egyptians learned to use
horse drawn chariots and
how to make bronze
New Kingdom
1567-1085 BC
 Marked by conquest
– became largest empire in SW Asia
– (including females- Hatshepsut) built huge
monuments, Ramses greatest builder
Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton)
– introduced monotheism & changed his name ( to
reflect the belief in one god: Aton)
– closed temples of all other gods
– Killed for beliefs
Tutankhamen- (King Tut)-
to the left
– Peace and polytheism restored
Egypt lost land and never fully recovered
– Dominated by Greece/Rome for rest of Ancient
Knowledge of hieroglyphics lost until French
invaded Egypt in 1800s: found Rosetta Stone
which translated hieroglyphics into Greek
The Egyptian Afterlife
1. Read p. 74- 76 on your own
2. With a partner: (both need this list in your notes)
– Make a bullet-pointed list on:
the teachings on the afterlife
 the mummification process
 the details of the burial process
3. Underline at LEAST two items you find
4. Circle at least two items you think are the
most significant.
Make sure….
To finish any classwork not completed
for homework.
You understand that everything
assigned in class is fair game for tests
and quizzes.
UNIT 1 TEST: this Wednesday
Optional Assignments:
Create Noteworthy Pharaohs Chart!
Create a (6-box) organizer on the following
rulers of Egypt, stating the importance/
significance of their reign (using Ch. 3):
Thutmose III
Ramses II
Cleopatra VII
ADD a visual symbolizing each pharaoh!
Create a Web-Diagram
Read p. 74top of 76