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• While their approaches and structures vary, official
destination marketing organizations (DMOs)—sometimes
called CVBs (convention and visitor bureaus) or tourism
boards—promote the long-term development and
marketing of a destination, focusing on convention sales,
tourism marketing and service. DMO leaders are the
masterminds behind campaigns marketing an “entire”
destination to meeting professionals, business travelers,
tour operators and individual visitors. CVBs represent the
hotels, facilities, attractions, restaurants and other
providers serving travelers.
CVB Goals
• To encourage associations and corporations to hold
meetings, conventions and trade show in the area
• To assist associations and corporations coordinating
their conventions, seminars and trade shows in the
• To provide services to tour planners, both domestic
and international
• To provide leadership for the visitor industry, build the
image of the area, and encourage marketing activities
• To provide additional support to travel writers to help
sell the area
Customer Market Segments
• Meetings and Conventions: Planners, Association CEOs,
Association members;
• Group tours: tour operators, tour brokers and their
potential customers
• The leisure discretionary consumer
• The independent business traveler
• Consumer and trade media
• National Media (for Brand development) –this may be a
stand-alone plan, or a support component for the
customer plan above
Producers of Regional Products
• Individual service providers (e.g., resorts and
• Travel agents/tour operators
• Destination management/marketing
organizations (DMOs)
Steps in Product Development
1. Offer inventory
Everything that the region can offer
2. Combining offers in package
Quality, variability, appropriateness
3. Marketing the package
Identify market segments, communication
channels, sales methods (segment, then create
Destination Branding
• Destination branding - Process of capturing
the distinct elements of the destination and
communicating them through components
such as identity, personality, and image.
Destination Branding Pyramid
• Level 1 – What are the tangible, verifiable, objective,
measurable characteristics of this destination?
• Level 2 – What benefits to the tourist result from this
destination’s features?
• Level 3 – What psychological rewards or emotional
benefits do tourists receive by visiting this destination?
• Level 4 – What does value mean for the typical repeat
• Level 5 – What is the essential nature and character of
the destination brand?
Tourist Area Life Cycle
Tourist Area Life Cycle
The Bureau Communications Plan
A comprehensive communications plan is
typically comprised of several individual plans,
with each of them designed for and targeted to
various “publics”.
Communications Plan Objectives
• Increase awareness, interest, and participation
of the attractions and hospitality firms.
• Increase awareness, interest, and participation
of the residents.
• Develop and maintain good relationships with
the media so they can help to communicate
the bureau’s goals and objectives to the
destination’s target publics.
Media Relations Strategies
Customer Plan
Community Relations Plan
Stakeholders Relations Plan
Crisis Management Plan
Internal Relations Plan
Customer Plan
• Developed to support management's
objective of developing and retaining business
from each market segment. Generally
speaking, the Public Relations function here
supports the marketing requirement of
producing awareness and resulting interest in
both the DMO and more importantly, the
Destination it represents.
Community Relations Plan
• Developed to create and enhance a positive
and favorable environment in which the DMO
can fulfill its mission.
• Publics include:
– The local general public
– Government agencies and their employees
– Local media, including editorial board, business
and travel writers, etc. (This is sometimes placed
under a publicity or media relations category)
Stakeholder Relations Plan
• Produces business partnerships, alliances, and
ultimately additional revenue and marketing
resources for DMO marketing.
• Audiences:
– Bureau Members
– Related economic development, cultural and
tourism related agencies, organizations and
– Key constituent groups; the convention center,
hotels, senior government partners
Crisis Management Plan
• Initiated in response to natural or manmade disasters
and internal/external factors, principally when they will
heighten public concerns and limit business
• The objective is to assuage public and media concerns
that exacerbate the actual negative situation, providing
comprehensive, timely, factual information.
• Examples include major crime and public disturbances,
acts of terrorism, gasoline embargoes, etc.
• This component includes both prevention and
Internal Relations Plan
• Assuring a healthy, positive, productive
workplace for all employees.
• Human Relations/Administration usually
administers this function.
Destination Research Objectives
• What is the profile of the visitors, or potential visitors,
that compose the target market(s) for the destination?
• What is the overall value, or economic impact,
provided by the target market(s)?
• What are the attributes or characteristics associated
with the destination that attract visitors, and how does
the destination compare with other destinations on
those attributes?
• How should the marketing mix be composed for each
target market? For example, what types of marketing
communications should be used to reach the target
markets, and what should the message be?
Destination Research Techniques
• Economic Impact Studies - the spending of
tourists within the local area, change in
regional incomes and changes in employment
• Destination Image Studies - the impressions a
person holds about a destination in which he
does not reside
• Conversion Studies - measure the
effectiveness of the destination marketing
organization’s advertising and promotion
Economic Impact Studies
• Satellite account method
• Input-output model
 Tourist spending = Number of Visitors  Average
spending per visitor
 Economic impact = Number of Visitors  Average
spending per visitor  Regional multipliers
• Multiplier analysis
 Output multiplier
 Income multiplier
 Employment multiplier
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