1 Thessalonians》(A Compilation)
... by Cassander, the brother-in-law of Alexander the Great, who seized the throne of Macedonia soon after the conqueror’s death. Cassander named the new foundation, probably, after his royal wife (see Diodorus Siculus, XIX. 52). The new title first appears in Polybius’ Histories (XXIII. 4. 4, &c., as Θ ...
... by Cassander, the brother-in-law of Alexander the Great, who seized the throne of Macedonia soon after the conqueror’s death. Cassander named the new foundation, probably, after his royal wife (see Diodorus Siculus, XIX. 52). The new title first appears in Polybius’ Histories (XXIII. 4. 4, &c., as Θ ...
420189《Preacher’s Complete Homiletical
... remained unshaken to the last. After the death of St. Paul, the life of his beloved companion is wrapped in hopeless obscurity. Epiphanius (c. A.D. 367) says that he preached the gospel in Dalmatia, Gallia, Italy, and Macedonia. Gregory Nazianzen (A.D. 361) is the first to rank him among the martyr ...
... remained unshaken to the last. After the death of St. Paul, the life of his beloved companion is wrapped in hopeless obscurity. Epiphanius (c. A.D. 367) says that he preached the gospel in Dalmatia, Gallia, Italy, and Macedonia. Gregory Nazianzen (A.D. 361) is the first to rank him among the martyr ...
Christian Yoga as a Product of Hinduism and the New Age Movement
... studying Near Eastern Religion with him, I developed an interest in yoga and chose the thesis topic “Can Christians practice yoga?” The faithful, fundamental evangelical teachers at Liberty have always given me wonderful inspiration for the Kingdom of God. They are all powerful defenders against New ...
... studying Near Eastern Religion with him, I developed an interest in yoga and chose the thesis topic “Can Christians practice yoga?” The faithful, fundamental evangelical teachers at Liberty have always given me wonderful inspiration for the Kingdom of God. They are all powerful defenders against New ...
luke - Grace Notes
... I get in this that Gabriel was not accustomed to being doubted. After all, he was bringing the very word of God to this human being. So Gabriel gives Zacharias his credentials. And then gives him a sign, the Jews always want a sign. Zacharias will be silent, not able to speak, until the birth of his ...
... I get in this that Gabriel was not accustomed to being doubted. After all, he was bringing the very word of God to this human being. So Gabriel gives Zacharias his credentials. And then gives him a sign, the Jews always want a sign. Zacharias will be silent, not able to speak, until the birth of his ...
- Beth El (NZ)
... by him (and they number myriads) find all these things pall upon the sense, leaving the soul as barren and unsatisfied as before. It is God's design that this longing of the human heart should lead to the One who alone is able to satisfy it. The desire is of Him that it may lead to Him, the fullness ...
... by him (and they number myriads) find all these things pall upon the sense, leaving the soul as barren and unsatisfied as before. It is God's design that this longing of the human heart should lead to the One who alone is able to satisfy it. The desire is of Him that it may lead to Him, the fullness ...
The Holy Spirit
... T3. The Deity of Jesus our Lord .......................... 92 T4. Jesus is the Word of God ............................... 94 T5. The Son existed from ages past ..................... 95 T6. All things were created through Christ / the Son of God ...................................................... ...
... T3. The Deity of Jesus our Lord .......................... 92 T4. Jesus is the Word of God ............................... 94 T5. The Son existed from ages past ..................... 95 T6. All things were created through Christ / the Son of God ...................................................... ...
... own city at what was then the suburb of ar-Raml. Alexandria, however, could not be ignored, since it held the key to the Egyptian granary on which Rome increasingly came to rely; and the city soon regained its independence. St. Mark, the traditional author of the second Synoptic Gospel, is said to h ...
... own city at what was then the suburb of ar-Raml. Alexandria, however, could not be ignored, since it held the key to the Egyptian granary on which Rome increasingly came to rely; and the city soon regained its independence. St. Mark, the traditional author of the second Synoptic Gospel, is said to h ...
