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April 2013
Creation & the Christian Worldview
Week #1 outline
 Introduction: Chief goals of the presentation; Testimonies
 Questions to class (optional)
 Raise Awareness of importance of Genesis and Creation
 World views in conflict
 The Bible is trustworthy
 Psalm 100. Jesus is the Creator God. Let’s praise Him.
Week #2 Outline
• Review: Chief goals of talks, & creation outreach
• Jesus our Creator God
• Key science topics that all point to biblical creation!
• Apologetics Method (see “Ultimate Proof of Creation” DVD, by AIG, Dr. Jason
• Summary & key resources
• Class Q&A, Feedback survey
“As air is to breathing and water is to swimming, so is a thorough grasp of the
book of Genesis primary to one's understanding of the remaining Scriptures
and the total scope of systematic theology. Genesis is foundational in that it
is God's revelation concerning crucial beginnings: the universe, our earth,
man, sin, and salvation. Thus, one's theology will only be as sound as his
understanding of Genesis. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that every
Christian be knowledgeable of Genesis.”
From Liberty University Bibl 410 Genesis Description & Rationale
Key Areas Related to Biblical Creation & Genesis
• Authority of Scripture
• Foundation of the gospel
• Our own daily walk with the Lord, and faith
• Worshiping God in spirit and in truth
• Reaching the lost with the gospel
Chief Goals of Talks & the Outreach
Teach truth & call each of us to be missionaries where we are
4 Heightened worship of our 4
Pique interest and
Unite on Creation
Teach creation and 1
relevant science
Creator & share gospel
Teach apologetics
point to resources
Raise Awareness of
importance of creation
To raise awareness of the importance of consistently teaching biblically and
scientifically accurate creation information (at home, at church…).
Teach key points on biblical creation, the science supporting it, & apologetics
Pique your interest, and help point you to resources so you can become
further equipped and share with others.
Let us unite on creation, and worship our Creator
Let us unite and worship, and in doing so, also impact the world with the truth
of the gospel and the Bible, in love.
The creation topic can be controversial today, even among Christians. But it is
far too important for us to shy away from it. Let each of us carefully study
creation from the Bible to see what God has to say.
Creation is a key to worship, reaching the lost, and defending the faith
Questions for class discussion
Do you believe that God used or could have used evolution?
Encourage discussion, hear everyone out. In the end say we will talk a lot about this today and what the Bible says
about it.
When you hear the words evolution and biblical creation what do you think of for each?
Is evolution eroding the faith of sound Christians? What does an eroded faith look like?
(For me it impacted my faith much more than I realized. Because I did not have a reasonable defense for my faith to
answer basic questions of our day, I was hesitant to share my faith. And I did not praise & worship God properly.
Deceit is like that – it doesn’t come yelling and screaming, but rather quietly and unnoticed)
"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be
corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ . . . And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel
of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:3, 14 KJV
Are evolutionary ideas creating a barrier to evangelism?
(I believe it is large barrier. For one it undermines the Bible by undermining the foundation of Genesis. It excludes
the need for a Creator God. It gives man an excuse to do whatever he likes because he makes the rules if there is no
God. And of course if we make the rules there is no reason to hear the Bible or be open to the gospel which says
man is a sinner in need of a Savior.)
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty;For all that is in heaven
and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over all. (1 Chronicles 29:11) 6
Key Definitions
 By Creation we are speaking of Biblical Creation.
 There are other views on creation, but it is the Biblical account we speak of, and
 By evolution we are speaking of the theory that attempts to explain life by purely
naturalistic processes. While not limited to the Darwinian hypothesis that relies on
natural selection and mutations, this is the predominant belief among evolutionists.
Note to the reader
 At the top of the pages below, there are blocks to callout the chief goals
that are emphasized on that slide.
 The intent is to help show how together they form a complete message that
should motivate us to study the Bible, learn about our Creator, & Worship and
proclaim His name!
Raise Awareness
World Views in Conflict
Teach apologetics
 Let’s start with why creation really matters.
 What we believe about where we came from largely sets our world views.
