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World War II
Section 1: World War II Begins
Section 2: Mobilizing for War
Section 3: The War in Europe
Section 4: The War in the Pacific
Section 5: Final Victory
1-What parts of Europe did
Germany conquer by the mid
2- How did President Roosevelt
aid Britain while preserving United
States neutrality?
3- What events led to the conflict
between the United States and
Section I Vocabulary
• Munich Conference: a gathering in Munich in 1938
in which French and British leaders persuaded
Czechoslovakia to return the Sudetenland to
• Appeasement: The practice of giving into an
aggressor in the hopes of preserving the peace.
• Nonaggression pact: an agreement between
Germany and the Soviet Union in which two
countries pledged not to attach one another and
to divide Poland between them.
• Blitzkrieg: a lightning war, or series of rapid attacks.
• Allies Powers: the Military alliance of Britain, France
and the United States.
• Maginot Line-
wall along the
French and
Germany border
• Battle of Britain: a series of German air raids on
• Lend-Lease Act: a law passed by Congress in 1941
that allowed the United States to loan money to
Britain to buy war supplies
• Battle of the Atlantic: a battle in which the Allies
and Germany fought over ocean trade routes in
the Atlantic
• Atlantic Charter: an agreement issued by President
Roosevelt and Winston Churchill in 1941
1.Parts of Europe Conquered by
Hitler by Mid-1940s
• In April 1940
German troops
occupied Denmark.
• In May 1940
Germany seized the
Low Countries of
Luxembourg, and
the Netherlands.
Roosevelt Aids Britain
During Neutrality
• In 1939 Congress approved a “cash-andcarry system to supply the allies with
• Roosevelt swapped 50 US destroyers for 99
year leases on several of Britain’s navel
bases in the Caribbean.
Conflicts between the
United States and Japan
• In July 1941 Japanese forces seized French
Indochina leading Roosevelt to freeze Japanese
funds and blocking the sale of products to Japan.
• On December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl
Section 2 Objectives
• How did the United States mobilize for
World War II?
• What effects did World War II have on
civilian women and minorities?
• Why did the United States Government
intern Japanese Americans during the war?
Section 2 Vocabulary
• War Productions Board: a government office in
charge of changing regular factories into wartime
factories and limiting the production of consumer
• Selective Training and Service Act: a law that
required men between the ages of 21 to 35 to
register for the draft
• Fair Employment Practices Committee: a group
created by President Roosevelt to prevent racial
discrimination in war industries and government jobs
• Braceros: Mexican workers who were
allowed to move to the United States during
World War II to fill the labor shortage in the
• Zoot-suit riots: a disturbance that occurred in
1943 when sailors in Los Angeles attacked
Mexicans wearing the baggy outfits known
as zoot suits.
2.U.S. Prepares for War
• Production boomed as American factories turned
out enormous quantities of war materials.
• The government expanded its role and increased its
regulation of the economy.
• The War Productions Board (WPB) was created to
oversee the conversion of factories to war
• In 1940 Congress passed the Selective Training and
Service Act- the 1st peacetime draft in US History
requiring all men between the ages of 21 and 35 to
register for the draft but later included men aged 18
to 36
Women during WWII
• Women replaced men in factories and
business offices
• Some 300,000 women worked in the armed
forces, in organizations such as the
Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) and
served as nurses.
Minorities during War II
• African Americans migrated to the North to work in
• Mexican Americans took advantage of wartime job
• Braceros: Mexican workers from Mexico who were
allowed to enter the U.S. to work in agricultural jobs.
Japanese American
• After Pearl Harbor, many Americans questioned the
loyalty of the Japanese
o Issei- Immigrants born in Japan
o Nisei- full citizens born in the United States
• Fearing the possibility of spying or sabotage, in Feb
1942 the government began a process of
internment, or forced relocation and imprisonment,
of Japanese Americans.
Section 3 Objectives
• Why was the Allies’ North Africa campaign so
• What were the major turning points of the war in
• How did the Allies drive the Germans out of France?
Section 3 Vocabulary
Battle of El Alamein: A battle fought between the
Allies and the Axis Powers in Egypt in 1942; the Allies
stopped Rommel’s advance in North Africa.
Battle of Stalingrad: A battle in 1942 in which the
Germans tried to unsuccessfully take over the Soviet
city of Stalingrad.
