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“The word renaissance means rebirth. This
stood for the rebirth of European greatness
rather than chaos. This was the time in history
that Europe was pulled out of the dark ages.”
Aim- What is the renaissance?
Term to know- Humanism
Starts in Italy, focus on individual, rebirth in
Artists focus on realism, human emotion, and
Artists of the Renaissance include Leonardo
da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael
started by Martin Luther because he was
against the sale of indulgences by the Catholic
Martin Luther writes his 95 Theses
Luther refuses to recant his views
Christianity breaks into many different
Catholic Church starts Counter-Reformation to
clean up the Catholic Church
Ends religious unity in Europe
German Monk 1500s
 95 Theses protest
RCC corruption; sale
of indulgences
 Vernacular
Reformation occurs
 Council of Trent
Johann Gutenberg develops printing press for
western Europe
Books become cheaper
Number of books increase
Literacy and education increases in western
Base your answers to questions and on the illustration below and on your knowledge of social studies.
38-Which concept is most closely related to the main idea of the illustration?
(1) isolation
(2) armed conflict
(3) cultural diffusion
(4) urbanization
Answer the following question using the following diagram:
41-Based on the information in this illustration, which statement about the society of ancient Egypt is accurate?
(1) The women had equal status to the men.
(2) The social structure was hierarchical.
(3) Social mobility was unrestricted.
(4) Soldiers outnumbered farmers.
50- Which type of government is shown in the cartoon?
a socialist republic
an absolute monarchy
a communist dictatorship
a democracy
Explain the Neolithic Revolution
2. Compare and contrast the views of the afterlife
between Mesopotamia and Egypt. Give reasons
how the floods had an effect on this.
3. Compare and contrast the geography of Italy and
4. Explain the term ethnocentric, and explain how the
Chinese were known to be this way?
Do Now 6-9
“Absolute rulers were kings who had total
power. They got this power from claiming
divine right. Divine right to rule can be claimed
by a ruler. This gives them the explanation that
god gives them the right to rule”
Aim- Who are some divine right monarchs?
Final Exam Today
“The Neolithic revolution changed the
world by starting farming, domesticating
animals and causing people to settle down.
This also led to people settling down by
rivers so they could use the rich fertile soil
for farming.”
Study for final- limited time
50 multiple choice- 5 short answers
“Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are two
cities of India. They show that India
had well planned cities that are similar to
a present day city. This proved that these
cities had good urban planning”
Aim- Complete final exam
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“China was surrounded by natural barriers.
These natural barriers caused China to
become ethnocentric which means that they
thought their ethnicity was better than
everyone else”
Aim- Finish Final Exam
Geography – archipelago (chain of islands),
mountainous, located in “ring of fire”, many
volcanoes and earthquakes caused tsunamis
Irregular coastline created many natural
Mountains caused a weak central government
which led to feudalism
Tsunamis and earthquakes caused people to
worship the forces of nature, which led to
religion of Shintoism
Samurai followed a code of conduct called
bushido, similar to chivalry followed by
European knights
Early Japan was influenced by China and
Located on a peninsula
Located between China and Japan
Known as a Cultural Bridge between China and
Becomes known as Hermit Kingdom
Location influences Korea’s history
Start out as nomadic tribes on steppes of Asia
United by Genghis Khan
Excel at warfare and horseback riding
Create huge empire
Pax Mongolia- golden age
Isolate Russia and Mongol absolute rule serves as a model for
later Russian rulers
Golden Horde – Mongol Rule in Russia
Mughal India – Mongol rule in India under Akbar the Great
Yuan Dynasty – Mongol rule in China under Kublai Khan
Mongols encourage trade on Silk Road
Safety of empire allows for travels of Marco Polo and Ibn
The Americas were only used to make money
for Spain
Slaves were used to work in the Americas, first
natives, then Africans were used.
The middle passage was the voyage from
Africa to the Americas
Columbian Exchange- the exchange of things
from Europe-> Africa-> Americas
Absolute rulers were in Spain, France and
England had the Magna Carta and Parliament,
which limited the kings power. This caused
England to have a limited monarchy
Early Russia
Heavily influenced by Byzantine
Isolated by Mongol invasions
Develop Cyrillic Alphabet from
Byzantine Monks
Orthodox Christians
Ivan the Great and Ivan the
Peter the Great and Catherine the
Great both wanted to
modernize/westernize and
wanted warm water port
French Absolute
Sun King
Divine Right
Palace of Versailles**
Power without
Directions- list 5 key words with each question
1-Compare and contrast the views of the afterlife between
Mesopotamia and Egypt. Give reasons how the floods had an
effect on this.
2-Compare and contrast the geography of Italy and Greece.?
3-Explain the term ethnocentric, and explain how the Chinese
were known to be this way?
4-Explain what an absolute ruler is and how they ruled?
5-Explain the Neolithic Revolution and how it changed the
6-Describe life during the Middle Ages.
Neolithic Revolution is a major
turning point in human history.
