Download Constructing an Atom We`re going sub-atomic!

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Constructing an Atom
We’re going sub-atomic!
• Sub-Atomic just means, smaller then an atom.
– This is related to the parts that make up an atom.
• An Atom is made up of three parts:
• Neutrons- neutrons are found in the nucleus and
have no charge
– Neutral =Neutron
• Protrons- Protons are found in the nucleus and
are positively charged.
– Positive-protrons
• Neutrons and Protons make up the nucleus of
an Atom.
• Electrons- Electrons are located outside of the
nucleus and are negatively charged!
– They are constantly moving.
• Protons, Neutrons and electrons together
make an atom.
• Why are atoms important?
– Besides being the most smallest unit that matter
is made up of,
– They make the elements.
• Why is the nucleus and electrons so important
to the elements?
– Depending on the number of protons and
neutrons in the Nucleus and electrons determines
what type of element it will be!
Sub - Atomic
• Depending on the electron/proton ratio
depends if an Atom is negatively charged or
positively charge.
– So if it has more protons then electrons then it
will be _________________?
– If it has more Electrons then Proton then it will be
• What if it has more neutrons then protons?
• When neutrons are more numerous than
Protons the atoms become an Isotope.
– What does this mean?
• Doesn’t effect the charge, because neutrons doesn’t
have ______________ ?
• Will it effect the weight?
Atomic Mass
• The Atomic Mass is the weight of an atom.
– Remember that atoms make up matter
– And matter is anything that occupies space and
has a mass
– Well this is where the matter gets its mass!!
• The Atomic Mass is neutrons + Protons!!
– So when an atom has more neutrons than protons
it won’t effect the charge but it will effect its
Atomic Number
• While we’re talking about the Atomic Mass
why not the Atomic Number?
• The Atomic Number is the total number of
– If you can not find the number of Protons you can
count the electrons and that is equal to the
Valence Electrons
• Valence electrons- these are the electrons on the
outer most orbit of the atom.
– This does not include all the electrons just the
electrons on the outer orbit of the atom.
– Valence Electrons are responsible for atoms to react
to each other!!!
Electron Cloud Orbits
• Each Atom can hold a specific amount of electrons
in each orbit.
– 1st can hold 2
– 2nd can hold 8
– 3rd can hold 8
• Atoms can have more than 3 orbits with more than
8 electrons on them.
• The outer most orbit is responsible for atoms to
react to each, by combining them to make
• What is located on the outer orbit for this to
O.M.G…Can I get some help?
Periodic table to the rescue!
• The Periodic table is a table with all the
elements and their atom’s information
– Important!! If you know how to read the Periodic
table then you’ll be able to tell everything about
an element and its atom!!