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Periodic Law
Periodic Table
Prior to 1860 no agreement/method to
accurately determine masses of atoms.
First International Congress of Chemists – 1860
Stanislao Cannizzaro presented method for
accurately measuring atomic masses
 Looked for relationships between atomic masses and
other properties of elements
First tables arranged elements by atomic weight
Could not agree on atomic weights therefore tables
were different
John Newlands
Noticed elements properties repeated every 8th
element when arranged by atomic mass
Named this phenomenon “the Law of Octaves”
Did not work for all elements
Julius Lothar Meyer
Developed first modern table
Consisted of 28 elements divided
into 6 families
Families (groups) had similar
chemical and physical properties
Discovered all elements in same
family had same number of
valence e- -- outermost electrons
in highest energy level
Dmitri Mendeleev
Noticed that properties repeat
themselves at certain intervals
Arranged all known elements
into one table based on
properties– 1869
1871 - Proposed the “Periodic
Based on the properties spaces
were left for unknown
elements (Sc, Ga, Ge)
Upon discovery of other elements
inconsistencies were found with Mendeleev’s
Atomic masses improved and they no longer
arranged the elements by increasing atomic mass
Why can most elements be arranged by atomic
What was the reason for chemical periodicity?
Henry Mosely
Discovered elements contain unique number of
protons (atomic number) - 1911
Arranged elements by atomic number - 1913
Fully explained the Periodic Law
Periodic Law
The physical and chemical properties of the
elements are periodic functions of their atomic
Aka – when elements are arranged by increasing
atomic number, elements with similar properties
appear at regular intervals.
Parts of the Periodic Table
Noble Gases – added to the table in 1894 after
the discovery by Lord Rayleigh and William
First discovered Argon while studying nitrogen
 Later discovered Helium
 Highly inert (unreactive) due to a full octet
Alkali metals – group 1
Alkaline earth metals – group 2
Halogens – group 17
Transition metals – d block elements
Inner Transition metals
Lanthanides (elements 58-71) added in early 1900’s
Have very similar properties
Actinides (elements 90-103)
Electron Configuration
& the Periodic Table
s-Block Elements
Groups 1 & 2
All elements in group 1 & 2 will have an
electron configuration of
ns1 or ns2 where n = highest energy level occupied
Alkali Metals
Group 1 elements
In the elemental state
 Silvery metal
 High melting points
 Extremely reactive therefore are not found in
elemental state in nature
React violently with water to produce hydrogen
Alkaline – Earth Metals
Group 2 elements
Outer most s orbital is full
Do not exhibit stability (outer p orbital is empty)
Harder, denser than group 1
 Higher melting points than group 1
 Not as reactive but too reactive to be found in
nature in elemental form
Burning Mg
Hydrogen & Helium
H has same valence electrons as group 1 but
does not share any other properties
He share same electron configuration (valence e) as group 2 but does not share same properties
Placed with group 18 because it is very stable
d-block elements
Transition elements
Beginning filling the 3d orbitals
 Good conductors of electricity
 High luster
 Less reactive than s-block elements
Can be found in elemental form
Exceptions in the d-block
The following elements have odd configurations
Cr: [Ar]4s13d5
 Cu: [Ar]4s13d10
 Ag: [Kr]5s14d10
More stable with half filled s & d orbitals or full
d orbital
Exceptions follow throughout the d element
similar to Chromium and Copper
p-block elements
All elements in p block have a full s orbital
Contain all non metals except H & He
Contain all metalloids (exhibit properties of both metals and
non metals)
Have semi conducting properties
Contains 6 metals
Elements in s & p block make up the representative
Group 7A/17
Most reactive non metals (Fluorine is most reactive)
 Will bond with a metal to form a salt
 F & Cl are gases at room temp
 Br is a liquid at room temp
 I & At are solids at room temp
Periodic Trends
Octet Rule
Atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons in order
to have eight (8) valence electrons.
3 or less valence electrons – atom likely to lose
 6 or more valence electrons – atoms likely to gain
 4 or 5 valence electrons – atoms likely to share
Periodic Trends
Properties of the elements change in a
predictable manner across a period and down a
Atomic Radius
The half distance
between nuclei of
identical atoms that are
chemically bonded
Atomic Radius
Tends to decrease as you go across a period
Increase nuclear charge pulls electrons closer to the
nucleus (decreasing radius) Zeff
Tends to increase as you go down a group
New electrons are placed in higher energy levels
 Shielding: core electrons shield outer electrons from
pull from nucleus
Ionic Radius
Ions – atom or bonded group of atoms that has
a positive or negative charge due to a loss/gain
of electrons
Positive charge  lost electrons
Smaller ionic radius compared to anions
Negative charge  gained electrons
Larger ionic radius compared to cations
Ionic Radius
Tends to decrease across a period
Tends to increase down a group
Ionic Radius vs. Atomic Radius
Metals - the atomic radius of a metal is generally larger
than the ionic radius of the same element.
Why? Generally, metals loose electrons to achieve the octet. This
creates a larger positive charge in the nucleus than the negative
charge in the electron cloud, causing the electron cloud to be
drawn a little closer to the nucleus as an ion.
Ionic Radius vs. Atomic Radius
Non-metals - the atomic radius of a non-metal is
generally smaller than the ionic radius of the same
Why? Generally, non-metals loose electrons to
achieve the octet. This creates a larger negative
charge in the electron cloud than positive charge in
the nucleus, causing the electron cloud to 'puff
out' a little bit as an ion.
Ionic Radius vs. Atomic Radius
Ionization Energy
Energy required to remove an electron from a
gaseous atom (J)
If an atom has a high ionization energy not likely
to form a positive ion
Tends to increase across a period
Tends to decrease down a group
Ionization Energy
Relative ability of an atom to attract electrons in
a chemical bond
Numerical value of 3.98 Paulings or less
Fluorine is the most electronegative
atoms positioned closer to F have higher
Tends to increase across period
Tends to decrease down a group
Reactivity refers to how likely or
vigorously an atom is to react with other
This is usually determined by two things:
1) How easily electrons can be
removed (ionization energy) from
an atom
2) or how badly an atom wants to
take other atom's electrons
The transfer/interaction of
electrons is the basis of chemical
Reactivity of Metals
Period - reactivity decreases as you go from
left to right across a period.
Group - reactivity increases as you go down a
Why? The farther to the left and down the
periodic chart you go, the easier it is for
electrons to be given or taken away, resulting in
higher reactivity.
Reactivity of Non-Metals
Period - reactivity increases as you go from
the left to the right across a period.
Group - reactivity decreases as you go down
the group.
Why? The farther right and up you go on the
periodic table, the higher the
electronegativity, resulting in a more
vigorous exchange of electron.
Electron Affinity
Change in energy that occurs when a neutral
atom acquires an electron
Measured with a negative value
Hopefully atom is become more stable by acquiring
an elcectron
The more negative the value the easier it is to
acquire an electron
Tends to become more negative across a period
Tends to become more positive down a group
Electron Affinity
Summary of Periodic Trends