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White Paper on Magic Marketing
Solution - A Power Point Presentation
Dr. Ifay Chang
[email protected]
Client Confidential
Magic Marketing Solution
Recommendation of A Concept, Value Marketing, for Small Businesses Today
and Tomorrow
Understanding the Process of Marketing
 The Basic Elements
 The Strategic and Tactic Changes in Planning and Implementation
Understanding Strategic and Tactic Marketing
Telemarketing (Cold call) and Direct Marketing (Spam Mail)
Bottom-Up More Advantageous for Small Companies
Characteristics, Pitfalls, Techniques and Conclusions
Concept of Value Marketing, Demonstration of Magic Marketing Solution
Mi-Card** As A Value Medium, Magic Comes from Values
Magic Directory and Magic Icon: DBCC, NYMTC, i800-Health, Online Shopping
Tactic and Strategic Thinking Behind ‘Magic Marketing Solution’
 Application of Magic Marketing to Promotion of Online Shopping
Creating Magic Information Card
Building Online Shopping Business Community for Long term re;ationship
**Mi-Card -- Magic Information Card, An Extremely Effective Marketing
Medium with ClickCall Benefiting the Business Community
Understanding The Processes of
Definition of Marketing
Find Out What Customers Want and Give It to Them - Tim Cohn
Peter Drucker's Definition of Marketing:"Marketing and innovation are the two chief functions of
business. You get paid for creating a customer, which is marketing. And you get paid for creating
a new dimension of performance, which is innovation. Everything else is a cost center."
A General Definition of Marketing: The act or process of buying and selling in a market.
Another Marketing Definition: The commercial functions involved in transferring goods from
producer to consumer.
Process Related Definition: The Traditional 4P and Customer Services
Marketing Is A Strategy. Strategy Is Not Just A Goal but A Guided Direction. Strategy Can Only
Succeed with A Plan - Al Ries and Jack Trout
Marketing Is Like A War. The Larger the Army and the More Supply, the Greater the Advantage to
Win the War Unless Someone Uses A Brilliant Tactic to Win A Crucial Battle And Then Win the
War. Finding the Right Tactic Is The Only Alternative A Cash Scarce Business Can Do To Fight A
Marketing War - Ifay Chang
Understanding The Processes of
Basic Elements
Product, Price, Place (Distribution) and Promotion (Traditional 4P)
Customer Services (Key Element for Keeping Customers/Market
Strategic Thinking, Segmenting the Markets (Businesses) and
Targeting the People (Customers) Will Give You Competitive
Analyze and Determine What Customers Needs and Wants
Investigate the Business Environment and Plan How to Serve
Customers Needs and Wants Satisfactorily and Profitably
Develop A Plan with Products and Services to Sell at What Price Via
Which Distribution Channel with What Promotion and Advertising Means
Implement A Tactic Plan Consistent with the Strategic Plan
Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up of Development of Marketing
Strategy and Plan (See Figure Later)
Understandinging The Processes
of Marketing
The Strategic and Tactic Changes in Implementing A Marketing Plan
Internet Is Challenging the Traditional Marketing Strategies
Internet Is Increasing the Marketing Capabilities, Conceptually and
The Changes Are in Specific Marketing Strategy and Tactics to Take to
Implement the Strategy
Development of Strategic Plan to Implementation of Tactic Plan Is Still the
Same process but Faster Feedback and More Dynamic Correction with
Leveraging on Internet Enters in Both Strategic Plan and Tactic
Telemarketing (Internet Assisted), Email Direct Marketing and Internet (Web)
Marketing and Advertising Exploited Because of Low Cost
Recognition of the Value of World Wide Web for Business Processes
Especially Marketing
Internet Has Impact on Both Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches in
Strategic and Tactic Marketing
It Is Generally
Better to Adopt
the Bottom-Up
Especially for
Small Businesses
Internally Oriented
Aiming at Long Term
Usually Trying to Change
Environment to Fit
Look for Confirmation
through Marketing
Externally Oriented
Aiming at Short Term
Going to the Market to
Find a Competitive Edge
Coming back to HQ &
Making Changes to
Exploit the Edge
Look for Information
through Market
Today’s Marketing & Advertising
PR Through News Media, TV/Newspaper/Magazine Interview or Article
Publications in Journals, White Paper, Product Brochures and Press Releases
Seminar Presentations, Tradeshows and Networking Events
TV, Radio and Print Advertising
Brand Name and Product Promotion by Offering Free Samples or Gifts or Discount
Web Site Marketing and Advertising
Direct Marketing by Mail and Email
Other Media Such As Bill Boards (Highway, Public Transportation, Public Space)
Video/Audio Tape and CD
For Small Businesses, Most Items above Are Not Affordable Due to Capital Constraints
On the Other Hand, Any Business Big or Small Must Do Marketing to Succeed
Telemarketing and Direct Emailing Are Selected for Low Cost Not for Effectiveness
Successes and Failures
Good Ideas Sometimes Are Obvious Ideas; They Work but Can Be Easily Copied
 Tide:White, Cheer: Whiter Than White, Bold: Bright Until Unilever/Surf:2X
