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Welcome to the
Internet Success System
Master Mind Conference
March 2006
WOMBAT Marketing
Presented by Mark Hendricks
especially for the
Internet Success System
Live Master Mind Conference
March 2006
© 2006 Mark Hendricks
WOMBAT Marketing
W – Word
O – Of
M – Mouth
B – Buzz
A – And
T – Tell
A few good books…
Influence: The Psychology of
Persuasion – by Robert Cialdini
The Secrets of Word of Mouth
Marketing – by George Silverman
Buzzmarketing – by Mark Hughes
Influence: The Psychology
of Persuasion – The
Six Triggers
1 - Authority / Expert
If people perceive you as an
expert, they will respect your
opinion, and believe what you
say is true and worthwhile
Influence: The Psychology
of Persuasion – The
Six Triggers
2 - Liking
People do business with people they
like - if you want a friend, be a friend
Know You, Like You, Trust You
Influence: The Psychology
of Persuasion – The
Six Triggers
3 - Commitment and Consistent
Begin with small commitments,
things that are easy to agree to
Develop the trust relationship over
Influence: The Psychology
of Persuasion – The
Six Triggers
4 - Reciprocation
Do a favor for them first
The tendency is to return a favor to
someone who has helped us
Influence: The Psychology
of Persuasion – The
Six Triggers
5 - Social Proof
Others think you’re good, so you
are quickly accepted as good by
others (personal testimonials)
Influence: The Psychology
of Persuasion – The
Six Triggers
6 - Scarcity
People tend to want what is scarce
Create special offers with a time
limit, and/or quantity limit
Word of Mouth Marketing
“Getting people to talk often,
favorably, to the right people in
right way about your product is
far and away the most important
thing that you can do as a
- George Silverman
Word of Mouth Marketing
“What other people say about
you, your product or service, and
your company has much more
influence on your prospects than
anything you could ever say
about yourself.”
- Mark Hendricks
WOMBAT Marketing
All of your marketing efforts
should have the goal of creating
positive WOMBAT from one
person to another
And this WOMBAT effort should
be systematized just like all
other areas of your business
Marketing 101
Three ways to grow your business:
1 – Increase number of customers
2 – Increase dollar amount of each
3 – Increase purchase frequency
WOMBAT Marketing
Add #4…
Speed up the prospect’s decision
making process to buy from you
the first time and each time
WOMBAT Marketing
The Decision To Buy Speed has more
influence on your sales and market
share than positioning, image, value,
customer satisfaction, guarantee, or
even quality
It creates…
Marketing Momentum
WOMBAT Marketing
Buying Bottlenecks
The series of decisions that your
prospect has to go through before
purchasing from you
You must make it easy for people
to buy from you by removing the
Buying Bottlenecks
WOMBAT Marketing
Buying Bottleneck Busters
Provide compelling benefits,
claims, and promises
Present clear, credible and
balanced information
Point out unique differences
Make it easy to try – free trials?
WOMBAT Marketing
Buying Bottleneck Busters
Make it easy to evaluate
Risk-free guarantees
Relevant and believable
testimonials (experts and users)
Terrific service and followup
(delivery, training, and support)
WOMBAT Marketing
Lead people along the easy path to
buying by providing them all the
reasons why they should buy your
products and services
“I am the world’s worst salesman, therefore
I must make it easy for people to buy.”
- F.W. Woolworth
WOMBAT Marketing
This ease of decision
making is what fuels great
Word Of Mouth marketing
It helps create an auto-response
buying decision made based on a
friend or expert recommendation
WOMBAT Marketing
Characteristics of WOM
Independent and Credible
(the person and the media)
Personal experience with
product is related from one
person to another
WOMBAT Marketing
Characteristics of WOM
The process becomes part of
the product
The recommendation is
personalized and specific
benefits are pointed out
WOMBAT Marketing
Characteristics of WOM
It’s self-generating and grows
exponentially – one person
tells many, and so on
Originates from a single
source, or only a few sources
WOMBAT Marketing
Characteristics of WOM
Can also be negative, but the
negatives can turn into
Inexpensive to get going and
WOMBAT Marketing
How To Start WOM For You
Exactly why should someone buy
your product or service
Who would be the most influential
early adopters of your product?
(cutting edge leaders, early adopters, middle of the
road, late adopters, hey wait for me)
WOMBAT Marketing
How To Start WOM For You
What are the Buying Bottlenecks
that will need “busting”?
Give people something to talk
about – give them the words or
story to tell (taken from the words of
your marketplace – You Ask Them)
WOMBAT Marketing
How To Start WOM For You
Create systems that make the
process of people telling other
people easy and “media
independent” as possible
Systematize the whole process so
it can be managed and repeated
WOMBAT Marketing
Sources of WOM
Expert to expert friends
Expert to followers
Followers to friends
Friends to friends
WOMBAT Marketing
Memes?… What’s that about?
