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Matakuliah : J0474 International Marketing
: 2009
Personal Selling
and Sales Management
Chapter 22
Learning Outcome
• Designing the Sales Force
• Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel
• Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel.
• Training for International marketing
• Motivating Sales Personnel.
• Designing Compensation Systems.
Bina Nusantara University
Designing the Sales Force
Decisions must be made regarding the numbers, characteristics and
assignments of sales personnel.
All these design decisions are made more challenging by the wide variety
of pertinent conditions and circumstances in international markets.
Personnel selling as a rule has
to be localized for even the
most global of corporations
and industries.
Bina Nusantara University
Recruiting Marketing and Sales Personnel
The largest personnel requirement abroad for most companies is
the sales force ,recruited from three sources : expatriates, local nationals,
and third-country nationals.
A company’s staffing pattern may include all three types in any single foreign
operation, depending on qualifications, availability, and a company’s needs.
Virtual Expatriates
Local nationals
Third-Country Nationals
Host-Country Restrictions
Bina Nusantara University
Selecting Sales and Marketing Personnel
To select personnel for international marketing
positions effectively, management must define
precisely what is expected of its people.
Effective executives and sales people,
regardless of what foreign country
they are operating in,
Share certain personal
characteristics, skills and orientations.
Bina Nusantara University
1. Maturity
2. Emotional stability.
3. Breadth of
4. positive outlook
5. flexibility
6. cultural empathy
7. energetic
Training for International marketing
The nature of a training program depends largely on
both the home culture of sales person, and
the culture of the business system in the foreign market.
Training for the expatriates focuses on the customs and
The special foreign sales problems that will be encountered.
Local personnel require greater emphasis on the company, its products,
Technical information, and selling methods.
Bina Nusantara University
Motivating Sales Personnel
Motivation is especially complicated because the firm is dealing with
Different cultures, different sources, and different philosophies.
Sales people’s distribution of
100 points among rewards in terms of their importance
Relative Importance (mean)
Rewards :
Job security
Merit increase in pay
Feeling of worthwhile accomplishment
Social recognition (sales club awards)
Personal growth and development
Bina Nusantara University
Designing Compensation Systems
Do involve representatives from key countries.
Do allow local managers to decide the mix between base and
incentive pay.
3. Do use consistent performance measures ( result paid for) and
emphasis on each measure.
4. Do allow local countries flexibility in implementations.
5. Do use consistent communication and training themes worldwide.
6. Don’t design the plan centrally and dictate to local offices.
7. Don’t create a similar framework for jobs with different responsibilities.
8. Don’t require consistency on every performance measure within the incentive plan.
9. Don’t assume cultural differences can be managed through the incentive plan.
10. Don’t proceed without the support of senior executives worldwide.
Bina Nusantara University
• An effective international sales force constitutes one of the
international marketer’s greatest concerns. The company’s sales
force represents the major alternative method of organizing a
company for foreign distribution and, as such, is on the front line of a
marketing organization.
• The development of an effective marketing organization calls for
careful recruiting, selecting, training, motivating, and compensating
of expatriate personnel and their families to ensure maximization of
a company’s return on its personnel expenditures.
Bina Nusantara University