 If we think we come from microbes, and random chance, then we are our own
authority and can do whatever we want without consequences. And this life is all
there is.
 If we think God created us with a purpose, then we are all special. And there is life
after this one.
 There is a battle over world views in our nation. It is the Christian world view against
the humanistic world view that is powered by the engine of evolution. This will
become apparent as we go through our study.
 To see the battle we must be equipped with our Christian worldview. That is, how can we
spot a counterfeit if we don’t know the real thing? Give example of counterfeit dollar bills –
need to know the real thing in fine detail to spot the deception. The same is true in many
cases with the humanistic world view. But if we are equipped with our Biblical worldview
“glasses” we will quickly see through the deception. (Rom 12:2: Be not
transformed by renewing of mind)
 The Church at large in the U.S. is losing this battle. We need to do our part, starting with
our own families and church, then in our city, and across our nation. 66%-88% of youth
from Christian homes leave church when they leave home.
Teach creation and relevant science
Teach apologetics
Unite on Creation
Excerpt from ‘Two worldviews in conflict’ by Dan Manthei’, available from
Order of
In the beginning God created
No God, or if god then they left no trace in creation.
Present is key to the past
Mankind created by God
We are here by chance
Intelligent design
Random mutation w/natural selection
Life created in 6 ordinary days about
6000 yrs ago
Life appeared and gradually diversified
Noah’s flood covered entire earth
No global flood covered the earth
God created matter
Earth created before sun/stars
First life = land plants
God’s Word is key to past
Light created before sun
Bible teaches
Order of
(also for
Matter always existed or just appeared
Sun/stars existed before Earth
Sun is earth’s first light
First life = marine organisms
Birds pre-date land reptiles
Reptiles pre-date birds
Whales pre-date land mammals
Land mammals predate whales
Disease/death result from man’s sin
Disease/death precede man
Man’s spirit lives forever
No life after death
God wants us to live with Him forever
Our present life is all there is
God is the highest authority
Man is the highest authority
Love of God, and obedience to His
word is the highest priority of man
Self-fulfillment is the highest priority of man
God is the all powerful Creator
God is honored in public life
God is reduced to a creation of man
God is removed from public life
God determines right and wrong
Man determines right and wrong
Civil laws based on God’s law
Civil laws by group with most power (political)
 This creation vs secularism/evolution topic is a blindspot of
many Christians today
 Avoiding accidents from blindspots on the highway
 We must know the blindspot is there.
 But more than just knowing they are they we need to take
proper action each time we drive. (i.e. take an extra careful look
where you know the blindspot is located)
 In much the same way we need to be aware of the “evolution
and secularism” blindspot
 And more than knowing about the blindspot we need to be
transformed by the Bible by the renewing of our minds, led
by the Holy Spirit, to properly take action each day and not be
conformed to the secularism and evolution teaching that
surrounds us everywhere.
Pique interest and
share gospel
Raise Awareness
Raise Awareness of Importance of
Biblical Creation
Play CMI clip, 2 in 3 Christian teens leave church…
• According to the results of polls going back to 2002, the majority begin
questioning the Bible in middle and high school . The major reason is
doubting Genesis and the Bible “stories” are real .
• Vast majority of Christian teens leave the church when they leave home
Unite on Creation Worship our Creator Teach apologetics Raise Awareness
Pique interest and
share gospel
Teach creation and
relevant science
Key Creation Topics and Impacts of Evolution Teaching
Click here to play Gary Bates Video:
Topics include:
 2 Trees: Evolutionary Tree vs Creation Tree
 Bible Stories vs Science
 Bible is true in all areas including science & history
 Operational vs historical science
 Origins studies rely on historical science and rely on
interpretation based a world view (which we all have)
 Millions of years?
 Puts death and suffering (as fossil record shows) before
the Fall of mankind which does not align with the
teaching of Genesis
Unite on Creation Worship our Creator Teach apologetics Raise Awareness
Pique interest and
share gospel
Teach creation and
relevant science
 Summary of Gary Bates Video & Why Creation Matters
 So much exposure to the false naturalistic (evolutionary) explanations of life, coupled with so little
exposure to the truths of creation are impacting Christians and our culture.