Who is this Jesus - New Creation Studies
... suggested to his Jewish lynch mob that the Lord had actually said to him, “Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles,” that contingent became quite violent. Later, upset at the Jews in Rome for their unwillingness to believe their own law and prophets, the same apostle emphasized, “Let it be ...
... suggested to his Jewish lynch mob that the Lord had actually said to him, “Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles,” that contingent became quite violent. Later, upset at the Jews in Rome for their unwillingness to believe their own law and prophets, the same apostle emphasized, “Let it be ...
... debate. I have offered many theories in this book that can be argued just as convincingly to the contrary. If you disagree, that’s fine. At least I got you to think. After all, if the world could not contain the amount of books that could be written about the life of Jesus, can we not enjoy the free ...
... debate. I have offered many theories in this book that can be argued just as convincingly to the contrary. If you disagree, that’s fine. At least I got you to think. After all, if the world could not contain the amount of books that could be written about the life of Jesus, can we not enjoy the free ...
Theory and Praxis in Leibniz`s Theological Thought
... politics related to Leibniz’s well known project of ecclesiastical reunification, which in turn was conceived as essentially instrumental to a broader political agenda of stability and pacification. In brief, when it came to theology, Leibniz was considered either a metaphysician or a political prag ...
... politics related to Leibniz’s well known project of ecclesiastical reunification, which in turn was conceived as essentially instrumental to a broader political agenda of stability and pacification. In brief, when it came to theology, Leibniz was considered either a metaphysician or a political prag ...
Eschatology in a Secular Age - Scholar Commons
... philosophical achievements and offers an “eschatological metaphysics.” He distinguishes eschatology from teleology arguing against teleology, noting that only a “personalist” eschatology can solve the problems of dualism and objectification. Blumenberg differs from Heidegger and Berdyaev by offering ...
... philosophical achievements and offers an “eschatological metaphysics.” He distinguishes eschatology from teleology arguing against teleology, noting that only a “personalist” eschatology can solve the problems of dualism and objectification. Blumenberg differs from Heidegger and Berdyaev by offering ...
as a PDF
... philosophical achievements and offers an “eschatological metaphysics.” He distinguishes eschatology from teleology arguing against teleology, noting that only a “personalist” eschatology can solve the problems of dualism and objectification. Blumenberg differs from Heidegger and Berdyaev by offering ...
... philosophical achievements and offers an “eschatological metaphysics.” He distinguishes eschatology from teleology arguing against teleology, noting that only a “personalist” eschatology can solve the problems of dualism and objectification. Blumenberg differs from Heidegger and Berdyaev by offering ...
Here - WTS Books
... logical system. Of course there are some loci to which he paid special attention. The mountain peaks are found not only in the doctrine of Scripture but also in his studies in the person and work of Christ, and soteriology. In addition are impressive mountains of learning in his studies in Calvin an ...
... logical system. Of course there are some loci to which he paid special attention. The mountain peaks are found not only in the doctrine of Scripture but also in his studies in the person and work of Christ, and soteriology. In addition are impressive mountains of learning in his studies in Calvin an ...
A Disciple`s Response
... to be followers of Jesus Christ no matter the cost to themselves. Beginning in conversion, change of mind and heart, this commitment is expressed not in a single action, nor even in a number of actions over a period of time, but in an entire way of life. It means committing one’s very self to the Lo ...
... to be followers of Jesus Christ no matter the cost to themselves. Beginning in conversion, change of mind and heart, this commitment is expressed not in a single action, nor even in a number of actions over a period of time, but in an entire way of life. It means committing one’s very self to the Lo ...
Romans (Vol. 1)》(Joseph S. Exell)
... have been hastened by the tumult raised by Demetrius the silversmith, after which he proceeded at once to Macedonia, and thence to Greece (i.e. Achaia), remaining three months at Corinth. His intention at first was to sail thence direct to Syria, so as to reach Jerusalem without unnecessary delay; ...