The science that studies what
kinds of ideas replicate through a
society, by way of Word of Mouth
“Virus of the Mind”
by Richard Brodie
WOMBAT Marketing
Five Situations That
Ignite WOM
WOMBAT Marketing
Just like the Six Psychological
Triggers, the more of these five
motivations you can use in your
WOM story, the more people will
be convinced to pass along your
WOM message to others
WOMBAT Marketing
Six MORE Situations That
Ignite WOM
Unique results, or activites
Helping others
The unusual and weird
WOMBAT Marketing
Stimulating WOM
Use Experts
Advisor groups
- Influential customers
- Influential suppliers
- Influential experts
- Influential salespeople
Expert roundtables
Expert selling groups
WOMBAT Marketing
Stimulating WOM
Seminars, Workshops, Speeches
Speaker programs
Group selling
Dinner meetings
Friend to friend selling groups
Teleconference expert panels
Trade show events
WOMBAT Marketing
Stimulating WOM
“Hi Tech” Word of Mouth
Recorded WOM recommendations
Video tapes or video files
Audio tapes or audio files
Replay recording on website or
podcasting, etc.
WOMBAT Marketing
Stimulating WOM
Referral Selling Programs
Testimonials page
Networking of experts, customers
and prospects
Affiliate marketing programs
WOMBAT Marketing
Stimulating WOM
Instant Information
Tell a friend scripts
Email autoresponders and
Faxback services
Web forums
Call centers for more info
WOMBAT Marketing
Stimulating WOM
Traditional Media
Great customer service
Public Relations
Press Releases
Events and Promotions
WOMBAT Marketing
Stimulating WOM
Traditional Media
Quote good WOM in your
advertising and promotional
Feature top salespeople to
influence others to sell
WOMBAT Marketing
Stimulating WOM
Traditional Media
WOM incentive program for
customers (ethically bribe
them with bonuses to “tell a
Giveaways to share with friends
and customers (special
reports, articles, etc.)
WOMBAT Marketing
Some Internet Examples
Instant Messaging
Share this with a friend
Tell a friend scripts)
eGreeting Cards Joke sites
Video sites
WOMBAT Marketing
What do they have in common?
The basic idea captures the imagination
Easy to try
Immediacy – instant gratification
Try at no risk
Easy to refer people – one click and it’s done
Built in referral mechanism
WOMBAT Marketing
What can you do?
Watch for these strategies used by
successful WOMBATers
Build in WOMBAT ideas into your
websites and blogs
Use testimonials and endorsements
from users and experts on your pages
WOMBAT Marketing
What can you do?
Build your own optin email list of
prospects and customers and tell them
to forward your emails to them to their
Be unusual, outrageous, out-spoken
Get experts to endorse and promote
your products (they like to be leaders)
WOMBAT Marketing
“Buzzmarketing captures the attention
of consumers and the media to the
point where talking about your brand
or company becomes entertaining,
fascinating, and newsworthy.”
- Mark Hughes
WOMBAT Marketing
Six Secrets of Buzzmarketing
1 – Push the six buttons of Buzz
the taboo (sex, lies, bathroom humor)
the unusual
the outrageous
the hilarious
the remarkable
the secrets (both kept and revealed)
WOMBAT Marketing
Six Secrets of Buzzmarketing
2 – Capture Media
- people don’t buy newspapers and
magazines to read the ads
- they read the news and articles
- get your story in the news and articles
- then your ads get read even better
WOMBAT Marketing
Six Secrets of Buzzmarketing
2 – Capture Media
The five stories that get media attention:
David and Goliath story
Unusual or outrageous story
Controversial story
Celebrity story
What’s already hot (piggy back story)
WOMBAT Marketing
Six Secrets of Buzzmarketing
3 – Advertise for Attention
Advertise where you get the best results
Don’t get lost in the clutter
Sometimes less professional gets more
Use advertising to show your “buzz”
WOMBAT Marketing
Six Secrets of Buzzmarketing
4 – Climb Buzz Everest
With little or no budget you must find
something very unique to capture the
imagination of the marketplace
The Story of Rit Dye
WOMBAT Marketing
Six Secrets of Buzzmarketing
5 – Discover Creativity
But in all things, be honest!
WOMBAT Marketing
Six Secrets of Buzzmarketing
5 – Discover Creativity
1 – Be courageous
2 – Define the problem, dump strategy
3 – Understand your customers
4 – Swing the bat often
5 – Initiate competition with suppliers
6 – Pay attention to names and words
7 – Create Content, not ads
WOMBAT Marketing
Six Secrets of Buzzmarketing
6 – Keep Product Quality High
1 – Bad buzz spreads faster than good
2 – Great sustainable buzz will only
happen with great quality products
3 – Make sure the people at the top stay
in touch with product quality
WOMBAT Marketing
Six Secrets of Buzzmarketing
6 – Keep Product Quality High
4 – You Ask Them – ask your customers
- how did you first hear about us?
- would you go out of your way to
recommend our product to a
5 – Get your affiliates, salespeople, and
employees talking too – give them
something to talk about
WOMBAT Marketing
W – Word
O – Of
M – Mouth
B – Buzz
A – And
T – Tell
WOMBAT Marketing
Presented by Mark Hendricks
especially for the
Internet Success System
Live Master Mind Conference
March 2006
© 2006 Mark Hendricks
The End