Agriculture and the domestication of
animals provided an alternative to
hunting/ gathering which led to the
formation of permanent settlements
Do Now:
is a revolution?
–Term to know-Agriculture
-Mary Leakey believes human life began in the
Great Rift Valley of East Africa
The first people lived in the Paleolithic Era.
-Paleolithic people were nomads (hunters and
-This time period was known as prehistory
because it was before written records.
The Neolithic Revolution was a great turning
point in history.
This event started farming, the domestication
of animals, and small villages that eventually
grew into cities and large civilizations.
Impacts of Neolithic Revolution – Permanent
Settlements, New Social Classes, New
Technology, Basic Economic Structures
Organized Religion
Public Works
Specialized Jobs
Social Classes
In 5-6 sentences explain the life of a nomad
during the Paleolithic Age
In 5-6 sentences explain life after the Neolithic
Focus 5-12
 “Egypt is located on the continent of Africa. It
has the desert as a natural barrier that keeps it
secluded from the rest of the world and keeps
their culture unique”
 Do Now- What is Egypt surrounded by??
 Term to know- Cultural diffusion
 Copy whiteboard in notebook
Egypt (Nile River)
Mesopotamia (Tigris and Euphrates Rivers) –
includes Sumer and Babylon
India (Ganges and Indus Rivers)
China (Huang He and Yangzi Rivers)
Reasons they developed near rivers:
Fertile soil
Water supply supports irrigation for crops
Allow people to produce their own food
These areas had a climate that supported the growth of
Geography of Egypt
 Located on the continent of Africa
 Developed near the Nile River
 Nile river provides EVERYTHING
 Constant floods allowed fertile soil to support
Predictable flooding- they know its coming
good view of afterlife- loved the gods
Natural barriers- desert blocks Egypt and
creates a unique culture
Hieroglyphics- Egyptian writing
Pyramids- Tombs for Pharoahs
In 5-6 sentences explain the geography of
In 5-6 sentences explain how flooding effects
Do Now
“Mesopotamia is known as the land between two
rivers. The two rivers that surround Mesopotamia
are the Tigris and Euphrates. This gives the area
fertile soil. Mesopotamia also lacks natural
Aim- What is a negative thing about lacking
natural barriers
Term to know- Cuneiform
Geography of Mesopotamia- in the middle east
 Developed near the Tigris and Euphrates
 Had fertile soil and good climate to support
 Lack of natural barriers- caused positive and
negative cultural diffusion
 Cultural diffusion is the exchanging of
ideas (trade, migration and war)
Unpredictable flooding- never knew when they
might come
Led to a bad view of the afterlife (Dark and scary
Cuneiform- Sumerian writing
Ziggurats- temples to the gods
Rosetta stone- translated hieroglyphics
Babylonian King
Law Codes
“Eye for Eye”
Not equal amongst
In 5-6 sentences explain the geography of
In 5-6 sentences explain the flooding in
Do Now
 “Two rivers in China were the Yang Zi and the
Huang He. The Huang He was also called the
river of sorrow because of the unpredictable
floods and the yellow river because of loess
(yellow soil) that turned the river yellow.”
 Aim- Why were rivers in China important?
 Term to know- Ethnocentric
Geography of China
 Developed near the Huang He (Yellow) and
Yangtze Rivers
 Natural barriers-China was isolated by
mountains and deserts
 Ethnocentric-Viewed other cultures as
Showed ethnocentrism by building the Great
Had silk road to trade on with Europe, but did
not want European goods
Would not allow Europeans to visit because
they didn’t want them influencing their people
Influenced Korea and Japan
Geography of India
 Is a subcontinent- means it juts out below the
continent of Asia
 Developed near the Indus and Ganges Rivers
 Geographic features: Himalaya Mountains and
Hindu Kush mountains kept them isolated
 Monsoons- Gust of wind that brings rain
Khyber pass- only way to India before sea
3 regions of India
 Northern plains- Many rivers makes it the best
place to live in India
 Deccan plateau- Dry Arid land (desert)
 Coastal plains- trade and fishing
Asoka-known as the philosopher king of India
Was once a harsh ruler with strict
punishment, but after a terrible war he
turned to Buddhism
 Preached religious tolerance
Explain the Paleolithic age
Explain the Neolithic revolution
Explain the geography of Egypt and how the
rivers effected the afterlife
Explain the geography of Mesopotamia and
how the rivers effected the afterlife
Explain the geography of China and how this
caused them to be ethnocentric
Explain the Khyber pass
Explain the geography of India
Do Now
“The Silk Road help China trade to many
different parts of the world. At first they
traded silk, but eventually they started
selling many Chinese goods. This caused
cultural diffusion”
Aim- notecard quiz today
“Christianity and Judaism have many
similarities and differences. They are both
Monotheistic, have a holy book and follow the
rules of the Ten Commandments. The main
differences is the role Jesus played in starting
Aim- How does Christianity hurt Rome?