Perfume Grabbed 12% of $3.5B Market Share Now Everyone Puts Perfume in
(People Don’t Look at Clothes They Smell Them)
 Delta Airline’s Triple Mileage Successful but Soon Copied by Others
Good Marketing Puts A Knife in the Competitor’s Back, Hard to Defend
 BurgerKing’s Broiled Not Fried Hamburger Ad, It Was Too Expensive for
MacDonald to Change
 Domino’s 30min Guaranteed Home Delivery, Pizza Hut Can’t Match
High Price Low Demand but Not Necessarily Low Profit
 Joy: The Costliest Perfume In The World
More Dumb Ideas Came from Top Down Marketing Strategy
 GM Used the Same Body for All Mid-Size Cars, A Disaster Strategy
Small Companies Have Advantages in Discovering Competitive Edge
 Kemmons Wilson Was Charged $2 Each for His 5 Children at A Motel That Gave
Him the Idea of Building His First Holiday Inn, Kids Stay Free
In The Following, We Will Critique Two bad Marketing Methods and Recommend An
Marketing Concept Especially Good for Small Businesses Called Value Marketing
Telemarketing (Cold Call) and Direct
Marketing (Spam Mail)
Telemarketing (Cold Calls)
Limited Market Analysis and People Knowledge (Area Code)
More Sales Oriented Than Promotion or Consulting (Little Value)
Inexperienced Caller with Limited Product and Service Knowledge
Random Selection of Numerous 15 Second Opening Lines
Marketing Process Depersonalized
Low Probability of Success ( P of Right Phone List x P of Right Person
Answering Call x P of the Right Time to Call x P of Matched Interest in
Product and Services = Small Number, Ps )
Must Offer Immediate Value Like Sales Discount and Promotional Gifts
Unable to Engage in Broad Based Promotion or Positioning
Under Tremendous Time Pressure to Conclude Pitch and Lead to
Transaction or Follow-Up
Most of the Time Annoyed or Alienated the Big Number (1-Ps ), Gain One
Customer by Killing One Hundred Prospects
Telemarketing (Cold Call) and Direct
Marketing (Spam Mail)
Telemarketing (Cold Calls)
Techniques (Skills) Recommended
Consultative Selling Instead of Product selling to Offer Value to Clients, Focus on
Clients, Finding Needs Before Selling.
Be Extremely Knowledgeable about Products and Related Questions
Follow A Framework: Opening, Client needs, Product Info/Positioning of Ideas,
Listen and Resolve Objections, Closing and Set Up Action or Follow-up
Critical Skills: Presence, Relating, Questioning, Listening, Positioning, Checking
Use Open-ended Questions Not Yes or No Questions
Do Homework, Set up Objective, Concentrate (100%) on the Call
Cold Call Is A Low Yield, Possibly Damaging, Marketing Method
Telephone Is Still A useful Communication Device for Marketing and Sales but
Need to Prime Prospects and Have the Right Real-time Environment, For
Example, Online Web Browsing and Shopping
Search for Value Offering Marketing Methods, More Discussion to Follow
Telemarketing (Cold Call) and
Direct Marketing (Spam Mail)
Direct Marketing (Spam Mails)
Large List with Little Knowledge of People or Business Profile (Zip Code)
Fixed Message or Canned Pitch
Reply Not Accepted for Fear of Spam Backfire (Receives Million Returns)
Evolving Into Email Newsletter Trying to Add Content Value
Low Probability of Success ( P of Right Email List x P of Right Person
Receiving Mail x P of Not Being Deleted x P of Matched Interest in Product
and Services = A Very Small Number, Ps )
Can Not Offer Instant Contact When A Potential Customer Is Reached.
No Way to Predict When Customer Will Contact Through What Means to
Follow Up.
Most of the Time the Email Is Deleted Creating A Bad Name among the Big
Number (1-Ps )
Telemarketing (Cold call) and Direct
Marketing (Spam Mail)
Direct Marketing (Spam Mails)
 Techniques (Tips)
Use Personal Name and Meaningful Subject Title to Avoid Filter
Use Automated Emailing Tool with Rich Library and Framing Function
Imbed Interesting and Relevant Links (More Info Value)
Develop and Use Opt-in Mailing List Per Product Category
Use Credible Referrals and Short-to-the Point Writing
Schedule Timely Follow-Up Calls or Appointments
Client Only Desires Content with Significant Value
Action and Follow Up Difficult to Arrange and Expect by Mail
Hot Leads May Turn Cold Since Mail Is Not Real-time Interactive
Should Explore Multimedia Information Rich Medium with Hyperlink if
Possible, For Example, CD (Better Yet Mi-Card See Discussion Later)
Concept of Value Marketing
What Is Value Marketing
Offer Value to Prospects During Marketing Process Whenever Possible
 Leverage on Existing Values to Maximize on ‘Value’ & Minimize Cost
 Take Advantage of Collective or Alliance Marketing to Share Cost
 Understand Prospects Values, Discover Competitive Edges &
Formulate Tactics
 Take the Bottom-Up Approach to Build A Marketing Plan around the Tactics
 Articulate the Key Differentiation and the Values Offered
 The Initial Value Doesn’t Have to Be from Your Products
 Launch the Tactic, Follow the Marketing Plan and Win the War
 Examples of Value Marketing, Newsletter, Seminar,... Mi-Card
Value Marketing Can Be Leveraged in A Collective way for Small and
Medium Businesses (See Magic Marketing Solution Components)
 Takes ‘Little’ Money to Make ‘Big’ Impact and Receive ‘Continuous’ Return
 Offers ‘Great’ Value to Create Magic and Receive ‘Valuable’ Customers
Magic Marketing Solution
- Value Marketing What Is Magic Marketing Solution?
