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Foraging, Learning & Genes
“Optimal Foraging”
Behavior adjusts to environment
Diet: Density of preferred prey
Risk-sensitivity: (Expected – Required) Intake
Seek general predictions/understanding
Foraging, Learning & Genes
Mechanisms: Intrinsic Constraints on Behavior
Genes, nervous system, physiology
Diverse among species (vs generality)
Initial integration
Foraging, Learning & Genes
Positive & Negative Reinforcement
Reinforcement: value, penalty
Currency of fitness (?)
Positive: Increases frequency of behavior
Negative: Decreases frequency of behavior
“Once burned, twice shy”
Some people slow to learn from penalty
Klein, T.A. et al. (2007) Genetically determined
differences in learning from errors. Science
318: 1642-1645.
Klein et al. (2007)
D2 receptor
Protein on surface of human brain cells
Activate by neurotransmitter dopamine
A1: allelic variant of gene
Single base-pair difference from “normal”
Klein et al. (2007)
A1: allelic variant of gene
Reduces D2 density by 30%
Linked to “insensitivity of consequences of selfdestructive behavior” (?)
Learning from errors
Klein et al. (2007)
Learning: reinforcement outcomes
Performance-monitoring system
posterior medial frontal cortex
has rostral cingulate zone (RCZ)
RCZ: learning form errors
Hypothesis: midbrain sends dopamine signal to RCZ
Outcome better or worse than expected
Enables associative learning
Klein et al. (2007)
26 healthy German males
12:  A1 allele (reduced D2 density)
Chose between pairs of ideograms
“Reward or punishment” resulted
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
RCZ & hippocampus
Klein et al. (2007)
Learned to choose high Pr[reward] over low Pr
Post-test: Avoid lower of low Pr[reward]
A1: Same response to positive reinforcement
Reduced learning via negative reinforcement
Klein et al. (2007)
Klein et al. (2007)
Klein et al. (2007)
See genetic difference associated with
difference brain activity & avoidance learning
D2 receptor important “reward learning”
Genetic variation for choice behavior
Reward amounts, scaled to requirements
Effects of mean and variance on choice
Variance in delay (time) to obtain given reward
Different problem; more complex
Behavioral Ecology & Microeconomics Intersect
Neuroeconomics, Risk & Brain
Objective value of reward (x)
Subjective value of reward, “utility” (U)
U(x) nonlinear; necessary for risk-sensitivity
Neuroeconomics, Risk & Brain
Neuroeconomics, Risk & Brain
McCoy, A.N. & Platt, M.L. 2005. Risk-sensitive
neurons in macaque posterior cingulate cortex.
Nature Neuroscience 8:1220-1227.
Posterior cingulate cortex (CGp)
Limbic area: integrates
Link reward to with spatial attention (visual)
McCoy, A.N. & Platt, M.L. (2005)
2 Adult rhesus macaques
Choose between 2 visual targets
Fruit juice reward; certain and variable
Ecological validity?
Recorded activity single neurons in CGp
McCoy, A.N. & Platt, M.L. (2005)
McCoy, A.N. & Platt, M.L. (2005)
Risk-prone for reward amounts, fruit juice
U(x) = Mean reward + c Risk
Risk: Coefficient of variation
McCoy, A.N. & Platt, M.L. (2005)
Posterior cingulate
neurons Risk-prone
Strongest signals when
eye movements go to
symbol for variable