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Forms of Energy
Chapter F3
Kinetic and Potential Energy
#1 (F62)
• ___________ is the ability to cause changes in matter
• _________, which is a form of energy, can change solid ice
into liquid
• There are two basic kind of energy-the energy of
__________ and the energy of ____________
• Any matter in motion has _________ energy and the
amount of kinetic energy an object has can ___________
• _________ energy is the energy an object has because of
where it is or because of its condition
• Once movement of an object happens, ___________ is
often changed to ____________ energy
Kinetic and Potential Energy
#2 (F63)
• This change if energy form between kinetic and potential is
called ______________ of energy
• Although energy is often changed from one form to another, the
total ___________ of energy doesn’t change
• Energy cannot be _____________ or ______________ and this is the
law of the ______________ of energy
• Using the pictures of the pole vaulter on F62-63, describe three
times the form of energy changes
• In the case of the tennis ball bouncing, energy is not destroyed
at any point, but with each bounce some of the ball’s energy
was lost as _________ and ________
• The heat caused by the _________ of the ball hitting the
floor _________ the air and the floor slightly
• Eventually, the results of bouncing turned all of the ball’s
energy into other ________
Kinetic Forms of Energy (F64)
• The kinetic energy that objects have is also called
____________ energy and is just one form of kinetic
• _________ energy is another form of kinetic where the
movement of molecules of matter produces heat
• ___________ energy, also a form of kinetic, is caused
by the movement of electrons and produces shocks
as well as the picture and sound on a television
• ___________ energy from the picture moves to your
eyes in waves and ____________ energy is received by
your ears through vibrations produced by the
Potential and Chemical Forms
of Energy (F64)
• Elastic potential energy is the energy __________ in
compression springs, stretched rubber bands, and bent
vaulting poles-all materials that can be forced into a
shape that’s different from its natural shape
• Gravitational potential energy is the energy an object has
when its in an _____________ or a stored position
• Plants absorb ________ energy and store it as chemical
energy in the food they make
• When a runner starts to run, chemical energy stored in his
__________ is changed into _________ and ___________
Electric Charges (F68)
• Electric energy runs many forms of ____________ and is the
energy that produces ___________
• Electric energy is produced by the movement of
• Within an atom, electrons have a __________ charge and
protons and a _________ charge and most objects have an
________ number of protons and electrons
• But, when an object gains or loses electrons due to an
attraction to ____________ in another object, it has an
__________ charge
• An object that has gained ___________ has a negative
charge and an object that has lost electrons has a
____________ charge
• Losing electrons can lead to an object’s attracting of
electrons to replace the lost electrons and the attraction
can be felt as a ________ or even a spark
Electric Force #1 (F69)
• Most objects have no _________ because they have about
the same number of protons and electrons
• If an object has a charge, it attracts objects with the
____________ charge
• Similar to magnetic force, ________ charges attract each
other, and _______ charges repel each other
• This attraction or repulsion is called ___________ __________
and like gravitational force it depends on the ____________
of the objects
• Two charged objects produce a larger electric force
when they are __________ together
Electric Force #2 (F69)
• Charged objects have ___________ electric energy, and
can also be called static electricity because the electrons
are not _____________
• When charged objects are close to each other, potential
energy can become ___________ energy
• If the charges on the objects are the ___________, the
objects repel each other and if the charges are
___________, the objects attract each other
• If the objects touch or come very close to each other,
__________ may flow from one object to another
• Electrons flow from ____________ charged objects to
______________ charged objects
• The flow of electrons is called __________ ____________
• Once the charge have moved and are ____________,
there is no electric force remaining
Electric Circuits #1(F70)
• A _________ is used in the wire that makes an electric
• An electric circuit is any path along which ________ can
• ________ and _________ are often used as conductors
• Metals are good conductors of electric current because
their atoms don’t hold ________ tightly and this allows
electrons to move along from one _______ to the next
• An electric current flows through good conductors with
little ___________
• The conductor in a circuit is wrapped with a material
called an ___________, which is a material that does not
carry ___________
Electric Circuits #2 (F70)
• Rubber, _________, glass and ______ are good insulators because
they _______ the flow of electrons through them
• Insulation keeps wires from toughing each other and completing
an _______ ________ before the electrons can reach a device; if
this does happen it is called a _________ circuit
• Some materials do not completely stop the flow of electrons, but
may _________ the flow of electrons in some way and are called
• Materials that resist electric current are important because
they allow electric energy to be __________ into other forms
• The filament in a light bulb resists the flow of electrons and
produces ________. When it gets hot enough it ________
• Electrons flowing in an electric circuit can produce heat,
________, sound, or __________ and these are all needed to
electric devices
Magnets & Electricity (F72)
• ________ are used to generate, or produce, electricity
• Electric currents produce a ___________ field around them
• Why will a compass placed next to a wire carrying an electric
current point to the wire?
• A current-carrying wire wrapped in a coil of more _______
makes a strong magnet
• A coil of current-conducting wire wrapped around an
_______ bar makes an even stronger magnet
• Around the coil is a magnetic field but it is only __________
when electric current flows through the coil and is called
an _____________
• The link between electricity and magnetism allows ______
to be produced from electric energy
• An electric motor uses electromagnets and by changing
the _________ of the electric current back and forth, these
electromagnets alternately _______ and ________each
other. This causes the motor to turn
Light Energy (F76)