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Ancient Egypt Test Study Guide - ANSWERS
List (and be able to explain) the reasons Egypt declined:
Pharaohs fought costly wars
Weak leadership
Egypt attacked by other more powerful groups, with more and better
 Loss of land (only left with Nile delta)
2. What two things were the Hyksos known for?
Iron weapons and horse drawn chariots
3. List the ways religion influenced every aspect of Egyptian life.
 Worshipped many powerful god and goddesses who they believed
governed natural forces and human activities
 Believed in an afterlife that was better than life on Earth and though
after a long journey the dead arrived at a place of peace (embalming to
 Honored their pharaohs by building magnificent pyramids to protect
them from robbers, animals, and floods
4. What were the reasons and benefits of the mummification process?
 Embalming protected the body for successful journey to the afterlife
 Removed organs and learned about human anatomy
5. How did the Nile River protect the people?
Cataracts, desserts, delta marshes
The Egyptians thought very highly of pharaohs, why?
Believed strong ruler unified their kingdom
Also believed that he was the son of Re (the Egyptian sun god)
He was religious and political leader
7. List the roles of each family member:
Father – head of family
Oldest Son- inherits father’s business, takes care of parents
Mother – worked along husband (farmer), stays at home if higher class,
teaches children to sew, cook, run household
Other children- respect parents, learn trade or run household, marry as a teen
8. Why were scribes important?
Only people to write hieroglyphics, kept government and business records
9. List the people in each class:
High – pharaoh/king, priests, army commanders, nobles
Middle – traders, artisans, scribes
Low – farmers, unskilled workers
10.What was Hatshepsut known for?
Woman ruler
11.What was Amenhotep known for?
Gave Egyptians new religion, only ONE god (Aton)
King Tut’s dad
12.List Egypt’s main gods:
Re, Osiris/Isis, Hapi, Thoth
13.Why were the Egyptians interested in trading for wood?
Little or few trees in Nile Valley and surrounding deserts
14.Where did Egyptian families like to spend time?
Roof tops
15.How did Egyptian farmers deal with the flooding of the Nile?
Moved fields further away from banks of the Nile
16.What did bureaucrats do?
Collected tax payment/grain from farmers