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• Peptides- combine with receptors in
the cell membrane production of
cAMP, leads to activation of a
particular enzyme
• Steroids
(small and lipid soluable)
pass through the membrane to
combine with receptors and this
activates genes and protien synthesis.
Endocrine Glands
• secrete products internally directly
into blood. Have no ducts – blood
transport but only a specific target
organ is affected.
Negative feedback
( Antidiuretic Hormone - vasopressin)
Produced in hypothalamus and released by
posterior pituitary
Promotes reabsorption of water in collecting duct
of kidney
Hypothalamus contains osoreceptors (hyper
osmolality) that are sensitive to the amount of
water in blood. ADH is released from the
posterior pituitary, thirst increases and the blood
becomes more dilute.
Dilute blood shuts down the release of the
• Causes uterus to contract
• Used to induce labor
• Stimulates release of milk from breast
when nursing.
• Produced by hypothalamus and
released by posterior pituitary.
Inability to produce ADH causes
diabetes insipidus
( watery urine)
Growth Hormone ( GH)
• Produced by anterior pituitary.
• Determines the height of the
• Promotes cell division, protein
synthesis and bone growth.
• GH causes liver to release
somatatomedins which actually have
the effect on cartilage plates and
causes osteoblasts to form bone.
• too little GH
• too much GH
If GH increases in an adult after
full height has been reached
• Only certain bones respond
• Jaw, eyebrow ridges, nose, fingers
and toes. - acromegaly
Lactogenic Hormone ( LTH)
• Produces after childbirth causing
mammary glands to develop and
produce milk.
– thyroid stimulating hormone
Hypothalamus ( TRH)
Anterior Pituitary ( THS
Thyroid produces thyroxin - feedback
turns off pituitary release of TSH
TSH feedback controls hypothalamus to
turn off TRH
Thyroid Gland
• Is located in the neck, attached to trachea
just below larnyx.
• The gland contains follicles filled with
thyroglobulin the storage form of thyroxin.
• Iodine is needed for both.
• Thyroxin increases the metabolic rate. No
target organ. Respiratory enzymes and
oxygen intake increases in most cells.
• Produces calcitonin – toregulate calcium
level in blood and opposes parathyroid
• If iodine is lacking in the diet, thyroid
enlarges – Goiter
• Low level of thyroxin
• Anterior pituitary stimulated to
produce TSH
• TSH causes the thyroid to increase in
size until enough thyroxin is
produced. So it continues because
enough thyroxin is never produced.
Hypothyroidism - myxedema
• Too much thyroxin
• Lethargy, weight gain, loss of hair,
slow pulse, decreased body temp and
thickness and puffiness of skin.
short stocky persons who have
hypothyroidism since childhood
• Tongue enlargement – difficulty
breathing and swallowing
• Skeletal growth inhibited.
Adrenal Gland
• Near kidneys.
• Cortex ( hormonal control) and
medulla ( nervous control) portions.
• Hypothalamus
Adrenal Medulla
• Stress causes the hypothalamus to
produce a a releasing hormone that
stimulates anterior pituitary t produce
ACTH. Which activates the adrenal glands
• Adrenalin causes
– metabolic rate increases as do breathing and
heart rate. Blood vessels in intestine constrict
and muscle vessels dilate. Increased circulation
to the muscles can cause more strength than
normal. Wide eyed look and extreme alertness
• A heart that has stopped beating is injected
with adrenalin to stimulate contraction
Adrenal Medulla
• is a source of the catecholamines
epinephrine and norepinephrine. And
is part of the sympathetic nervous
• In emergencies, adrenaline is released by
the body to override the homeostatic
control of glucose. This is done to promote
the breakdown of glycogen into glucose to
be used in the emergency. These
emergencies are often known as 'fight or
flight reactions'.
• Adrenaline is secreted by the adrenal
glands. The secretion of it leads to
increased metabolism, breathing and heart
rate. Once the emergency is over, and
adrenaline levels drop, the homeostatic
controls are once again back in place
Effects of Epinephrine and norepinephrine
• Increased rate & force of contraction of heart muscle:
• Constriction of blood vessels:
• norepinephrine, resulting in increased resistance and
hence arterial blood pressure.
Dilation of bronchioles:more air
• Stimulation of lipolysis in fat cells:
– energy production when glucose dwindles
• Increased metabolic rate: oxygen consumption and heat
production increase throughout the body in response to
epinephrine. Breakdown of glycogen in skeletal muscle to
provide glucose for energy production.
Inhibition of certain "non-essential" processes: an
example is inhibition of gastrointestinal secretion and motor
“Runner’s High”
• ACTH and opioids ( endorphins and
enkephalins are chemically rlated.
• Can produce a feeling of euphoria
and a higher threshold of pain.
• Physical activity causes the release of
endorphin and can elevate the mood.
• Despite their organization into a
single gland, the medulla and
cortex are functionally different
endocrine organs, and have
different embryological origins. The
medulla derives from ectoderm , while
the cortex develops from mesoderm.
• In some species, amphibians and
certain fish, for example, two separate
organs are found.
• cortex, which secretes several
classes of steroid hormones
(glucocorticoids and
mineralocorticoids, plus a few others).
• Small amount of male and even
smaller amount of female sex
• Adrenal cortex produces cortisol
• Cortisol causes gluconeogenesis ( raises
level of amino acids in blod which leads to
an increased level of glucose when liver
converts these to glucose. Production of
glucose from non glucose substances) to
relieve stress.
• In low diet glucose provides glucose to
brain. AA not converted to glucose can be
used for repair of tissue, should injury
• Also counteracts the inflammatory
• Capillaries become permeable and
fluid leaks out, causing swelling.
– Pain and swelling of joints in
arthritis and bursitis can be
administered cortisol.
• Aldosterone
• The target organ is the kidney. They promote renal
absorbtion of sodium and potassium. Levels of these ions
are critical for nerve conduction and muscle contraction.
Cardiac failure can result from too low level of potassium.
• Levels of sodium maintain blood pressure and concentration
of sodium regulates secretion of aldosterone.
• When sodium levels are low, kidneys secrete renin. Renin is
an enzyme that leads to the conversion of angiotensinogen
to angiotensis and stimulates the adrenal cortex to release
aldosterone. This raises blood pressure.
• Angiotensin constricts the arteries and
• Aldsterone causes the kidneys to reabsorb sodiumand blood
volume is rainsed as water is reabsorbed.