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Panic disorder
By quinteza Hampton
The definition
S Panic disorder mean an anxiety disorder marked by
unpredictable minute long episodes of intense dread. In
which a person experience a terror and accompanying chest
pain chocking and other frightening sensations
The associated features
S 1) accelerated heart rate
6)chest pain
7) nausea
3) trembling or shaking
8) feeling dizzy
4) shortness of breath 9) feeling detached from yourself
5) feeling of choking 10)fear of losing control
S 11) fear of dying.
S 13) Chills or hot flushes
12) numbness and
The etiology
S The exact cause of panic disorder is not know, however
several theories suggest the disorder develops based n a
complex interaction of biological, genetic, environmental,
and social factors and experience.
S People who have phobias over certain conditions or things
may get a panic or anxiety attack when they are brought
face to face with the fear again.
The prevalence
S The panic disorder is twice as common in women as in
S The symptoms usually begin before the age 25 but may
occur in the mid 30’s.
S Although some panic disorder occur in children it is no
diagnosed until they are older.
The treatment
S Relaxation training: is a behavioral technique which is used
in treating panic and agoraphobia disorder. In this technique
the patient learns to relax all the muscles in the body.
S Agoraphobia means a fear of open spaces or fear of being
alone in a public place
Continuation of treatment
S Cognitive behavioral therapy: is generally viewed as the
most effective form of treatment for a panic attack. It
focuses on thinking patterns and behaviors that are
triggering te attacks it helps you to look at your fears in a
more realistic light
Still treatment
S Exposure therapy: in this treatment you are exposed to the
physical sensations of panic in a safe and controlled
environment helping you to learn healthier ways of coping.
The prognosis
S Panic disorders may be long lasting and difficult to treat.
Some people with this disorder may not be cured with
treatment however most people can expect improvement
with drug and behavioral therapies.
Halgrin ,R .P.& whitbourne, S.K (2005). Abnormal
psychology: clinical perspectives on psychological disorder
new York: McGraw Hill.
Myers D. G. (2011) Myers’ psychology for Ap. New York NY:
worth publishers.
Discussion question
S 1) why is cognitive behavioral therapy more effective then
exposure therapy