 The worldview of the evolutionist starts with the assumption that there is no God.
They interpret the evidence and try to fit it into their world view.
 The study of origins uses historical science and is far different from empirical science
that can be proven.
 Creationists and evolutionists have the same evidence, but different interpretations.
 For the stark contrast between biblical creation and evolution, also see slide #7.
 Impact on gospel message: Creation is the foundation (Genesis 1:1), and it is in Genesis that
we learn a Savior would come to redeem fallen man (Genesis 3:15).
If we cannot trust there was a literal Fall and a literal Adam, then there is no need for a literal Jesus (I
Cor 15:22). Adam and Eve, Noah’s ark… can become mere fairy tales and the authority of God’s Word is
undermined dramatically.
 Impact on our culture and youth (our future): Evolution severely undermines the Bible,
Genesis, and the Christian Worldview.
Our culture recognizes this disparity, and majority of young people (our future) are accepting the
humanistic worldview and trusting man’s wisdom with its destructive end. (Rom 1:25…worshipped and
served the creature more than the creator)
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty;For all that is in heaven
and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over all. (1 Chronicles 29:11) 13
Teach apologetics
Raise Awareness
6 Literal Days & Can we combine parts of
the Evolution Theory with the Bible?
Many verses point to a literal 6 day creation. Here we will focus on just a few.
Read Genesis 1, Exodus 20:11. See also Mark 10:6 where Jesus says, ‘But from the
beginning of the creation, God made them male and female’
 In Genesis 1, the word day really means a day
 Yom, modified with a number means a literal day in all 300+ times it is used outside of
• By adding millions of years in creation week, to try to align with man’s evolution
theory, we undermine the gospel and the Bible, because those years are added in
creation week as there really isn’t any other place to squeeze them in– so if you take
this along with the fossil record it would mean that there was death and suffering long
before man sinned in the garden
• So right from the very start, if we were to add millions (or billions) of years, there would be
a huge problem with the foundation of our faith that everything God made was very good,
and it was man who sinned and needs a Savior.
 Please see these excellent articles for more on the first 6 literal days:
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty;For all that is in heaven
and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over all. (1 Chronicles 29:11)14
The Bible is Trustworthy in all areas of life
Teach apologetics
 Now it is true that whether one believes in six literal days or not doesn’t ultimately
affect one’s salvation, if one is truly born again.
 However, we need to stand back and look at the ‘big picture.’ In many nations, the
Word of God was once widely respected and taken seriously. But once the door of
compromise has been unlocked, once Christian leaders concede that we shouldn’t
take the Bible as written in Genesis, why should the world take heed of it in any
 Because the church has often told the world that one can use man’s interpretation
of the world (such as billions of years) to reinterpret the Bible, it is seen as an
outdated, scientifically incorrect ‘holy book’, not intended to be taken as written.
 As each subsequent generation has pushed this door of compromise open
further and further—increasingly, they are not accepting the morality or
salvation of the Bible either. After all, if the history in Genesis is not correct
as written, how can one be sure the rest can be taken as written? Jesus said,
‘If I have told you earthly things, and you do not believe, how will you
believe if I tell you of heavenly things?’ John 3:12
 The Bible is accurate as written and objective science indeed supports it.
Science never has and never will prove the Word of our Almighty God
 Excerpts from article “The Big Picture” by Ken Ham
Teaching biblical creation
Worship the Creator
Worship our Creator
 Read from Psalm 100 or other selection and praise the Lord for his goodness and might.
 Read Colossians 1:16, Jesus our Creator God:
 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and
invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things
were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things
Week 1 Main Points
Why creation and Genesis are so important
 It builds our own faith, and heightens worship. Worship our Creator
 ~75% of youth raised in Christian homes leave the church when they leave home. Most are simply not
being well grounded and are unable to defend against secular humanism/evolution. Let’s obey I Peter
3:15, and get equipped, and see to it that they are equipped. We all have a responsibility.
