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Crustal velocity field modelling with neural network and
Piroska Zaletnyik1, Khosro Moghtased-Azar2
Department of Geodesy and Surveying, Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Hungary, [email protected]
Institut of Geodesy, University of Stuttgart – Germany, [email protected]
A comparison of the ability of artificial neural network and
polynomial fitting was carried out in order to model the
horizontal deformation field. It is performed by means of
the horizontal components of the GPS solutions in the
Cascadia Subduction Zone.
One set of the data is used to calculate the unknown
parameters of the model and the other is used only for
testing the accuracy of the model. The problem of
overfitting (i.e., the substantial oscillation of the model
between the training points) can be avoided by restricting
the flexibility of the neural model. This can be done using
an independent data set, namely the validation data,
which has not been used to determine the parameters of
the model.
The proposed method is the so-called “stopped search
method”, which can be used for obtaining a smooth and
precise fitting model. However, when fitting high order
polynomial, it is hard to overcome the negative effect of
the overfitting problem. The computations are performed
with Mathematica software, and the results are given in a
symbolic form which can be used in the analysis of
crustal deformation, e.g. strain analysis.
The GPS measurements to determine crustal strain rates
were initiated in the Cascadia region (US Pacific Northwest
and south-western British Columbia, Canada) more than a
decade ago, with the first campaign measurements in 1986
and the establishment of permanent stations in 1991.
Nowadays, continuous GPS data from the Pacific Northwest
Geodetic Array processed by the geodesy laboratory serves
as the data analysis facility for the Pacific Northwest Geodetic
Array (PANGA).
This organization has deployed an extensive network of
continuous GPS sites that measure crustal deformation along
the CSZ. Fig. 1 illustrates the horizontal velocity field along the
Cascadia margin assuming the North American plate to be
When there are more points than the number of
parameters, there is a possibility for adjustment calculation,
i.e. for polynomial fitting. In this case 62 points were used
for the adjustment. The calculations were carried out with
Mathematica software.
Fig.3. Errors of
(continuous line)
and validation set
(dashed line) during
stopped search
Table1 :The statistics of the differences between polynomial model and
real velocities in the 62 teaching points.
Teaching set residuals (mm/year)
Northing velocities
Easting velocities
Table 2. The statistics of the differences between 3D polynomial model
and real velocities in the 20 testing points.
Testing set residuals (mm/year)
Northing velocities
Easting velocities
Comparing the results of Table 1 and Table 2 we recognize a
significant difference between the deviations of the teaching
and the testing set. The determined model by polynomial,
works well only in the teaching points but between them it does
not work as well. The testing set, which was not used during
the determination of the model, is also needed in order to
qualify the results.
Overfitting problem
The overfitting problem means that the error of the teaching set
is decreasing while the error of the testing set is growing, in
other words the network excessively fits the teaching points
which is illustrated by Fig. 3.
Fig. 2. Overfitting problem
Neural network with stopped
search method
The maximum number of iteration was 500, but the best
parameter set is the one calculated at the 262nd iteration step. In
the model in the hidden layer 7 neurons (nodes) were used. The
selection of number of neurons is basically depends on the
number of known points. In fact, by having more known data we
can increase the numbers of neurons. Let us check the statistics
of the residuals for the whole teaching set (62 points) in Table 3.
Table 3. The statistics of the differences between neural network
model and real velocities in the 62 teaching points.
Teaching set residuals (mm/year)
Northing velocities
Easting velocities
Let’s see the differences between the neural network model
and the real velocities in the 20 testing points (Table 4.)
Table 4. The statistics of the differences between neural network model
and real velocities in the 20 testing points.
Testing set residuals (mm/year)
Northing velocities
Easting velocities
Using neural network model with stopped search technique we
can obtain a smooth and good fitting model, while in the case of
high order polynomial model there are substantial oscillations
between the teaching points. See fig. 4 and 5.
Figure 4 : Northing velocity
model by polynomials
A central issue in choosing the most suitable model for a given
problem is selecting the right structural complexity. Clearly, a
model that contains too few parameters will not be flexible
enough to approximate important features in the data. If the
model contains too many parameters, it will approximate not
only the data but also the noise in the data.
Overfitting may be avoided by restricting the flexibility of the
neural model in some way. The Neural Networks package in
Mathematica offers a few ways to handle the overfitting
problem. All solutions rely on the use of a second, independent
data set, the so-called validation data, which has not been used
to train the model. One way to handle this problem is the
stopped search method.
Fig 1.GPS determined horizontal velocity field by Pacific Northwest Geodetic
Array (PANGA), which is plotted relative to North American Plate.
Polynomial fitting
As a classical approximation model, 3D polynomial fitting
technique is used to build continuous velocity field as a
function of geodetic coordinates. Displacement vector which
can be derived from GPS observations have east, north and
up components in topocentric coordinates. For modeling the
horizontal displacement field we use only the north and the
east elements. Accuracy of modeling is determined by
differences between true values and values estimated by 3D
polynomial fitting. When we increasee the degree of the
polynomial, accuracy is increaseing up to the 6th degree, but
above that started to decrease, because of the deterioration of
the conditions of the equations (ill conditioned equations). The
6th order polynomial was the best fitting model. In this case 28
points are needed, because a two-variable 6th order polynomial
has 28 parameters.
Stopped search refers to obtaining the network’s parameters
at some intermediate iteration during the training process and
not at the final iteration as it is normally done. During the
training the values of the parameters are changing to reach the
minimum of the mean square error (MSE). Using validation
data, it is possible to identify an intermediate iteration where the
parameter values yield a minimum MSE. At the end of the
training process the parameter values at this minimum are the
ones used in the delivered network model.
In order to avoid the overfitting problem by means of stopped
search method, we will need more data. A learning set and a
validation set. Hence, we have to divide the used teaching set
(62 points) into two sets, the first will be the learning set with 42
points and the remaining 20 points will be the validation set.
In fig. 3 we can see the errors of the learning and the teaching
set during the learning procedure of the neural network model
for the northing velocities. The errors of the learning set
(continuous line) decrease during the whole procedure, but the
errors of the validation set (dashed line) are decreasing only
until the 262nd iteration step, from that point are growing.
Figure 5 : Northing velocity
model by neural networks
The adaptation of neural networks to the modeling of the
deformation field offers geodesists a suitable tool for
describing structural deformation. Overfitting problem can
occur in higher order polynomials, but neural network
overcomes the problem thanks to stopped search method.
The greatest advantage of this method is that the solution
can be given as an analytical function, which could be use
to compute derivation of the velocity vectors for strain
The first author wishes to thank to the Hungarian Eötvös
Fellowship for supporting her visit at the Department of
Geodesy and Geoinformatics of the University of Stuttgart
(Germany), where this work has been accomplished.