A Suite of Valuable Components Forms the Magic Marketing Solution
Magic Directory with ClickCall Features - A Big Value for Business Community
 Magic Information Card (Mi-Card) with Multimedia & Interactive Communication
to Convey Values, Products and Services
 Web Call Icon, Symbol of ClickCall Function for Every Web Page
Application Examples As References for Magic Directory, Magic icon and Magic
Information Card, Mi-Card, the Best Value Marketing Medium
 Downtown Business Calling Card
 NY Metropolitan Transportation Council Report
 MWSearch E-Directory for Health
 MWS Online Shopping Mart
Demonstration of Value Marketing in Action (A Demo)
 DBCC Demo, 50 MB Multimedia Rich Content, City History, Architecture,
Panoramic City Scenery, Transportation Maps, 9-11 Memorial Poems, Songs
and Web Sites, Utility Tools Including DBCC Directories
 DBCC Directory I (Restaurants and Shops) and II (Businesses), i800 Directory
for Health
Apply Magic Marketing Solution to
Online Shopping
Bottom-Up Tactic Marketing
You Got the Stores/Products/Services, You Offer
Discounts/Coupons/Sales, How Do You Get Customers to Buy Online?
Understand Customers Values - Want To Make Informed Purchasing Decisions in
a No-Hassle Way (Valuable Content, Utility Tools and Convenience)
 Use Web Call Icon to Provide Such Values and as A Convenience Tool
 Add True ClickCall Value to Directory with Clear Advantages Over Yellow Pages
and Other On-line Directory to Get Shoppers to Use the Magic Directory, in Turn
Engage Online Shopping
 Distribute Magic Information Card with Lots of Values, Multimedia & Interactive
Communication, and Persistent Links and Future Hooks to Retain Customers
Market Collectively
 Magic Marketing Solution Offers Value Marketing, The Magic Comes from
Values. Collectively, More Values Can Be Offered hence More Magic Performed
Place to Market (Distribution)
 Magic Information Card Creates Its Own Medium and Can Work Persistently and
Synergistically with Business Web Sites to Maintain and Update Values and
Draw Customers
Creating Magic Information Card
for Online Shopping Mart
Bottom-Up Tactic Marketing
Online Shopping Mart vs Shopping Mall and Retail Stores
There Are Clear Advantages in Shopping Online But the Messages Are Not Yet
Well Accepted by Consumers.
 A Culture of Online Shopping Need to Be Cultivated and This Can Be Done
through Value Marketing Using the Inexpensive Magic Information Card.
 Magic Information Card Design and Production Are Similar to Web or CD
Development. ClickCall and Other Mature Utilities Can Be Easily Integrated to
Support a Online Shopping Business Community and Its Continuing Growth.
 The MWS Online Shopping Mart and Its Value Content (A.R.T. of Online
Shopping), for example, Can Be Included in the Mi-Card for Wide Distribution.
Cost Effectiveness with Magic Information Card Offering Value Marketing
 Significantly inexpensive Compared to TV, Radio, and Print Media
 More Effective with Interactive Marketing and Persistent reach to Customers
Magic Marketing Is An Innovative Solution with Effective Media and Components,
Priced Extremely Competitive and Advantageous Over Any Other Marketing Solution.
Magic Marketing Is Synergistic with Business Web Sites Hence Can Leverage the
Internet Value. (ClikcCall Directories, Persistent Links and Utility Values)
Many Existing Values Perceived by Customers Can Be Easily integrated into a Concept
Offering (For Example, Contents, Directories and Merchant Offerings for Promoting The
MWS Online Shopping Mart Collectively)
It’s Simple to Implement, Low Budget, Tractable (via Online Interaction) and
Continuous and Persistent in Building a Long Term Customer Relationship
Recognizing the Magic Marketing Solutions Are Building and Binding Business
Communities Where Merchants Can Market Their Products and Services Cost
Effectively and Customers Can Have Value and Convenience to Perform Informed
Purchasing Decisions.
in The Present Hard Time, the Magic Marketing Solution Is a Survival Solution for All
Do Browse the Pages Which Describe the Magic Marketing in Action for MWS Online
Shopping Mart, Click here.