 Secularism (ie. man setting himself up as the authority) is a core problem leading to “bad fruit”. We
may see the fruit (abortion, euthanasia, redefining marriage..), as the problem but they are symptoms
of the problem. Secularism is powered by the engine (albeit false) of evolutionism – it seems to give it
& Pique
 Scientist typically apply naturalism (does not allow for God), and are secular in their “science”.
Such scientists (and others) rule out creation, regardless of the evidence.
 Many Christians are having their faith and what should be a passionate walk with Christ, subtly
undermined by secularism and evolutionism. A deep understanding of creation will turn this around.
 To reach the lost we most often will need to answer their questions related to origins and
Share gospel
creation. Questions like why is there death and suffering, and how could Noah fit all the
animals in the ark.
Unity  The Bible is our final authority and is accurate in all areas of life including history and science.
 Genesis is foundational to the gospel and key to reaching the lost.
God created the universe, man sinned and was separated from God, the world was cursed & God promised the
Mixing evolutionism with the Bible undermines the authority of the Bible. See slides #7-12
 Jesus, our Creator God, was there at the beginning and we have His Word so we have the truth.
Let’s praise Him from deep within us!
Worship our Creator
Week #2 Outline
Creation & the
Christian Worldview
 Review: Chief goals of talks, & creation outreach
 Jesus our Creator God.
 Key science topics that all point to biblical creation!
Natural Selection and gene diversity (ie. 2 wolves led to all dogs). Natural selection destroys information.
Mutations do not add information, but reduce it – opposes evolution
Amazing DNA points to design! (show excerpt from Creatures Do change, But it’s not evolution DVD, time permitting)
Fossil Record (time permitting)
 Apologetics Method (see “Ultimate Proof of Creation” DVD, by AIG, Dr. Jason Lisle)
Secularists think they are neutral and that science is neutral. But there is no neutral in worldviews.
Bible says either you are for Christ or against Him. (Matt 12:30). So let’s stand on the Word while we
defend the Word. (like defending a hill while standing on it)
All world views other than the Christian worldview are self-refuting
 Summary & key resources.
 Church library has recently acquired additional creation resources from AIG.
 Web sites:,,
 Class feedback survey
[email protected]
Chief Goals of Talks & the Outreach
Teach truth & call each of us to be missionaries where we are
4 Heightened worship of our 4
Pique interest and
Unite on Creation
Teach creation and 1
relevant science
Creator & share gospel
Teach apologetics
point to resources
Raise Awareness of
importance of creation
To raise awareness of the importance of consistently teaching
biblically and scientifically accurate creation information (at home, at
Teach key points on biblical creation, the science supporting it, &
Pique your interest, and help point you to resources so you can
become further equipped and share with others.
Let us unite on creation, and worship our Creator
Let us unite and worship, and in doing so, also impact the world with
the truth of the gospel and the Bible, in love.
The creation topic can be controversial today, even among Christians.
But it is far too important for us to shy away from it. Let each of us
carefully study creation from the Bible to see what God has to say.
Pique interest and
share gospel
Raise Awareness
Teach apologetics
Review Main points from week 1
 Why Biblical creation & Genesis are so important
 ~75% of youth raised in Christian homes leave the church when they leave home. Most
are simply not being well grounded and are unable to defend against secular
humanism/evolution. Let’s obey I Peter 3:15, and get equipped, and see to it that they
are equipped. We all have a responsibility.
 Secularism (ie. man setting himself up as the authority) is a core problem leading to
“bad fruit”. We may see the fruit (abortion, euthanasia, redefining marriage..), as the
problem but they are symptoms of the problem.
 Secularism is powered by the engine (albeit false) of evolutionism – it seems to give
it credibility
 To reach the lost we most often will need to answer their questions related to
origins and creation. Questions like why is there death and suffering, and how
could Noah fit all the animals in the ark.
 It builds our own faith, and heightens worship.
 The Bible is our final authority
 Mixing evolutionism with the Bible undermines the authority of the Bible
 The Bible is accurate in all areas of life including science and history
 Jesus is the Creator God. He was there at the beginning and we have His Word so we have
the truth. Let’s praise Him from deep within us! Let’s share the truth with the lost in a clear
way, with love!
