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Topography of the Brain
When you look at a brain you see all these hills and valleys,
and these are called sulcus and gyrus.
A sulcus (valley) is a depression or fissure in the
surface of the brain.
A gyrus (hill) is a ridge on the cerebral cortex, it is
generally surrounded by one or more sulci (valleys).
There are two hemispheres in the brain. The left and
right hemisphere. They are able to communicate with
each other through a thick band of 200-250 million
nerve fibers called the corpus callosum.
Frontal Lobe
Topography and Functions
● Speech
(broca’s area)
(wernicke’s area)
● Movement
(motor cortex)
● Emotional Control Center
● Personality
● Planning and Judgement
Last to develop (maturity at 23)
Parietal Lobe
● Named after parietal bone that covers it
● Contains neurons that process sensory
information received in other lobes
o taste
o temperature
o touch
● Damage
o front- causes numbness and impairs sensation
o middle- people are unable to tell right and left
apart (right-left disorientation)
o right side- loss of motor skills, especially depth
● Abnormalities in the parietal lobe are connected to
o autism
o schizophrenia
o Alzheimers
Occipital Lobe
many regions of occipital lobe and they
are specialized for different jobs based
on vision.
Your occipital lobe helps you see all
colors and shapes.
Visuospatial processing, color
recognition, and motion perception are
some of the things the occipital lobe is
responsible for.
known as the “visual processing center”
of the brain. It contains the primary visual
cortex (found on the surface of occipital
lobe) if visual cortex is damaged it can
cause blindness
The Temporal Lobe
by Hugo Zheng and Chris Mendiola
Things about the Temporal Lobe
Location & Main Functions
● There is certain disorders that can happen to
● It’s location is on the side of the brain and is
the Temporal lobe called epilepsy. Common
below the lateral fissure. It is among the most
experiences is seizures, hallucinations of
frequently injury to the brain during head
strange voices, music, people, smells, or
taste can occur.
● Usually in the left temporal area includes
production of speech, naming and verbal
Here’s a link that discusses Temporal Lobe
memory. On the right temporal area includes Epilepsy:
musical abilities, foreign languages, visual
memory, and comprehension of the
● Concerns with perception and recognition of
the auditory stimuli(hearing), language
comprehension, and memory(hippocampus)
● This lobe is special because it makes sense of
all the different sounds and pitches being
transmitted from the sensory receptors of the
Ali Skoff
Jackie Olivares
Named after it’s resemblance to a seahorse
Humans and other mammals have 2
It is apart of the limbic system
Located under the medical temporal lobe
Important from short-term memory to long term memory
A memory “gateway” where new memories must pass before entering permanent storage
Small curved formation in the brain
Formation of new memories and with learning and emotions
Age can also have a major impact on the functioning
Wernicke’s Area
By: Allegra Cantu, Jacob Gonzales, Hannah Wilson
Wernicke’s Area
● Region of the brain that contains
motor neurons
● Involved in the comprehension of
speech and language
● Location: Posterior third of the upper
temporal of the left hemisphere of the
● Named after Karl Wernicke
● Damage of the temporal lobe may
result in a language disorder known as
Wernicke Aphasia
Broca’s Area
Broca's area is one of the main areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for
producing language. This part of the brains was named after Paul Broca, a
neurosurgeon, who discovered the purpose of Broca's area while examining the
brains of patients with language difficulties. This part of the brain controls
motor functions involved with producing speech. People who damage their
Broca's area can comprehend language but cannot properly form words or
produce speech. Broca's area is connected to another brain region known as
Wernicke's area. Wernicke's area is associated with processing and
understanding language. Broca's area is found in the frontal lobe in the lefter
Motor Homunculus (Little Man)
● graphic representation of the
divisions of the motor cortex
● a human body would look like this
if each part grew proportional to
the area of the cortex of the brain
related to its movement
● larger parts of the image represent
the more frequently utilized
sensory/motor areas
Motor Homunculus
● Humans have large
amounts of cortex devoted
to mouth, tongue, and
● smaller pictorial
representations represent
areas that utilize less
The Limbic System
James Moreno
Limbic System
The Limbic system plays a vital role in our emotional life,
as well as the formation of memories. The Limbic system
is known as the “thinking brain” for subcortical structures
such as the hippocampus set levels of arousal as well as
being involved with motivation and reinforcing behavior.
The forebrain and cerebrum are critical in the
functionality of forming long term memories as well as
the olfactory structures.
● Protective covering of brain and spinal cord.
● 3 layers (superficial to deep):
o Dura mater: Strong, white fibrous tissue, leather-like.
o Arachnoid mater: Delicate, spiderweb-like.
o Pia mater: Transparent, adheres to the outer surface of brain
and spinal cord. Contains blood vessels. (Pia=Tender)
● An infection or inflammation of the
meninges. It involves the arachnoid or pia
mater and it can lead to deafness, deficits in
cognitive ability and permanent brain
disorders such as epilepsy.
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Primary functions
○ Cushions the brain
○ Serves as a shock absorber for the
central nervous system
Other Functions
○ Circulates nutrients and chemicals
filtered from the blood
○ Removes waste products from the brain
○ Examining CSF is very useful in
diagnosing diseases of the nervous
system including Multiple Sclerosis
○ Lumbar puncture draws out CSF
Quadriplegia vs. Paraplegia
★ Also known as tetraplegia.
★ It is a paralysis caused by illness
or injury to the cervical area
(neck) that results in partial or
total loss of use of all of the limbs
and torso.
★ The severity of the injury and the
place it occured will determine
the amount of function a person
will maintain.
★ Depending on how severe, some
patients have control over some
of the top of their arms and other
cannot breathe alone.
★ Paraplegia is when the level of
spinal cord injury occurs below
the first thoracic spinal nerve.
★ The most severe paraplegia
would be complete paralysis of
the legs and abdomen up to the
★ Paraplegics have full use of their
arms and hands.
Quadriplegia or
Blood Brain Barrier
A semi-permiable barrier that prevents certain
materials in the blood from entering the brain
Functions are:
-protects the brain from foreign substances
-protects the brain from hormones and
neurotransmitters in the rest of the body
-maintains constant environment for the brain
Autonomic Nervous System
● Regulates the functions of our internal organs
includes: heart, stomach, and intestines
● Part of the peripheral NS
● functions involuntary and reflexively
ex. we don’t notice when blood vessels change size or when our heart beats faster
● ANS regulates
Smooth muscle(skin, blood vessels, stomach, intestines), cardiac muscle, and the iris
ANS is divided into three parts:
-The sympathetic nervous system
calls in the “fight” or “flight” response
-The parasympathetic nervous system
calls for “rest” and “digest”
-The enteric nervous system
nerve fibers that innervate the viscera (gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and gall bladder)
Somatic Nervous System
The Somatic nervous System also consists of different motor pathways
o Somatic Sensory division- motor pathways make up this system
 provides feedback from the somatic effectors
The Somatic Nervous System carries information to somatic effectors.
o Somatic effectors- skeletal muscles.
This system also includes centers that receive the sensory information. This then creates a response
Problems with Nervous system