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Chapter 5
Mental and
Emotional Health
Lesson 5
Mental and Emotional
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 anxiety and
Illnesses that affect a person’s thoughts, feelings,
and behavior
 anxiety
Extreme fears of real or imaginary situations that
get in the way of normal activities
 mood
A mental and emotional problem in which a person
undergoes mood swings that seem extreme,
inappropriate, or last a long time
 suicide
The act of killing oneself on purpose
In this lesson, you will be able to
 identify several mental and emotional problems.
 recognize the warning signs of serious mental and emotional
 list factors that contribute to the development of mental and
emotional problems.
Finding the Main Idea
Review each of the main
headings in this lesson.
Write one sentence describing
what you think the main idea
of the section will be.
Main Headings in this Lesson
• What Are Mental and Emotional
• Causes of Mental and Emotional
• Types of Mental and Emotional
• Signs of Mental and Emotional
• What is Suicide?
What Are Mental and Emotional Disorder?
There are many types of mental and emotional
mental and emotional disorders Illnesses that affect a person’s
thoughts, feelings, and behavior
Causes of Mental and Emotional Disorders
Physical Causes
Drug use
Brain chemistry
Accidental injury
• Repeated emotional
stressors such as
Types of Mental and Emotional Disorders
There are many types of mental and emotional
disorders including anxiety disorders and
mood disorders.
anxiety disorders Extreme fears of real or imaginary situations that
get in the way of normal activities
mood disorder A mental and emotional problem in which a person
undergoes mood swings that seem extreme,
inappropriate, or last a long time
Anxiety Disorders
Panic disorder
People experience intense feelings of fear for a short
time. The body prepares for fight or flight, even during
an ordinary situation.
A phobia is an exaggerated or inappropriate fear of
something specific. Some phobias can interfere with
normal, everyday activities.
Obsessivecompulsive disorder
A person with this disorder may feel that he or she
must perform a certain activity, such as washing his
her hands several times.
stress disorder
This disorder is a reaction to a very traumatic event.
People with PTSD often have bad memories of the
event for a long time.
Mood Disorders
People with this disorder feel a strong sense of
hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, guilt, and
extreme sadness. If depressed people begin to feel
hopeless, they may consider ending their lives
Bipolar disorder
Also called manic-depression, this disorder involves
extreme mood swings for no apparent reason.
A person with this disorder usually experiences
alternating periods of excessive activity called mania
and depression.
Signs of Mental and Emotional Problems
Loss of appetite
Neglect of
personal appearance
Difficulty sleeping
Hearing voices
Long-lasting feelings
of sadness
Teens who experience any of these symptoms should
seek help from a trusted adult right away.
What Is Suicide?
If you believe that someone you know is considering
suicide, talk to a trusted adult right away.
suicide The act of killing oneself
What Is Suicide?
Warning Signs of Suicide
Talking about
Wanting to be
left alone
Interest in death or
Engaging in risky
behavior, such as
drug use
Giving away
Saying final
goodbyes to friends
and loved ones
Lesson 5 Review
What I Learned
Vocabulary What are mental and emotional disorders?
Lesson 5 Review
What I Learned
Explain What are three warning signs of suicide?
Lesson 5 Review
What I Learned
Distinguish What is the difference between a panic
disorder and a phobia?
Lesson 5 Review
What I Learned
Identify What is one characteristic of bipolar disorder?
Lesson 5 Review
What I Learned
List What are two main types of mental and
emotional disorders?
Lesson 5 Review
Thinking Critically
Analyze If you had a phobia about public places, how
might this affect your social health?
Lesson 5 Review
Thinking Critically
Explain Why is getting treatment early for mental and
emotional disorders so important?
End of
Chapter 5
Mental and
Emotional Health
Lesson 5
Mental and Emotional
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