Teaching biblical creation
Jesus the Creator
Worship our Creator
 Colossians 1: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth,
visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all
things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things
 Here are a few of the passages that show Jesus is the Creator. *
 “The New Testament tells us that the Creator of the universe was Jesus Christ John 1:3;
Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 1:3;
 In John 1:1, 3, 10, John refers to Jesus as the Creator of all things, including the world. John calls
Christ the Word (Greek: logos). One reason for this is that Genesis 1 records that the Creator
God called all things into being by means of His spoken word—not by any evolutionary
Our Creator-God, humbled himself and took on human form to die and rise again for us! WOW!
What a great Savior we serve.
 In Matthew 4:3 there is a most unusual testimony to this fact—that of Satan. During the
temptation of Christ, Satan said: ‘If You are the Son of God, command that these stones
become bread.’ Or, in short, ‘If you are God … create!’ Satan was challenging Christ to
duplicate in miniature form the instantaneous and fiat (i.e. commanded) creation that
happened during Creation Week. For this temptation to have had any meaning, Satan must
have believed that Christ was able to do it. Why? Because it would have been no temptation at
all to any of us!”
* From: What does the New Testament say about Creation? , Russell Grigg,
Teach apologetics
Jesus Affirms Genesis as Literal History
Unite on Creation
Here are two passages that make Jesus’ view very apparent: *
• An especially significant confirmation of the historicity of Genesis is seen when Jesus was
asked about divorce. Mark 10:6 records that He replied by quoting from Genesis 1 & 2. ‘But
from the beginning of the creation, God “made them male and female” (Genesis 1:27). “For
this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, “and the two shall
become one flesh”’ (Genesis 2:24). The Lord Jesus Christ was no evolutionist! He was there at
the beginning, and He says that man and woman were there ‘from the beginning’ too, i.e.
within six days of the beginning, not billions of years later. (See also Jesus and the age of the
world and the more in-depth But from the beginning of … the institution of marriage?).
Notice that Jesus was quoting from Genesis chapters 1 and 2 in the one context. And unlike
liberal theological institutions, He did not regard these two chapters as contradictory accounts
but as complementary (see also Do Genesis 1 and 2 contradict each other?). So here the Lord
Jesus Christ Himself, as recorded by Mark, affirms the literal, historical accuracy and
fundamental authority of the Genesis record of Creation, i.e. that it means what it says.
• Luke 11:50–51 also records Christ’s reference to ‘the blood of Abel’, with Abel the first in a
long line of martyred prophets whose blood ‘was shed from the foundation of the world’, not
billions of years later. Jesus, as reported by Luke, thus affirms that Adam’s son, Abel, was
a real person, and that Genesis is a literal historical record that means what it says.
* From: What does the New Testament say about Creation? , Russell Grigg,
Natural Selection Supports Biblical Creation
Teach creation and
relevant science
 Example of dogs *
 People have bred dogs for thousands of years to select
for particular traits, that is, particular genes.
 By continually breeding small dogs together you can
end up with small short-legged dogs like Jack
 The natural variety has been selected out
 Natural variety has been lost from the dog’s genes
* From: ‘Can you tell the difference
between evolution and natural
selection?’ (
 Natural selection is the same as selective breeding,
except the selecting of the genes is done by nature,
rather than people
 For example Arctic wolves live in a very cold
 Thick coats, small, round ears, short legs so they
don’t lose body heat
 Cold climate has selected the genes most suitable for
dogs that live there
Cold climate eliminates ‘S’ gene
through natural selection
Many scientists claim natural selection proves evolution because there has been a
change. What they typically fail to point out is this change eliminates information,
rather than adding it which is required for evolution to work.
Teach creation and
relevant science
Worship our Creator
Natural Selection Supports Biblical Creation
 It is disingenuous and even dangerous to use the term evolution at all when
really referring to natural selection.
 Natural Selection Opposes evolutionism
 Evolution requires additional information in the genes. So natural selection is going
the completely wrong way of evolution!