... have been hastened by the tumult raised by Demetrius the silversmith, after which he proceeded at once to Macedonia, and thence to Greece (i.e. Achaia), remaining three months at Corinth. His intention at first was to sail thence direct to Syria, so as to reach Jerusalem without unnecessary delay; ...
Living Under God`s Law: Christian Ethics
... This is another way of saying, as I did in DKG, that theology is “the application of the Word of God by persons to all areas of life.”3 Any study or teaching of the Bible is an attempt to answer human questions, to meet human needs. Those questions or needs may be relatively “theoretical” (e.g., “Wh ...
... This is another way of saying, as I did in DKG, that theology is “the application of the Word of God by persons to all areas of life.”3 Any study or teaching of the Bible is an attempt to answer human questions, to meet human needs. Those questions or needs may be relatively “theoretical” (e.g., “Wh ...
January - December - Oblates of St. Francis de Sales
... perfectly expressed in our God-given destiny: life on high with Jesus Christ. On any given day it is easy to lose sight of this profound truth and to find our glory in our own personal projects and endeavors. To be sure, there is much work that God wants us to do in the state and stage of life in wh ...
... perfectly expressed in our God-given destiny: life on high with Jesus Christ. On any given day it is easy to lose sight of this profound truth and to find our glory in our own personal projects and endeavors. To be sure, there is much work that God wants us to do in the state and stage of life in wh ...
1-1 The Personality of God
... when he would have a resurrection of his body (Job 19:25-27). Abraham is one of the “many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth (who) shall awake...to everlasting life” (Dan. 12:2) so that he can receive the promise of eternal inheritance of the land of Canaan, a physical location on this eart ...
... when he would have a resurrection of his body (Job 19:25-27). Abraham is one of the “many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth (who) shall awake...to everlasting life” (Dan. 12:2) so that he can receive the promise of eternal inheritance of the land of Canaan, a physical location on this eart ...
460175《Preacher’s Complete Homiletical
... 2Co he solemnly declares that his deepest reason was that he might not "as yet" be obliged to take in hand the grave wrong-doing at Corinth, and use his Apostolic authority in sharp, severe punishment. That Ephesus needed the time which a visit to Corinth would have occupied was true, and was all he ...
... 2Co he solemnly declares that his deepest reason was that he might not "as yet" be obliged to take in hand the grave wrong-doing at Corinth, and use his Apostolic authority in sharp, severe punishment. That Ephesus needed the time which a visit to Corinth would have occupied was true, and was all he ...
john wesley`s topography of the heart
... not being considered properly in relation to the inculcation of holy dispositions, but is being deflected by other concerns (a near exclusive emphasis on the instantaneous reception of grace, for example) can be found in how various authors treat the crucial element of poverty of spirit or humility. ...
... not being considered properly in relation to the inculcation of holy dispositions, but is being deflected by other concerns (a near exclusive emphasis on the instantaneous reception of grace, for example) can be found in how various authors treat the crucial element of poverty of spirit or humility. ...
For All The Saints Bio Version - Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New
... “Jesus” represents the Greek (and Latin) form of the Hebrew name Yeshua, a very common name among Jews in antiquity. Until the exile, the longer form Yehoshua was used, which appears in the English Bible as Joshua. On the eighth day a newborn boy was circumcised. In Judaism this is understood as the ...
... “Jesus” represents the Greek (and Latin) form of the Hebrew name Yeshua, a very common name among Jews in antiquity. Until the exile, the longer form Yehoshua was used, which appears in the English Bible as Joshua. On the eighth day a newborn boy was circumcised. In Judaism this is understood as the ...
alarmed by the voice of jack deere
... success, as recounted anecdotally, to sound plausible. So, who is and who is not believable? And, how does one tell? In our age of rampant spiritual deceit, one cannot be too careful (Acts 17:11). Jack Deere has followed up his previous work Surprised by the Power of the Spirit (Zondervan, 1993)2 wi ...
