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Lesson 5: God’s Perfect Design and Plan Seen in Creation
Verses for Serving Ones to enjoy: Psalm 66:3a; Job 37:16
Verse: “And God said, Let the earth bring forth living animals according to their kind,
cattle and creeping things and animals of the earth according to their kind; and it was so.”
(Genesis 1:24)
Focus: Creation did not come about by chance or accident. There is a Creator Who
planned, perfectly designed, and put everything in place.
Practical application: Prepare to give age-relevant examples that will impress the children
with The Designer/Planner. (One example may be the interdependence of honey bees and
flowering plants. Bees need nectar from the flowers to make honey; flowers need bees to
pollinate and spread their seeds. Whatever example you come up to inspire them, please use visual aids. Prepare
crafts to support the focus.
Songs: Before God Put the Leaves on the Tree; God’s Design; Let’s Open Up Our Eyes; Wonderful Works of
Your Hands
Verse: “And God said, Let the earth bring forth living animals according to their kind,
cattle and creeping things and animals of the earth according to their kind; and it was so.”
(Genesis 1:24)
Focus: Creation did not come about by chance or accident. There is a Creator Who
planned, perfectly designed and put everything in place.
Practical Application: same as elementary but use more sophisticated examples. You
may choose any aspect of His perfect planning and design or stay with the aspect of interdependent
relationships (e.g. zebra and oxpeckers; crocodiles and plover birds; sea
anemones and clownfish ) as long as the presentation will impress them with The
Awesome Designer/Planner! Use visual aids. Prepare lesson-related craft.
Another suggested example is God’s perfect plan and design seen in the heavens i.e., the order of stars and
planets so they don’t crash into each other.
Songs: same as above.
Verse: And God made the expanse and separated the waters which were under the expanse from the waters
which were above the expanse, and it was so.” (Genesis 1:7)
“And God said, Let there be lightbearers in the expanse of heaven to separate the day from the night, and let
them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;”
(Genesis 1:14)
“And God said, Let the earth bring forth living animals according to their kind,
cattle and creeping things and animals of the earth according to their kind; and it was so.”
(Genesis 1:24)
Focus: Creation did not come about by chance or accident. There is a Creator who
planned, perfectly designed and put everything in place.
Practical Application: same as above. Choose an area you would like to develop (e.g. fall
foliage/photosynthesis/bio mimicry, etc.) Use visual aids. You may be able to find ideas in:
Suggested example is nature’s way of recycling (e.g. water cycle; composting etc.). The idea of recycling
originated from God the Creator, not man.
Stick to one example.
Songs: Same as above.
You may want to go over the verses in Genesis that shows the progression in God’s creation the order of which
cannot be changed. It’s a showcase of God’s perfect planning and design.
Note to Serving Ones: for the elementary and intermediate
levels, please encourage memorization of verses. Each week,
review all the verses in this Creation series from all the
previous weeks.
It is strongly recommended that the children in the advanced
level memorize all the verses in this Creation series. Please
review with them all the verses from the past 4 weeks. Every
week, spend some time to review all the verses from previous