 The addition of new genetic information that specifies how to make some complex
new feature has never been seen to occur naturally. *
 Natural selection supports the Biblical account of Noah’s Ark.
 All dogs came from just two dogs on the ark. So Noah only needed two dogs.
 All dogs come from the singular dog “kind”. The same is true for the horse “kind”, the
cat “kind” etc.
 For some more information on Noah’s Ark see: How did all the animals fit on Noah’ s
Ark? (on, and from the The Creation Answers Book)
 Note: In addition the fossil record supports the concept of “kinds”.
 Isn’t it amazing how God designed so much variety in the genes that we can
have so many different looking animals within each kind. And He simply
spoke to create the universe from absolutely nothing! Let’s praise Him.
* From: ‘Can you tell the difference between evolution and natural selection?’ (
Teach creation and
relevant science
Mutations Destroy Information Too
 Mutations are copying mistakes that produce defective
genes that have lost information.
 Mutations don’t add information, even when they are
beneficial. See for more.
 Also see DVD “Creatures Do Change, But it’s Not
Evolution”. (presented by Dr. Don Batten, CMI)
Teach creation and
relevant science
Teach apologetics
Natural Selection & Mutations Summary
 Natural Selection Destroys Information
 Mutations Destroy Information
 There is no foundation for evolutionism
 Let’s not be confused into thinking that the evolution
theory exists because of science. Rather it is tied to the
naturalist world view which starts with the assumption that
God does not exist.
 God does exist. The Bible is reliable *
 Bible tells us repeatedly that God is Creator of the universe
and all living things and knowing Him is a matter of eternal
life and death.
* From: ‘Can you tell the difference between evolution and natural selection?’ (
Ultimate Proof of Creation
 Apologetics (play clip from “Ultimate Proof of Creation” DVD, by AIG)
 Secularists think they are neutral and that science is neutral. But there is no
neutral in world views. (Matt 12:30. He who is not for Jesus, is against Him)
If we take the Bible out of the argument, as they may suggest, then how can
we ever get back to the Bible being the authority?
We need to stand on the Word while we defend it. (Like standing on a hill
while defending it)
 All world views other than the Christian worldview are self-refuting
For example laws of logic have no valid reason to exist if evolution were true.
 A key to reach the lost is to challenge their worldview.
Support with scientific evidence but not solely relying on it. Because it is really about
worldviews, not just empirical science.
Pique interest and
share resources
•Provides links to great resources and highlights the importance of the creation issue.
• Links to many large creation organizations and is user friendly to help you navigate quickly
•Learn about our local outreach & see how we can help you and those you know.
•Get involved and help by spreading the websites to friends/family/unbelievers/church leaders…
•Consider joining our support group for CMI – all it takes is an email to me. ([email protected])
• We help CMI with the logistics of speaker events in the area, and make their stay ‘comfy’
• Meet ~quarterly and have a bible study and sharing time, emphasizing creation outreach
Pique interest and
share resources
• It is easy to sign up for their free daily newsletter, at the website. We highly
recommend it.
• Seemingly endless resources answering the questions of our day from a Biblical
• Creation Magazine
• Free articles online (thousands of articles)
• online video clips
• Books, DVDs…
• Expert Speakers/Scientists
Also visit
• Similar to, with
excellent materials.
• More emphasis on kids
May the Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and
Savior, Creator-God, be proclaimed through
this study and our lives.
May we get further equipped, & be guided by
the Holy Spirit to spread truth in love by
spreading the gospel and the truth of the
Bible to a lost world. It is the best news of all
Please contact us with any questions or
needs: [email protected]
Score (1 – 10).
1 is strongly disagree.
10 is strongly agree
Class Survey
What did you like about the class(es) on creation?
What ideas do you have for improving the presentation?
My awareness of the importance of Biblical creation to evangelism and the gospel, and the
negative spiritual impacts of secularism/evolutionism were heightened. Score = ____.
After incorporating my suggestions above, I would recommend this class to others. Score = _____.
I plan to get further equipped this year in the area of Biblical creation and/or Christian apologetics.