–starts in Middle East
founder was Abraham
Monotheistic- belief in one god
Ten Commandments- rules to follow
Torah- holy book
huge impact on Israel
Christianity –
starts in Middle East
founder was Jesus
Monotheistic- believe in one god
Ten Commandments-rules to follow
Believe Jesus is Messiah
Bible- holy book
huge impact on Western Europe
– starts in Middle East
Founder was Muhammad
Monotheistic- believe in one god
Five Pillars- guidelines
Quran- holy book
Mosque- house of worship
-huge impact on Middle East
Explain the religion of Judaism
Explain the religion of Christianity
Explain the religion of Islam
Do Now
 “Hinduism is a religion in India that has no
single founder. It is a mix of many beliefs that
the Aryan people left behind. Hinduism also
follows the caste system, which is based on
occupation and race”
 Aim- In Hinduism, what is the Caste system
based on?
 Term to know- Reincarnation
Hinduism – starts in India, no single founder,
Polytheistic, caste system, reincarnation,
karma, dharma, Vedas, Upanishads, Brahman,
huge impact on India
Buddhism – starts in India, foundar was
Siddhartha Guatama, Four Noble Truths,
Eightfold Path, REJECT THE CASTE
SYSTEM, reincarnation, karma, dharma,
nirvana, huge impact on China
Shintoism –starts in Japan, worship
of forces of nature, influenced by
geographic features, huge impact on
Animism – practiced by many
people in prehistory, all things in
nature have a spirit, similar to
Shintoism in Japan, huge impact on
ancient Africa
Daoism – starts in China, best government
governs least, want to be at one with nature,
huge impact on China
Legalism- strict laws harsh punishment,
believed people were born bad
Confucianism – starts in China, founder was
Confucius, society shapes you, government
should rule by example, give respect, get
respect, people born good
Do Now
“Greece is broken up into many small independent
city states. This made it difficult for Greek city
states to unite with each other. Mountains and
valleys also served as natural barriers to the
 Aim- How do natural barriers of Greece affect
its growth?
 Term to know- Isolated
located in southeastern Europe
made up of many mountains, isolate valleys,
and small islands
irregular coastline
Greeks created small city –states (city-states
also known as polis) due to the fact that
islands were separate from each other
Major city-states Athens and Sparta
Athens develops democracy- government
ruled by the people
Athens values a well-rounded education
Athens reaches golden age under leadership
of Pericles
Sparta values military
Sparta develops oligarchy- government ruled
by few
Greek Philosophers – Socrates, Plato, and
Greek Philosophers use observation and
rationale thought to explain the world
Greek architecture developed use of columns
Greek paintings and sculpture focused on
idealism and realism
300 B.C.
Master of Cultural
Hellenistic Culture
 Greek, Persian,
Indian, and
Egyptian Cultures
“Rome’s biggest contribution was its law
codes. Roman law still exists today and is used
throughout the world. If it wasn’t for Roman
law our justice system would be very different
than it was today.”
What is a republic?
Term to know- Senate
located near the center of Italy on a peninsula
in the Mediterranean Sea
few natural barriers- helped it expand from
city state to empire
start off as a Republic (a representative
most powerful governing body in Roman
Republic was the Senate
Patricians- rich Romans
Plebeians- poor Romans
Laws of the Twelve Tables
Easily becomes an Empire
Pax Romana – 200 years of peace and stability
Develop an advance system of roads- trade
Romans develop architectural idea of the arch
Copy many aspects of Greek culture
Most important contribution was legal system
Develop aqueducts
Fell due to outside invaders, slaves and bad
eastern portion of Roman Empire becomes
Byzantine Empire
develop Greek Eastern Orthodox Christianity
capital city = Constantinople
located on key trade route between Asia and
Justinian becomes autocrat
Justinian’s Code- laws
Hagia Sophia- showed Byzantine greatness
Preserved Greek and Roman ideas
Do Now
“The fall of Rome didn’t happen overnight.
Rome was hit with many years of corruption,
invasions and bad rulers. All these factors
slowly caused the Roman empire to collapse,
and this threw Europe into the dark ages”
Aim- Why did Rome fall
Term to know- Mercenaries
period of poverty, conflict and disunity caused
by fall of Rome
feudalism – characterized by a weak central
government and an exchange of land for
military service
Serfs were peasants who took care of the land.
Life began to improve during Agricultural
Revolution with the use of the three field
system and iron plow
Church was the only positive thing people had
Crusades – holy wars between Christians and
Christians wanted to defend the Holy Land,
gain forgiveness for their sins, desired wealth
from Middle East
Crusades brought western Europeans out of
isolation and exposed them to new technology
Crusades caused an increase in religious
conflict and exposed Europeans to new
diseases such as the Black Death
Black Death (Bubonic Plague) –
diseased carried by fleas on rats,
traveled along trade routes, caused a
shortage of workers, caused the
economy to collapse, weakened the
Roman Catholic Church