• D-Day: June 6, 1944: the day that thousands of
Allied soldiers landed on the shores of Normandy in
France to fight the Germans.
• Battle of the Bulge: a battle in France in which
German troops attacked Allied lines, causing a
huge bulge in the lines.
3. Importance of the Allied North
Africa Campaign
• To control the Suez Canal- a vital Allied supply route
• To push the Germans out of Egypt and North Africa
Turning Points in Europe
• The Battle of Stalingrad, January 1943, forced
German troops to surrender and ended Hitler’s
attempt to crush the Soviet Union.
• The D-Day invasion, June 6, 1944, led to the
liberation of France.
• The Battle of the Bulge, Dec. 16, 1944, ended
Germany’s ability to wage and offensive war.
Germans are Driven out
of France
• U.S. generals Omar Bradley and George Patton led
allied forces in attacks on German troops in France.
• New allied forces landed in southern France and
began to advance northward.
Section 4 Objectives
• Where did Japan attack after its bombing of Pearl
• What three battles were the turning points of the
war in the Pacific?
• How did the Allies advance toward Japan?
Section 4 Vocabulary
• Bataan Death March: an event in which the
Japanese forced more than 70,000 American and
Filipino prisoners to walk 65 miles to an internment
• Battle of Coral Sea: a battle in 1942 in which United
States planes sank one Japanese ship and
damaged another
• Battle of Midway: a battle in 1942 in which U.S.
planes sank four Japanese ships, successfully
stopping the Japanese capture of Midway Island.
• Island-hopping: the strategy in which the Allies
would take only important islands in the Pacific
• Battle of Leyte Gulf: a battle in the Philippines in
1944 in which the Japanese navy tried
unsuccessfully to block an Allied invasion
• Kamikaze: a Japanese tactic in which pilots would
fly their planes filled with explosives straight at Allied
ships off Okinawa.
4. Japan Advances across
• By early 1942 Japan had seized Hong Kong,
Singapore, Burma, and the Netherlands East Indies
• Japan also captured Guam, Wake Island, the
Aleutian Islands of Kiska and Attu, and the
Three Major Turning
Points in the Pacific
• Battle of Coral Sea: Led by U.S. Admiral Chester
Nimitz who halted the Japanese advances in the
• Battle of Midway: Allied forced crippled the
Japanese navy
• Guadalcanal: Allies won control of the island and
stopped the Japanese from completing an airstrip
Allied Advance Towards
• Allies planned to conquer one Pacific Island after
another, gradually moving closer to Japan.
• Allies planned strategy of island hopping to gain
bases from which they could bomb and later
invade Japan.
• Allies invaded New Guinea, the Gilbert Islands,
Marshall, Mariana, Volcano, Bonin Islands and the
Marinas in 1943 to pave the way to begin bombing
the Japanese mainland.
Section 5 Objectives
• How did the Allies force Germany and Japan to
• What were the human and economic costs of
World War II?
• What events led to the Holocaust?
Section 5 Vocabulary
• Atomic bomb: A deadly nuclear weapon
• Manhattan Project: A United States program to
develop the atomic bomb
• Holocaust: Nazi Germany’s attempt to kill the Jews
of Europe
• Genocide: the deliberate murder of an entire
5. Final Victory &
• The allies pushed toward Germany from the east
and west forcing them to surrender.
• August 6, 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on
• August 9, 1945 second bomb dropped on Nagasaki
• Forced the Japanese to surrender
o Atomic Bomb: a weapon that produces tremendous power by splitting
Costs of the War
• @50 million people died- more than half of them
• Millions more injured or left suffering from disease
and malnutrition
• War devastated national economies in Europe and
• Food Production, industry, and transportation
networks were destroyed in many areas
• Millions of people were left homeless and lacking
basic necessities such as food
• Much of the world’s great art and architecture was
lost forever
The Holocaust
• Hitler and the Nazis used this plan to destroy the
Jewish Population
• In January 1942, at the Wannssee Conference, the
Nazi leaders agreed to a “final solution” to the
Jewish question by using genocide.
• Nazis planned to eliminate the Jews by placing
them in death camps equipped with gas chambers
to kill them.
Concentration Camps
• View pictures of Dachau Concentration Camp and
complete Ann Frank project…(attached handout)
• It is important that we “ NEVER FORGET”