Score = _____.
I would be interested in having an expert speaker from CMI ( at our church. Score =
Additional notes
Representative Articles Available online
(thousands available for free)
Some of my favorites:
Thousands available on and
• Why Natural Selection Opposes Evolution
• What did Jesus say about creation
• Jesus confirms Noah & the Ark
• How do I do my homework on evolution?
• Is Evolution a side issue?
• Creation of the Universe from the Biblical view
• Are there many ways we should interpret the Bible
• Radiometric dating the way it really is.
• Amazing DNA
• Is evangelism using Biblical Creation helpful?
• Christian apologetics Questions & Answers
• Is Evolutionism consistent with the Bible?
• Is the evolution theory science or religion?
• Does evolutionism exclude the need for God?
• What it means to be made in the Image of God.
Couldn’t God have used evolution?
When we consider the possibility that
God used evolutionary processes to
create over millions of years, we are faced
with serious consequences: the Word of
God is no longer authoritative, and the
character of our loving God is
questioned. For example:
Jesus said “And He answered and said to
them, ‘Have you not read that He who
made them at the beginning “made
them male and female..”
Paul said “For since by man came death,
by Man also came the resurrection of the
dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in
Christ all shall be made alive.”
1. Beliefs about where we came from determine your overall worldview,
your behavior, and where you think we go when we die.
To give a logical and reasonable defense of the Christian faith.
To immunize your family against the prevailing evolutionary
indoctrination in our society.
To help prevent the tragic exodus of young people from the church.
The biblical worldview, that includes a 6-day creation event only 6,000
years ago, is a strong defendable scientific alternative to the prevailing
evolutionary model.
What is creation evangelism and is it effective?
To highlight the importance of renewing our minds by studying and
knowing God's word, and realizing it is true and applicable in all areas
of life including science and history.
Dangers of IDM, although it has a few positive points if carefully used to point to a creator:
In the US a whole new ‘intelligent design’ movement (IDM) is forming around the likes of Johnson and Behe. Its main features:
1. Not so much attacking evolution as chance evolution.
2. No real concern with the authority of the Bible regarding such matters as the global Flood, the original perfection of creation, the
six days, and so on.1
3. Belief in billions of years of death and suffering before mankind appeared, which undermines the logic of the Gospel.
It would seem foolish to reject the contributions of the IDM altogether. Many of their works, which we stock, can, if used with care,
help bring people to Christ. Even though most of their points were made long ago by overt believers in Genesis, they cannot be as
easily (albeit unfairly) marginalised.2
However, believers should not again be lulled into a false sense of security. Assume the IDM succeeds, and the establishment does
come to believe in some god-like ‘intelligent force’ which manipulated billions of years of death and suffering. Would that not
highlight for people just how far removed such a deity would be from the holy God of the Bible, and how the Bible’s account of the
origin of (and solution for) human sin must indeed be flawed?
Man in rebellion against his Maker has obviously found Darwinian evolution (creation by chance) a convenient
way to evade responsibility to Him. However, if forced to accept the evidence that intelligent design was in fact
necessary, the next best way to avoid unpleasant notions of sin and judgment would be to ensure that the
Bible, and the character of God revealed therein, remained discredited. A scientific paradigm of ‘intelligent
design’ would, if it rejected the Genesis Creator (the one who became flesh and died on Calvary's cross precisely
because of Adam’s rebellion), be just another expression of that rebellion.
The world-wide ministry of Answers in Genesis is involved in opposing evolution; however, this is not for us an
end in itself. It comes from striving to base all of our thinking on the authority of God's Word. Only in this way
can all believers bring honor to God's name as they uphold, proclaim and defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1
Peter 3:15).3
Word of God is quick, powerful, able to penetrate thoughts & intents of the heart
Show history according to Christian Worldview, Theistic evolution, Evolution – see Scott Gillis talk
Evolution & theistic evolution undermine authority of scripture. Explain both at high level. Show summary
Of beliefs from trusted website such as conservapedia. Caveat if needed.
Some trust in horses and some in chariots but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God { these days some
trust science in a similar way…}