... success, as recounted anecdotally, to sound plausible. So, who is and who is not believable? And, how does one tell? In our age of rampant spiritual deceit, one cannot be too careful (Acts 17:11). Jack Deere has followed up his previous work Surprised by the Power of the Spirit (Zondervan, 1993)2 wi ...
The Life and Works of Ahmad Deedat: A Muslim Scholar of Christian
... “Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah," to traffic with it for miserable price!Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.”7 After debate there was a question answer session where the audience had the chance t ...
... “Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah," to traffic with it for miserable price!Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.”7 After debate there was a question answer session where the audience had the chance t ...
Christian Leadership University espouses the
... His children. That is why God begins Deuteronomy 28 by twice saying, “If you will obey My voice...then....” So we will train you to hear the voice of God and then to apply it to the various disciplines of life in which God is calling you to demonstrate anointed leadership. Since we have removed the ...
... His children. That is why God begins Deuteronomy 28 by twice saying, “If you will obey My voice...then....” So we will train you to hear the voice of God and then to apply it to the various disciplines of life in which God is calling you to demonstrate anointed leadership. Since we have removed the ...
Christian Coaching Catechism.pages
... In the spring of 2012 I was sitting in a meeting room at a very nice hotel in Buckhead, Atlanta Georgia. I was attending a presentation of the updated coaching model from the school where I received the bulk of my coaching instruction. I appreciated their “active-learning” adult education model to t ...
... In the spring of 2012 I was sitting in a meeting room at a very nice hotel in Buckhead, Atlanta Georgia. I was attending a presentation of the updated coaching model from the school where I received the bulk of my coaching instruction. I appreciated their “active-learning” adult education model to t ...
Christian deism

Christian deism, in the philosophy of religion, is a standpoint that branches from Christianity. It refers to a deist who believes in the moral teachings—but not divinity—of Jesus. Corbett and Corbett (1999) cite John Adams and Thomas Jefferson as exemplars. The earliest-found usage of the term Christian deism in print in English is in 1738 in a book by Thomas Morgan, appearing about ten times by 1800.The term Christian deist is found as early as 1722,in Christianity vindicated against infidelity by Daniel Waterland (he calls it a misuse of language), and adopted later by Matthew Tindal in his 1730 work, Christianity as Old as the Creation.Christian deism is influenced by Christianity, as well as both main forms of deism: classical and modern. In 1698 English writer Matthew Tindal (1653–1733) published a pamphlet ""The Liberty of the Press"" as a ""Christian"" deist. He believed that the state should control the Church in matters of public communication.It adopts the ethics and non-mystical teachings of Jesus, while denying that Jesus was a deity. Scholars of the founding fathers of the United States ""have tended to place the founders' religion into one of three categories—non-Christian deism, Christian deism, and orthodox Christianity.""John Locke and John Tillotson, especially, inspired Christian deism, through their respective writings.Possibly the most famed person to hold this position was Thomas Jefferson, who praised ""nature's God"" in the ""Declaration of Independence"" (1776) and edited the ""Jefferson Bible""—a Bible with all reference to revelations and other miraculous interventions from a deity cut out.In an 1803 letter to Joseph Priestley, Jefferson states that he conceived the idea of writing his view of the ""Christian system"" in a conversation with Dr. Benjamin Rush during 1798–99. He proposes beginning with a review of the morals of the ancient philosophers, moving on to the ""deism and ethics of the Jews"", and concluding with the ""principles of a pure deism"" taught by Jesus, ""omit[ting] the question of his divinity, and even his inspiration.""Christian deists see no paradox in adopting the values and ideals espoused by Jesus without believing he was God. Without providing examples or citations, one author maintains, ""A number of influential 17th- and 18th-century thinkers claimed for themselves the title of 'Christian deist' because they accepted both the Christian religion based on revelation and a deistic religion based on natural reason. This deistic religion was consistent with Christianity but independent of any revealed authority. Christian deists often accepted revelation because it could be made to accord with natural or rational religion.""