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Ancient Egypt
Early Egypt
 5000 B.C.- Neolithic people in Egypt living on the
 These people cultivated wheat and barley, made
clay pottery, and wove linen into light clothing
 Many villages sprang up while these early
Egyptians began moving south along the Nile
 Prior to 3100 B.C., Upper and Lower Egypt were
divided into separate kingdoms which split into 20
smaller provinces called nomes.
Early Dynastic Period
 By 3100 B.C., Upper and Lower Egypt
were united by Menes(Narmer) and located
his capital in Memphis.
 His rule created the first dynasty, or rule by
the same family line in Egypt.
 The history of ancient Egypt recognizes 31
royal dynasties, covering nearly 3000 years
beginning ______ B.C. and ending by the
absorption of the Roman Empire in 30 B.C.
 It was during the Old Kingdom that Egyptian
rulers came to be considered more than just
human-they were also considered gods
 Pharaohs controlled the gov’t of Egypt
 They owned all the land
 People believed the Pharaoh knew all and saw all,
therefore he controlled all
 The people worshipped him, giving him constant
praise and honor
….Pharaoh’s Cont.
 The pharaoh was the source of all law; therefore,
there was no legal code
 The Pharaoh governed by appointing royal
officials who served him
 Most people in Egypt were peasants who worked
the land, herded cattle, fished the Nile, or helped
build for the gov’t(including pyramids)
 The people were often heavily taxed, sometimes
paying as much as 1/5 of what they produced each
year to help support their godlike ruler.
List of royal dynasty periods
The Early Dynastic Period (dynasties 1-2)
c. 3100-2700 B.C.
Old Kingdom(dynasties 3-6)
c. 2700-2200 B.C.
First Intermediate Period (dynasties 7-10)
c.2200- 2050 B.C.
Middle Kingdom (dynasties 11-12)
c. 2050-1786 B.C.
Second Intermediate Period (dynasties 13-17)
c. 1786-1560 B.C.
New Kingdom (dynasties 18-20)
c. 1560-1087 B.C.
Post- Empire(dynasties 21-31)
c. 1087-332 B.C.