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Is the Bible True?
How true, is it full of errors?
World Views
Common World Views:
(All your assumptions together)
Creation by God & Bible is History
(belief in the Bible, and in science)
Naturalism, Empiricism, Atheism
(Nature is all that there is, all knowledge i
gained by observation, there is no God)
Pantheism, Buddhism, Hinduism
(physical reality & morals are an illusion)
Is the Bible a Book of History?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deut.
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st &2nd Samuel,
1st&2nd Kings, 1st & 2nd Chronicles, Ezra,
Nehemiah, Ester (17 books in the Old Test.)
Mathew, Mark, Luke , John, Acts
5 Books in the New Testament
Theologians before Darwin believed in an
historical Genesis
Jesus Believed the History was
Have ye not read…
Matthew 12:3, 12:5, 19:4, 22:31
Mark 12:10, 12:26
Luke 6:3
The Authority of Scripture
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture inspired
2 Cor 10:4-5
1 Peter 3:15
Ready answer
James 1:22
Be doers of the Word
Jude 3
Contend for the faith
Col 4:5-6
Know how to answer
Titus 1:9
Exhort and convince
The Authority of Scripture 2
• 2 Pet.1:20-21 Scripture-Men Inspired by God.
• Eph.1:13, James 1:18 The Gospel is the truth
• John 1:1, 17 The Word was God and came
thru Jesus.
• Ps. 119:42, 142 Trust your word, it is true
• Titus 1:1-3 God can’t lie, and revealed his
Is the Bible True?
Many Archeologists say the history is true*
2000 Prophesies in the Bible came true+
Some scientists say numerics prove it true#
Lisle states it’s philosophy is logically true@
Many great philosophers say is it true^ and
most say it is also an historical book
Psalm 11:3
If the foundations be
destroyed, what can
the righteous do?
Gen. 3:1-2
1 Now the serpent was more cunning
than any beast of the field which the
LORD God had made. And he said to
the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You
shall not eat of every tree of the
garden’ ?"
2 And the woman said to the serpent,
"We may eat the fruit of the trees of
the garden;
War of the World 3
War of the World 4
Apologetics: 6 Reasons
1. Defends Christianity
2. Strengthens believers
3. Makes Christianity and the Bible
4. Glorifies God
5. Helps believers evangelize the lost
6. Biblical command (1 Peter 3:15)
Noah's ArkBathtub
Noah's Ark in Neighborhood
04 Greeks educating Greeks
05 Greeks today
Mars Hill
Blocks – Foolishness
02 Greeks jump road
Castles-Problem: Evolution & Creation
Greeks & Jews 00916
Castles-Solution: Evolution &
Creation 00409
The beliefs of theologians before Darwin
• Most Early Anglicans, Luther, Calvin , Wesley
• Believed in 6 day creation, world wide flood,
man created in God’s image and not evolved
from ape, a historical genesis and Pentateuch
• Only after evolution became popular, did
theologians change positions
• The effect has been to change interpretation of
the bible to fit current science.
Gospel vs Antigospel 02457
The Jesus Seminar-How far do you
take Science & Liberal Theology?
• 150 Biblical Scholars, Scientists, Historians
• Met 1985-93, issued reports on Jesus History
• Conclude: Jesus lived, No miracles, No virgin
birth, No actual resurrection-it was a vision
• This is the effect of putting naturalistic
science first and ignoring history and the
bible, and denying all miracles
• Liberal theologians also question Moses as
the author of the Torah and question its truth.
Much New Scientific Evidence
• That God created the Galaxies, Planets
and the Earth
• That a world wide flood laid down most
fossils with the same layers on continents
• The God created DNA, all life and biblical
kinds and that no true missing links exist
• That logic supports God and as the creator
and the bible as truthful. God is the author
of morals, logic, order, consciousness.
Christianity is one religion that is not a philosophy
That is because it is a belief based on history
Source: Magee, B. “The Story of Philosophy”
• The bible is one of the better historical documents
used by archeologists.
• The bible manuscripts, have many old copies that
avoid copying errors.
• The bible has so many prophecies that came true
that this defies mathematical probability
• The Bible cites many miracles and resurrections
• Numeric's offers some proof of the scriptures
7 C’s of History
© 2006 Answers in Genesis-USA
Questions for Study
• Did you learn anything from the slides?
• Do you think the Bible is weakened if the first 4
C’s of history are discounted?
• What is your view of inerrancy of the Scriptures?
What is full inerrancy?
• Who do you think wrote most of the Torah? Do
you think it is foundational to the Bible? Are
miracles true then?
• Why is a position on inerrancy of the scriptures
foundational to everything we conclude about
the truth of the Bible?